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Yupei Yupei-Du
In search of efficient and robust algorithms for generating my PhD @nlpsoc. Ex. @amazon-science @AntNLP

the Netherlands

Stefan Schweter stefan-it
Researcher, M.Sc Computational Linguistics, Former student @ The Center for Information and Language Processing (CIS), LMU Munich

Bavarian Oberland, Germany

Amir Ekbatanifard AMIRKHANEF
Full Stack JS Developer && ZKP researcher
Pingjun Hong PingjunHong
Computational Linguistics Master @lmu

Munich, Germany

Aoife aoifeml

Cambridge, MA

Beiduo Chen Mckysse
A Researcher majoring in deep learning for NLP.

LMU Munich Munich, Germany

Janet Liu janetlauyeung
postdoc @mainlp

LMU Munich Munich, Germany

Mir Tafseer Nayeem tafseer-nayeem
Ph.D. Student at University of Alberta

University of Alberta Edmonton, Canada

Weerayut Buaphet WeerayutBu
Ph.D. student at VISTEC, focusing on Natural Language Processing, Named Entity Recognition, and Representation Learning.

VISTEC Thailand

Simone Ciciliano SimoneCiciliano
"Human language, mathematics, logic, computation: these are all ways to formalize the world." -Stephen Wolfram

Brixen, Italy

Zonggen Li KidlanLi
CS+CL @tum & @lmu Munich. At the end, even if I don't reach the stars, I'll at least have taken my feet of the ground and contributed to something worthwhile.

LMU Munich

Himanshu Maurya lordzuko
AIML Language Engineer @apple, MSc SLP at University of Edinburgh, Ex-Lead Machine Learning Engineer @iSchoolConnect

University of Edinburgh Hyderabad, India

Antonio Machicao y Priemer a-MyP
Linguist at the HU Berlin interested in Syntax, Semantics, Morphology, LaTeX, a.o.

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Berlin

Oran-Ac Oran-Ac

@soarsmu | @RUCAIBOX København

yihongL yihongL1U
PhD Candidate at CIS, LMU Munich
Mad Scientist aeirya
Computational Linguistics, Enthusiast, AI, Linguaphile, Nerd
Enes Özeren enesozeren
Machine Learning Enthusiast

Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich Munich

James JamesQian11
Size The Day!!

Fudan University Shanghai

Sjur N Moshagen snomos
Working with language technology and LT tools for minority and indigenous languages, heading @giellalt and @divvun.


Dennis Ulmer Kaleidophon
Postdoc at the ILLC @ University of Amsterdam | Formerly PhD @ IT University Copenhagen, intern Pacmed / AWS / ParameterLab


Furkan Akkurt furkanakkurt1335

@bouncmpe Istanbul

Mohammad Jalali mjalali
MPhil student @ CUHK

Chinese University of Hong Kong Hong Kong

Amir Hossein Kargaran kargaranamir
Engineer/ CS PhD student at @cisnlp working on natural language processing.

@cisnlp Munich, Germany

Rishu Kumar pyRis

Saarbrücken, Germany

Isaac Bravo IsaacBravo
PhD at TUM

Technische Universität München Munich, Germany

Vilém Zouhar zouharvi
PhD student, natural language processing, machine translation, human-computer interaction

ETH Zürich Zürich

Nils Diewald Akron
Research Software Engineer in the field of Corpus and Computational Linguistics

Mannheim, Germany

Patrick Parschan patparsch
PhD student at LMU Munich | political communication | computational communication science | natural language processing | interested in complexity science
Siyao (Logan) Peng logan-siyao-peng
Postdoc researcher in MaiNLP lab @ LMU Munich

LMU Munich Munich, Germany

Zihang Sun sun2i
NLP Data Scientist in Munich

Munich, Germany

Ece Takmaz ecekt

Utrecht University Amsterdam

Verena Blaschke verenablaschke
PhD student (computational linguistics)

@mainlp, LMU Munich

Tornike e-tornike
Natural Language Processing | Machine Learning | Tennis | Windsurfing

University of Mannheim Germany

Madhumita Sushil MadhumitaSushil
Computational Linguist with special interest in clinical NLP and deep learning
Pollawat Hongwimol tongplw
ML/NLP Engineer, training birds.
