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James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Maximilian Erkens Maxjr2
My Profile is more interesting to look at.

IGL Düsseldorf gGmbH Germany

JN Σ jnbdz
Senior Developer with a passion for flying

PID 1 127.0.01

Mik Szillat nomaster

@riege @ffddorf @chaosdorf Düsseldorf, Germany

Jean-Luc Penasse JP-ETS

etherTec Systems GmbH Krefeld

Damon Leven MCWertGaming
Archlinux user and beginning C++ dev

@PurotoApp @BlackVyperStudios @FOLF-projects @placeholder-mc Germany, BW

somewhere. and somewhere in the chaos community. you may know me by other nicknames
