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Tristan NGUYEN manolaz
Emerging techs enthusiast.


Prashant Agrawal aa-prashant
Digital Transformation Expert Helps SMEs and Startups Leverage Technology for Business Growth , FOSS enthusiast , Introducing LowCode Technologies to businesses

Ahmedabad, India

Martin Carlsson marcarl

Marca Gothenburg, Sweden

Sidharth Ramesh sidharthramesh
Founder at Medblocks. MBBS Doctor, Self-taught programmer. Using data science to improve healthcare.

@medblocks India

JONATHAN ATONG atongjonathan
Software Developer.


Omar Usman modanq
Emergency Medicine physician and Informatician.

Fairfax, VA

Devansh Mahoday DeV-21
Hello, I am Devansh Mahoday, an undergraduate degree student enrolled in B.E. Computer Engineering currently in 4th year.

Mumbai, Maharashtra

Thirumal Dharmalingam thirumald
• Digital Transformation • Program Management • Solution Architect • Delivery Management • Workforce Management

Global Aerospace Logistics LLC Abu Dhabi

Aroon Janthong aroonj
Java code lover, Research & Development, Linux admin, Cloud and DevSecOps

Bangkok, Thailand

Mohamed Neama mneama-bh

Ministry of Health Bahrain

Joseph Ologunja Joseun
🏥Medical Doctor🏥 | ⚛️Data Scientist⚛️ |💻 Machine Learning Engineer 💻| 👩‍💻Software Engineer👩‍💻 | HNG9 Finalist |⛩️Otaku ⛩️ | 🏀Aspiring Point Guard 🏀

Lagos, Nigeria

Mahavir Vataliya mahavirvataliya
CTO @atliq Computer Engineer, Language: JavaScript, PHP, Python, Go Frameworks: VueJs, ReactJs, NodeJs, NextJs, NestJs, NuxtJs, Express

AtliQ, Cloint INDIA

David Muir davgit

Sydney, Australia. Mountain View, California, United States

Yazid Jibrel jibrel

Shrewsbury and Telford NHS | @Medical-Ocean Telford

Adenle Abiodun abbeyseto
I'm a Software developer and I love taking up new challenges that personally improve my skill set. Learning keeps me fired up.

@parallelscore , @senergy-e-global Lagos, Nigeria

John Ojo ciscolabs101
Cloud & Technical Solutions Architect Network Architect | Automation Enthusiast

Westminster City Council London

Kaustubh kaustubhn
All about Technology!


Akshay Jagadeesh akshay-tj
Doctor turned data scientist. Interested in ML applications for Healthcare.
Gaurav Pandey gauravkrp
Explorer. Entrepreneur. Pragmatic. Curious. Autodidact.

Bengaluru, India

J Kendal joekendal
Lorem ipsum


Coding more rockets 🚀

Cornwall, UK

Shawn Simon airsimon23
Machine Learning Engineer | Data Scientist

Tampa, Florida

Kyrylo Malakhov malakhovks
Computer Science, AI, Computational Linguistics, Ontology Engineering, Knowledge Exploration, Transdisciplinary Research, Telerehabilitation, Digital Health

V.M. Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Ukraine