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71 repositories
- Ruby toolkit for the GitHub API
- GitHub webhook events toolset for Node.js
- GitHub REST API client for JavaScript
- Octokit plugin to paginate GraphQL Query responses
- Convenience method to create/edit/delete a text file based on its current content
- GitHub App authentication for JavaScript
- Error class for Octokit request errors
- Octokit plugin for GitHub’s recommended request retries
- Octokit plugin for GitHub’s recommended request throttling
- Request methods to create and refresh user access tokens for OAuth and GitHub Apps
- Octokit authentication strategy for OAuth clients
- GitHub OAuth Device authentication strategy for JavaScript
- Methods to handle GitHub Webhook requests
- Octokit plugin to paginate REST API endpoint responses
- strategy for explicitly unauthenticated Octokit instances
- Octokit plugin adding one method for all of REST API endpoints
- Extendable client for GitHub's REST & GraphQL APIs
- GitHub OAuth toolset for Node.js
- Universal library to retrieve GitHub’s identity URL for the OAuth web flow
- Octokit plugin for improving GHE compatibility
- GitHub GraphQL API client for browsers and Node
- GitHub OAuth App authentication for JavaScript
- Turns REST API endpoints into generic request options
- Octokit plugin for GitHub Enterprise REST APIs
- The all-batteries-included GitHub SDK for Browsers, Node.js, and Deno.
- GitHub API client for GitHub Actions
- Send parameterized requests to GitHub’s APIs with sensible defaults in browsers and Node
- GitHub API token authentication for browsers and Node.js
- Fixtures server for browser & language agnositic octokit testing
- GitHub Apps toolset for Node.js