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Deepak C Shetty dpkshetty
IBMer, opensource enthusiast, openshift advocate, WW sales enablement, PreSales, ex-openstack, ex-ovirt developer. All my articles @

IBM India Pvt. Ltd Bangalore

Amir Sahib mandazi


Bryan Kribbs bkribbs15
TCU Alumni, IBM Client Engineering

@IBM Austin, TX

Taylor Segell taylorsegell
Data and AI Architect with IBM Loves long hikes, teaching machines to learn things, and all things blockchain.

IBM Atlanta

Ilham Rachmat ilham-mmr
I am a software engineer | Web development | Mobile Development

IBM Jakarta

Madison Lee madisonklee
Welcome as I navigate how to use GitHub...

IBM New York, NY

Vincent Le Vincent-Le

IBM Corp Costa Mesa, CA

Oscar Ricaud oiricaud
somewhere on a cloud
Joe jcosenz

IBM Colorado

Knicholas Kennedy Knickkennedy
Cloud Software Development

IBM Richmond, Virginia

David Zimmerman davezim2
Solutions Engineer at IBM

IBM San Francisco, CA

Bashayr Alabdullah Bashayr29
Hi, I’m software engineer --- { Golang, Python } Enthusiast. #Kubernetes #cloud #Microsoft



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