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George Litos glls
Learning something everyday.


Swapnil Wakchaure swapnilwakchaure
Aspiring MERN Stack Web Developer, ready to learn new technology. Looking forward to build a career as a web developer.

Masai School, Bangalore Sangamner, Maharastra

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Christian Pier vivalamovie

vivalamovie Landau in der Pfalz

Strids Stridsvagn69420
AuDHD is my passion


SHAILESH PRASAD shaileshprasad
SingleBachelorMaleHindu residedAt Home H25DRCOLONYKANKARBAGHPATNA20 Ground floor on rental toKotakMahindraBank and one in premises rental toMedicity patho

AJGPP7219K.......JDK1934249,My late father poa SBPDCL GSTIN NO: 10AASCS2207G2ZN mobile home phone 9934143038 but contact phone 7762014680,9934690770,9661105493, wifi phone 7070993165 H25Drcolony Kankarbagh Patna Bihar 800020Near Drcolony golambar

Oliver Spörl Oliverwebdev
Passionate about coding, gaming, and the endless possibilities in between.


ian vatega ianvatega
Polifacético Multidisciplinar con la premisa que solo sé que no sé nada.


Turzo Ahsan Sami ahsan-sami-turzo
Programmer | Problem Solver | Software Engineer | Indomitable Learner


Parsa Azari parsaa74

Tehran, Iran

Crisoss Wandergarten
Data Engineering, Data Science, NLP @ KPMG Lighthouse Germany, Berlin

KPMG Berlin

Geomatics and Land surveying Engineer, passionate about Geo-computing and ML.

Agronomic and Veterinary Institute Hassan II - IAVH II Rabat, Morocco

Dimitris Kalogeras dkalog

Institute of Computer and Communication Systems Athens, Greece

Michal Lesniewski wildnet

wildNET Warsaw, Poland

Max Rogalsky mrogalsky

ZMDB Ivhcenko-Progress Ukraine

Kamil Dzieniszewski dzienisz
Senior Front-end Developer | @meetjspl Warsaw organizer and core member | Web Nowinki and Web Prasówka Podcast Host

@meetjspl Warsaw

VEPRM Admin veprm

VEPRM Pty Ltd Sydney NSW

Bruno Adam bruadam

Copenhagen, Denmark

Arthur Dent Arthur-Philip-Dent
It’s been a time I was living on this planet, without knowing, what’s going on and what Linux is. After all I found myself on a toad trip through the galaxy…


knrdl knrdl

Berlin, Germany

Rik Drabs RikDrabs
Hardware & software design since 1977.

Civic Lab Brussels - InfluencAir / - Luchtpijp Dilbeek - Belgium

Gustav Alerby gbyx3

@Axians Luleå, Sweden

