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Dmitri Gornakov visualGravitySense
I create disruptive digital experiences by blending bold UI/UX design with front-end development in Vue.js and React, and back-end in JS, Python and PHP.

Tallinn, Estonia

Julia Pozdeeva juliapz

@pipedrive Tallinn

Duy Quys Syuq
╥━━━━━━━━╭━━╮━━┳ ╢╭╮╭━━━━━┫┃▋▋━▅┣ ╢┃╰┫┈┈┈┈┈┃┃┈┈╰┫┣ ╢╰━┫┈┈┈┈┈╰╯╰┳━╯┣ ╢┊┊┃┏┳┳━━┓┏┳┫┊┊┣ ╨━━┗┛┗┛━━┗┛┗┛━━┻ 🪽 🪼 🫛 🪻 🪷 🪺 Technical Architect I like Smurf :)))

TAT Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam

No name doraemonxxx
In the quietude of idleness, one maintains regal composure, contemplating with the depth befitting a monarch.

Neverland Somewhere in Neverland

Eremite's Point 3r3m1t3
[prototype] A non-profit informal scientific & business dating club & lab. Please, feel free to explore the capabilities and develop the idea.

Umbrella Int. Glocal

Pavlo Bondarenko OfficialCodeVoyage
Product Manager / Software Engineer / Cloud Engineer / IT Enthusiast

Denver, CO

Balaji K balajiCubie
🚀 Founder & CEO of Cubie Group | Full-Stack Dev(MERN, Django, Python) | Passionate about Quantum Physics ⚛️ | Innovating at the intersection of code & science.
Mohamed Gad mohamed-gad-1
Hybrid Cloud and DevOps SME

IBM Egypt

Ayush Tomar tomarayu

@pipedrive Prague

Fred Kuiv FKuiv

@pipedrive Tallinn

Mamba Mental (3Mil) mamba-mental

Mamba Matrix Solutions LLC New York, New York

Soraia soraiathegirleffect
<CyberSecurity trainee at SIEMENS> <Junior Fullstack Developer> #CodeForAll + 42Lisboa 👩‍💻 📚🧠…


Zeon zeon-neon
im @NeonGamerBot-QK bot called zeon.


AST Assure-thinkTech
do not throw stones in a glass house

DevSecOps World

Anjumol Sadamani anjumol-sadamani
Software Engineer

Pipedrive Tallinn

Justina Kabelková justinakab
Junior Frontend Engineer
Svitlana Hryshchuk murceca
Software Engineer

Pipedrive Prague

Ayush Sachdeva ayush000

Pipedrive Tallinn, Estonia

Sergei Kretov sergeikretov
Making buttons work.

@pipedrive Estonia, Tallinn

Mohamed Salem MohaSalem
Software Engineer

@pipedrive Tallinn, Estonia

Natalija natalijaban23
Infrastructure Engineer

@pipedrive Tallinn, Estonia