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ezri ezriri
cloud microphysics <3
Vangelis Fotakidis fotakide
PhD candidate, Earth Observation Engineer

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Thessaloniki, Greece

Jenny Wong jnywong
Open Source Applications Engineer @2i2c-org ✨ she/her

@2i2c-org United Kingdom

Gyanateet Dutta Ryukijano
CUDA C++ , Pytorch RT, JAX(JIT,Haiku enjoyer, FLAX Flexer) and Qiskit UwU Converts ideas and excitement into code. Fall Grad Student @universityofleeds

@GeForceStudent @Pytorch @NVIDIA @NVIDIAGameWorks @universityofleeds Leeds, UK

Maeve Murphy Quinlan murphyqm
Research Software Engineer in the Research Computing Team at the University of Leeds. Interested in planetary science, Python, microscopy, and crystallography.

University of Leeds

Yinggang Zhang ygzhangnju

Nanjing Institute of Geology and Paleontology, CAS Nanjing, China

Benjamin Mills bjwmills
Earth evolution modeller // Professor at University of Leeds // MATLAB gang

University of Leeds UK

Alex Coleman Sparrow0hawk
Lead Developer at Active Travel England

Active Travel England Leeds

Patricia Ternes patricia-ternes
Research Software Engineer - Computational Mechanics - Research Computing

University of Leeds, UK Leeds, UK

Anne Barber AnneBarber1
Software developer at the Centre for Environmental Modelling and Computation

University of Leeds Leeds, UK

Jesse Kisembe jessekisembe
My research interests are broadly in climate modeling, extreme weather events, and risk management.

Department of Geography, University of Florida Gainesville, FL

Cameron Wilson cemaccam

University of Leeds Leeds, UK

mr oCean oC-n
Half housing energy efficiency researcher, half software developer, half writer, half medical engineering researcher...

Adelaide, Australia

Jim McQuaid jimmcquaid

University of Leeds Leeds, Yorkshire

Giulia Fedrizzi GiuliaFedrizzi
A geologist who likes computers

University of Leeds Leeds, UK

Leyuan Wu LeyuanWu

Zhejiang University of Technology Hangzhou, China

Andy Turner agdturner
@ARCLeeds Research Software Engineer

University of Leeds UK

Cristine Rauber Oliveira rauberc
Applied Scientist | Data Scientist


Helen Burns cemachelen
Software development scientist at CEMAC (University of Leeds). Languages: Python, Bash, Markdown, HTML, js, css, SQL, FORTRAN

University of Leeds Leeds, UK