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Moteesh moteesh-reddy
I love coding and designing tools that make people productive
Hernán Vignolo hvignolo87
Data & Analytics Engineer

@emilabs Buenos Aires, Argentina

Lav Patel lav-patel
Team Lead - Biomedical Informatics Software Engineer (Knowledge Discovery ) at University of Kansas Medical Center

University of Kansas Medical Center Kansas City, KS

wallace silva jovemnf Campos dos Goytacazes-RJ

Giancarlo Rocha giancarlopro
[object Object]


Yazid Jibrel jibrel

Shrewsbury and Telford NHS | @Medical-Ocean Telford

itpey itpey
Zero and One Designer.


Karn Wong kahnwong
Principal Cloud Engineer

Bangkok, TH

Evan Tahler evantahler
Nerd. Future Late Night Talkshow host. eng @ @airbytehq. Working on @actionhero, Node-Resque, and more! Prev @grouparoo @airbus-sv, @taskrabbit @modcloth
