Kimberly Coetzer
Hello! I'm currently a PhD student in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology. I have experience in studying rare diseases using Bioinformatics. Eager to learn
Stellenbosch University South Africa
Juan Felipe Beltran
Computational biologist interested in both human and computer bugs 🧬
Pawan Kumar
Passionate for analysis driven research for Multi-level Biological data understanding. More towards protein structural and small molecules analysis
Indian Biological Data Centre, IBDC Faridabad
Renato Augusto Corrêa dos Santos
Ph.D. in Genetics and Molecular Biology | Bioinformatician. Post-doc researcher in the Laboratories LabBCES (Brazil) and the Wallace Lab (Georgia, US)
University of Georgia Athens, GA
Giovanni Desiderio
Linux Addicted;
Vagabond Developer;
Networking Explorer;
Always looking for new design patterns;
Rome, Italy
Francesco Patane, MSc
Biotechnologist. Keen on scientific programming and machine learning applied to drug discovery.
PhD student at the University of Bruxelles
Immunology Laboratory - ULB Gossielles, Belgium