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Adam Spiers aspiers
CTO / Software Architect (esp. blockchain / Linux / cloud). GNU maintainer. Passionate supporter & developer of FLOSS since 1995.

@ToucanProtocol London

Little Saki 小咲 Saki-tw
我只是個普通的專職三流援妹,怎麼會用什麼 GayHub 之類的? I'm just a regular, full-time compensated dating girl. What would I be doing with GayHub...?

Saki Studio Songshan Dist, Taipei City, Taiwan

Anthony M. thestrabusiness

@TenPercentHappier Boston, MA

monem pucedoteth

United Kingdom

Juan Diosdado xuanmir
Made up of atoms, bits, memes, and dreams.


Thomas Gondwe Taombawkry
Everything Everything


yonks.eth|🤖🔜🏦|Jason Younker ♾️ YonksTEAM
Social entrepreneur and Web3 / DAO / Co-op Founder. Current Project: ♻️ @GigsGoGreen - a movement for Gig Workers|#DAO #ReFi #DeFi #NFT|#Christ believer.

@myIRAfund Denver, Colorado, USA

Gideon Charles Maoga GideonDevRel
Blockchain Developer

@Web3-Research-Kenya Nairobi, Kenya

Smart Contract Engineer, Auditor
intldds intldds
rust / zk / loose leaf tea
Grant Hale granthale
Finance, CS @ UIUC.

Chicago, Illinois

Dhruv Malik dhruvmalik007
buildL / consultant for web3 , generative AI and security auditor

Frontier-tech Europe

0xRory 0xRory
Hi, I‘m Happy to build code. Not top notch but trying to promote.




Dev Blockchain Jobs at Github Nitesh639
GSoC'22 Developer | ETH India Fellow '3 | Former Intern @ AIC-JNU | Former Intern @ Codeif | ECE Student @ JNU'19

New Delhi

Yorke Rhodes yorhodes
ordered chain of diff blocks

@hyperlane-xyz brooklyn

JA - jawe.eth qjawe
#Flipping JPEGs of 48 #BAYC 🐵🧪🍌 aka @qjawe account suspended | #NFTs 🎨 Research @nfex_official | 💸 jawe.eth 🐼🦇🔊

The Swamp

Hangleang hangleang
Smart Contract | Protocol dev.

Siemreap, Cambodia

Miryam miryamfv
Im an independent contractor and software designer who strives to make the web a little faster one project at a time


Sonia John realChainLife
Decentralize The Web
JohnIdyu JohnIdyu
Developer Student @alx


Alexander Sumarokov sumasamurai
JavaScript, TypeScript, React, NextJS, NodeJS, Redux, Solidity, PHP, Web3, GraphQL, HTML5, CSS3, SASS, UI/UX, SQL, XML, JSON, Git, WebPack
Daoxyz 123Daoxyz
what can i do for you?

null LA@USA

Marjorie ɯɐɹɾoɹıǝ marjorie-n
Web Designer 💻

Freelance France

Cyril JULIEN Cyriljshaz
👨‍💻 HTML · CSS · JavaScript · PHP · React · Vue · Laravel

@Socium-Web France

Carl Barrdahl carlbarrdahl
Freelance developer (next.js, tailwind, tRPC, web3, solidity, stripe, zapier etc). Thrive in project-based learning.

Zephyr Valley Remote

Ritam Debnath ritamgit-alt
Learning is the only thing the mind never exhausts, never fears, and never regrets


Denny Portillo D3Portillo
Frontend Developer / Me gustan los tacos 🌮

@rabani-to El Salvador

Ashley Barr ar4s-eth

CA, MA, JP, AE, Remote

Muhammad Salihu muhammadsalihu
Fullstack Engineer

Mr Abuja, Nigeria