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Fatmeh FatmehKassab
Multimedia and Software Engineer Student
Average software engineering enthusiast

Murex Paris, France


Murex Bordeaux

MMB michelmb
Software Eng, Data Science, Economist, Investiments, Enterprise Finance, Machine Learning. Agile, Oracle EPM.

Extreme Value Software Eng Ltda São Paulo, Brazil

Kryspin Ziemski kziemski

QCOMPUTE United States

Ghady Ghaadyy
Software Engineer

Saint Joseph University of Beirut Lebanon

4265 wkordos
forever beginner ;E


Principle Software Engineer Interested in build systems, build optimzations, and caching. Focusing on improving developer productivity and standards.
Hani Hani0101

Geek Express Remote

Hugo Bois Lycoon
Software Engineer

Paris, France

Adam Harb AdamHarb
AUB Computer Science Graduate

ESL FACEIT Group - EFG Beirut, Lebanon

Wiss Mah wissammahmoud
Junior AI Engineer at Siren Analytics Senior Computer Engineering student at BAU

Siren Analytics Beirut, Lebanon

Hadi Y. Hadious15
Interested in Machine Learning
Anthony J. Saab anthonyjsaab
Interested in Cybersecurity, Software Engineering, Web Development, and everything in Tech!

American University of Beirut Beirut

Jude Jude14
Senior Computer Engineering Student


Mary-Lynn El Hayek marylynnhayek
1- Bachelors in Telecommunication - INCI - USJ || Computer and Communications Engineering - ESIB - USJ

Beirut - Lebanon

JackJox26 JackJox26
Currently in engineering school in computer science, I am indeed looking for experiences and skills to learn and share

Myself France

Francois Aouad FrancoisAouad
Software Engineer interested in Building Systems. I might also talk about DevOps a fair bit. Big fan of retro strategy games.

Byblos, Lebanon

Michel Chaghoury MichelEChaghoury
Software Engineer with a Focus on Scalable Design and Development | Java | NodeJS | Python | SQL | Cloud Enthusiast | MS Computer and Communication

CMA CGM Beirut - Lebanon