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Ellen Bledsoe bleds22e
Asst. Professor of Practice in Data Science at UArizona's School of Natural Resources & Env. Community ecologist and/or data scientist, depending on the day

University of Arizona Tucson, AZ

Dennis Hilgendorf dennishilgy
he/him 🧑🏻‍🦰

NYC Health New York, New York

Martins Nwanakwere martolini1124
An active learner. Software engineer
Yang Li leeyang1991
Postdoc in University of Arizona

University of Arizona Tucson, AZ

Varun Sahdev solitudevedhas
"I know that I know nothing". I am working on to change it .
Eric R. Scott Aariq
Scientific Programmer & Educator at University of Arizona

University of Arizona, @cct-datascience

Mike Crimmins mcrimmins

University of Arizona Tucson, AZ

David LeBauer dlebauer

The LeBauer Approach LLC Tucson, AZ

Gaurish Korpal gkorpal
PhD Candidate

University of Arizona Tucson

Juliana Gil Juligil31

The University of Arizona

German Vargas G. gevargu
I am a plant ecologist interested in understanding how environmental stress shapes plant communities.

Forest Ecosystems & Society, Oregon State University Corvallis, OR, USA

Lia Ossanna lossanna

USDA-ARS Southwest Climate Hub