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ShaikhWaseem waseemuddin
As an IT professional specializing in Cloud Operations and Cybersecurity.

Freelancer Pakistan

Nick Liebmann Liebmann5
"And how about Marla Hooch. What a hitter." - A League of Their Own

Santa Clarita, CA

Raushan Kumar Gupta raushan3737
Exploring the world of software engineering...


Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Artyom Lookingforcommit
Bachelor CS student at MIEM of HSE, Russia

Moscow, Russia

Kieren Evans kierenevans
I'm a DevOps practitioner helping devs to own their deployment pipeline and be confident in managing production through observability, pairing and tests

Tampere, Finland

Lasse Stilvang lassestilvang
Senior Full Stack Engineer

Copenhagen, Denmark

Robert Szulist szuro
Cloud and Python enthusiast


Daniel Newman floatingman
I make stuff, sometimes with a computer

Big Hearted Labs Nashville, TN

Tomas Sueldo tomassueldo

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Dawit Mekonnen anonymousdomain
U live and learn

@son-of-anton-organization Kasanchis,Addis Abeba Ethiopia

Angelica Nylander angien90
Front End Developer student @Medieinstitutet (FED24D)

Student Gothenburg, Sweden

IAY idris-aitmoulay

Sukhdeep Virk virksukh
A code enthusiast, who codes first and foremost for his spiritual salvation..


Sushant Devops sushantdevopsdotcom
DevOps Engineer | Skilled in CI/CD, AWS, GCP, Docker, Terraform, Kubernetes, Git, Jenkins, Ansible, Python, and Shell Scripting | Passionate about Develop Tech.


kelvinhank kelvinhank
Time waits for no one!!!


Tung Leo tungbq
DevOps Engineer • OpenSource • Cloud

@TheDevOpsHub Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Fahmi Farid Fahmi fahmifareed
From Code to Deployment, ☁️ Cloud and DevOps 🚀 | AWS & Ivanti Certified | Linux | Jenkins | Docker | Kubernetes | Ansible | Zabbix | Grafana | Virtualization

Ocean Tel Egypt

Nate Breznau nbreznau
Open science, social policy, public opinion, inequality, institutions, group dynamics, Stata, Mplus, R

German Institute of Adult Education

Miska Braun MiskaB
working at @eficode

@eficode Helsinki

Patrick Howard phoward38
Co-Founder @noclocks | Full Stack Developer

@noclocks Atlanta, GA

