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Pranav thecmdrunner
Overstack AI.UX Hacker


Joel Howard eth0ws
DevOps Engineer

Brisbane, Australia

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Aadi Raj Uthup aadirajuthup

Indian Institute of Technology Madras C-137

Mark Lewis ml4
carpe codice.


Vaibhav Gosavi vgseven
Make Happen.

Radium & Neuron

Gai that-gai-gai
Student, Hacker, and Programmer.


Brian M Johnson Brian-M-J
Student. AI, Mojo and Python enthusiast.
David J. Veer davidjveer
Platform & SRE

New Zealand & Canada

Ashutosh Sajan AshutoshSajan
Full Stack (MERN) developer.


harendra vansdiya haren2312
Project Manager/DevOps Engineer/ DBA

Harendra Vansdiya Surat

SVNIX Solutions svnix-solutions

SVNIX Solutions Gurugram, Haryana, IN

Sachin Kumar skpjr001
everything happens for good reason.


Greg Cowan cowang4
Software Engineer

@WhatsApp Seattle, WA, USA

Gyanaranjan Sahoo gyanaranjans
10x developer

BIXI World-wide

MOHAMMAD ABID HAFIZ mohammadabidhafiz1294
Physics student@University of Rajshahi || DevOps || Quantum Computing || Quantum Leaps in the Cloud: Physics Student & DevOps Enthusiast


Saurabh Gupta saurabh4269
A tinkerer at heart, I love to create new things, and have passion for entrepreneurship, finance, robotics and coding.

Mumbai, India

Sabuj Ghosh Night3y3
I am a agile developer fast to adapt to any tech stack according to need.

Caravel Labs Kolkata,India

Muneeb Hussain muneebhashone
Senior Software Engineer - JavaScript | TypeScript | Golang | Python - Building Typescript Backend Toolkit

Hashone Karachi, Pakistan

martin drenovac drenovac

Envizion Systems P/L Sydney, Australia

Mohit Sharma mohit2152sharma
Interests: Data Analysis, Machine Learning, Data Visualization Programming Languages: R, Python

ML @twinhealth Delhi

Kiran jadhav kiranjadhav45
MERN ,Full Stack Developer, MongoDB , Express JS , React JS , Node JS , Javascript , GIT & GitHub ,Boostrap , HTML & CSS
Rohit Yadav rohityadav225

Assessment & Technology Solutions

Sandor Bakos sandorbakos
Senior Cloud DevOps Engineer; Focusing on building robust systems and platforms on AWS Cloud


Noor Ul Haq Noor0

Around the world

Sergi Vos ☁ sergivb01
22 - Systems Engineer

@wikiloc Girona, Catalonia

Eran Levy eran-levy
Technology, Business and in between. Here I share some of my experimental projects