Santiago Mota
Freelance Data Scientist |
Big Data Professor at UCM and UNED | Kaggle Master
Freelance Madrid (Spain)
Mayank Agrawal
1. B.Tech in Computer Science, 2015
2. Master of Business Administration, 2018-2019
3. Master of Business Data Analytics, 2019-2020
Gold Coast, Australia
Mouna Belaid
Data Consultant | Engineer in Statistics & Data Analysis | Lead of @R-Ladies-Paris | Co-Founder & Former Co_organizer at @PyLadies-Tunis
@rladies Paris, France
Ozancan Özdemir
A PhD Candidate at the University of Groningen | A statistician who is interested in time series and machine learning.
University of Groningen Groningen
Alec Roth
Always have fun (and be nice). I typically use Go / R / Python or JS to do it all. fullstack engineer.
Des Moines, IA