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Ramanathan Perumal PhD ramamet
Data / Computational Scientist 👨🏻‍💻

Data Netherlands

Archer Banyan Natedi
DIMEJ - Digital Meta Junction. Decentralized platform/agency to facilitate development and marketing of startup projects at no/low cost. We are pre-hiring all

San Francisco, CA

Muhammed Safvan Safvan-tsy

Armino Technologies India

Elijah Spina, PhD flowscience
Hi, my name's Elijah and I like science.


Luís Pedro Pinto pinnpin
Developer Expert @ Chainlink Labs


Xiaohu Zhu tigerneil
Strong, but safe.

Center for Safe AGI Earth

Aaron E-J TheOtherRealm
Teacher, Programmer, Philosopher

The Other Realm The Universe

Chima Iheanyichukwu iheanyi1
Certified Google Cloud Engineer, Entrepreneur, Learner, team builder, technical assistant, Prestashop Ambassador.

Seedline Capital (email: Biafra Land

Tom finalboss-tom
Aut Viam Inveniam Aut Faciam
Bude Bude0409
Doing the right thing
Umeh Ekene KenUmeh
On my journey to utilize tech as a tool to improve lives

Nomba Lagos, Nigeria

Scott Burwell, PhD sjburwell
Founder & CEO of Neurotype Inc., developer of apps for supporting recovery in addictions and behavioral disorders.

Neurotype Inc. Minneapolis, Minnesota

James Uche Jamex6
Hi, I'm A UI/UX professional, with over a year in learning experience, I conduct user research, create user-centered designs, wireframes and produce designs.
Timothy Olaleke Timtech4u
Cloud Resident


Jason Donmoyer jdonmoyer
threddies, LLC. co-founder; Android dev; BJCP beer judge/geek; All around sound, light, electronics & chemistry tinkerer.

Threddies Philly burbs


0x Labs 🫵😹

Mike P. Sinn mikepsinn
May all suffering be abolished by machines of loving grace

Crowdsourcing Cures St. Louis, MO