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Victor victorbenazzi
Webdesigner and Front-end Developer

Optidata Chapecó

.。.:*✧ Computer science undergraduate and QA. 。.:*✧

Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul Brasil

Matheus Zuchi Balbinot MatheusZuchiBalbinot
Full-stack Developer at @optidatacloud. Doing a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science at UFFS - Chapecó.

@Optidatacloud Chapecó - Brasil

Guilherme SWE3T

Optidata Brazil

Eclesiaste Lucien eclelucien
Software Engineer/Developer 👽| Flutter Enthusiast 👽

IXCSoft Brazil

Larissa Mones Bedin larimones


Patrick Gutemberg Patick-gu


Luiz Augusto Scarsi LuizScarsi
GenAI | Back-end | DevOps

Compass UOL Xaxim - SC

Letícia da Rosa letyrsl
I'm a FullStack Developer with experience in Ruby on Rails, Laravel and ReactJS. Currently studying Computer Science at UFFS and working at Optidata Cloud.

@optidatacloud Chapecó - SC

Dionatan Dionatann
Developer Software - Full Stack

Rotoline Equip. Industrias Ltda Chapecó, SC - Brazil

Junior Vitor Ramisch arufonsekun
Technical degree by IFC-Concórdia, nowadays Computer Science student at UFFS dev at @optidatacloud.

@optidatacloud & @ccuffs Chapecó, SC

Petter Oliveira pettersonPadilha
Desenvolvedor full-stack e mobile com formação em Análise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas, atualmente cursando pós-graduação em Inteligência Artificial e Machine
Guilherme Rafael Graeff GuilhermeGraeff
Desenvolvedor web, pesquisador e admirador de Ciência da Computação (Bioinfo e ML). Passar bem.

Porto Alegre - RS

Isabeli Reik isabelirk
Data scientist | Data Analyst | Machine Learning | Artificial Intelligence 👩‍💻

UFFS - Chapecó Brazil

Fernando Bevilacqua Dovyski
Developer and head of dev, formerly lecturer of Computer Science, researcher, gamedev. Passionate about everything open-source (and ☕🍰)

@Optidatacloud Chapecó, Brazil

Jean Carlo Hilger jeanchilger
Computer science student (@ccuffs). Loves Deep Learning, Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing. Open Source rules!!

Federal University of Fronteira Sul Chapecó - SC

Alisson Luan de Lima Peloso alissonpeloso
Ciência da Computação - UFFS

Optidata Concórdia - SC / Chapecó - SC

Milton Miltonviot

UFFS Chapecó/SC