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Jackson Hardee jph6366
Full Stack (Geo)Spatial Software Engineer

Wilmington, NC


Fort Collins

Angus Watters-NOAA anguswg-ucsb
Software engineer

Lynker Technologies Santa Barbara, California

AJKhattak-NOAA ajkhattak
- Computational surface/subsurface modeler - Water Resources Scientist

Office of Water Prediction - NOAA

Dillon Ragar dmragar
snow hydrologist | geospatial developer


Josh Erickson joshualerickson
USDA-Forest Service Geospatial/Data Analyst

Eureka, MT

Taher Chegini cheginit
A hydrologist and Python developer with a knack for data analysis and visualization, and working with web services

Purdue University West Lafayette, Indiana

MikeJohnson-NOAA mikejohnson51
Geography | Data Science | Water Resources

@NOAA-OWP Fort Collins, CO

Justin Singh-M. - NOAA program--
Graduate Student & Software Engineer

@lynker-spatial Sacramento, CA

Arash Modaresi Rad-NOAA arashmodrad
I am data scientist with a background in hydrology and earth sciences and I am interested in application of machine learning combined with physics based model.
