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Selcuk Senturk selcuksenturk
Founder & CEO @ The Crown | The Coin | The Kingdom | The Network | Muhasebe Ltd

The Crown Istanbul

Matthew Feroz MatthewFeroz
Backend Software Engineer

ALIVE Company

Isabella Abatgis Sigtaba
Frontend web developer that specializes in the marketing and advertising space

Digits Portland, Oregon

Marc G Marc-g-Z

Derisk Venture Studio

Jeff Seibert jseibert
Co-founder/CEO @digits. Previously, Co-founder/CEO @crashlytics. Obsessed with Mac and web software since '97.

@digits San Francisco, CA

The Asset Lad TheAssetLad
All things Africa

Beverly Hills, California

Hayden Duffy duffpop

haloSync | Checkout London, UK

Michael Chow chownation
building delightful in-car digital experiences @dart-technologies

@dart-technologies NYC