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okhai okhaimie-dev
Leveling up daily

RealmOfRa localhost:3001

Alessandro Latif alexlatif
Building decision support analytics to optimize complex cybernetic systems. Founder @ WATZ

rorosan rorosan
Psychic locks unlocked !
Francesco Barbieri francescobarbieri
CS student @unimib - Freelance developer


Stephan van Stekelenburg Stephanvs
I like to write code and make stuff

Senior Software Architect Planet Earth

Paolo tspaolorus
Paolo Russignan
Lachezar Lechev elpiel
Building Aerospace & Blockchain Open-source projects. Rustacean by heart. Let's save our planet together!

@LechevSpace @AeroRust @Stremio Earth

Adrian Sieber ad-si
CEO @Airsequel | Haskell, Elm, PureScript, Rust

@Airsequel Frankfurt am Main

Yves Remmler yvesremmler
