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Neil Dalchau ndalchau
Mathematical and computational biologist. Working on projects written in F# or python.

Synteny Biotechnology Cambridge, UK

ZHAO_ZZ qzhaojing

JNU Guangzhou,China

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Paulduf paulduf
PhD in randomized optimization and signal processing, currently a research data scientist specializing in the biotech industry.

Marseille, France

Pranavadhar A Pranavadhar
Breaking cdoe

Coimbatore , Tamil Nadu , India

Théomé B. theomeb
ai research engineer @instadeepai - working on ml & dl applied to bio 🧬 | meng @CentraleParis & msc ml @tum, interned @hellofresh & @theodo

@hellofresh @theodo @instadeepai

Pscion tony-blake
Former Physicist now doing some Bioinformatics and would you believe I started out as a civil engineer back in Dec 1999!

APC Microbiome Institute University College Cork, Cork, Ireland

Junming Pu uui23
GoA BIO-in-FORMAT-ics !

big&sdc@ucas beijing

wangyang wangdepin
alternative splicing


Mao Jiashun shunsunsun
I am working in ML and DL, computational biology, QSAR, bioinformatics. a PhD student

yonsei university

Katie Link katielink

@huggingface New York, NY

Nayeli Gutierrez NayeliGutierrez
I am a computational biologist with eight years of experience analyzing several types of biological data.

Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai New York

BioDawg JoJoTsui


Anna Maria Diaz Rovira annadiarov
PhD Student at Barcelona Supercomputing Center

Barcelona Supercomputing Center Barcelona

Atomic Degradome
Applying machine learning to understand immunology. Co-developer of SIMON, an open-source software for machine learning.

@Stanford @Oxford @Boston @genular World

Emptyset Emptyset110
我认为的光芒 是用阴暗点燃的光芒
Wei-Lin, Su steven556610
National Yang-Ming Chiao-Tung university / Master degree of institute of biomedical informatics. Acer Software Engineer

@cyclab @nymu @iac @acer @ntou Taiwan, New Taipei City

i am just a bot stars interesting projects
Rene Welch welch16
I am a computational biologist at the Ong lab in UW-Madison's BMI department. I am interested in data integration, and reproducible research.

University of Wisconsin, Madison Madison, Wisconsin

Satish Gaurav deepsatflow
pathemata mathemata

@eatmadi Bengaluru, India

Jianmin Wang AspirinCode
Drug Design , Linux enthusiast , Medicinal_Chemistry_&_ Synthesis , Chemoinformatics , Data Science, Python and C/C++ programmer,Bioinformatics,Deep Learning,AI

Yonsei University 中国(China)

Cameron Smith cameronraysmith

Harvard Medical School Boston, MA, USA

Eduardo Gutiérrez fedgut
Full-Stack Software Developer with a love for React, Apollo Client and Ruby on Rails. I grow fungus on my spare time.

yotepresto Mexico

Arash B. Abadi arashabadi
Graduate Research Trainee | University of Alabama at Birmingham | Bioinformatics & Cancer Immunology 💻🧬
Alan Raetz alanraetz
Scientist and Bioinformatics Developer.

Antigen Research

Boyang Zhao boyangzhao
MIT alum (PhD), research interests: genomics, drug resistance, systems biology/pharmacology, signaling

Quantalarity Research Group LLC

Charlee CHARALEX279
I'm a bioinformatics master's student at NYU. Learning how to use python, SQL, and C# / C++ for data analysis and API pipeline programing Charlee == Shar lee

Brooklyn, NY

Nilesh Mukherjee MaxSimonNm

@4basecare Bangalore, Karnataka, India

Francesco Costa FranceCosta
PhD fellow at Alex Bateman's group, EBI

EMBL Cambridge, UK

Szymon Szyszkowski project-defiant
Learning C++

Open Targets Cambridge

Furiously Curious FuriouslyCurious
The gradient must flow ...