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MJ Horner m-j-horner

NIH Bethesda, MD

Adalberto M. Filho filhoalm
Cancer epidemiologist

National Cancer Institute NCI/NIH Maryland, USA

Kunaal Agarwal KunaalAgarwal
Aspiring clinician interested in computational genetics, precision oncology therapies, and preventative medicine.
Serdar Balcı sbalci
MD, Pathologist İstanbul, Turkey

Patrick A Arensdorf parensdorf

HealthTech Capital United States

Yasmmin Côrtes Martins YasCoMa
I am a scientist who likes and works mainly in the following topics: bioinformatics, semantic web, machine learning.

Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

Erik Kronholm KronnyEC
Data Science student at UWEC. Research Programmer / Analyst for Marshfield Clinic Research Institute. C#, .NET, T-SQL, R, Python, SAS

Marshfield, WI

Lucio Queiroz luciorq
@marchionniLab at Weill Cornell Medicine | Computational & Systems Pathology

Weill Cornell Medicine New York