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Cogito Ergo Sum standardgalactic
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Xanadu Canada

Threat Researcher at Check Point (Former Forensic, Malware Analyst, Reverse Engineer - CERT)


Aldo Adirajasa Fathoni fathonix
Learning and trying to be better in every way, everyday.


Abdullah Al Mashmoum kuwaitbinary
What goes around comes around.


Felipe Truman felipetruman
The quieter you become,the more you are able to hear.

David M. Golembiowski dmgolembiowski
"Mathematicians, go forth and multiply" -Steve Wozniak
Gerald dsjlzh
A network security researcher.

Zero-One Security

reverse engineering, program analysis and exploit dev | i ⭐ a lot of things, not a bot. Just use github as a personal search engine for cool projects

[object Object] /dev/kmem

kn0 SpiralBL0CK
A simple beginner programmer.
winterknife winterknife
low-level developer with a focus on 𝙸𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚕 𝚡𝟾𝟼 ISA devices running 𝚆𝚒𝚗𝚍𝚘𝚠𝚜


Marcus marcusgh-py
Finding the best InfoSec and DevOps Engineers while discovering Hacking, Cloud, Python and Automation in my spare time!

TrustIn London

Rafael ChOkO ChOkO08
RTFM - Red Team Freakin' Maniacs CTF Team's co-founder Zerg turtle user BJJ & Chess n00b

@rtfm-ctf @FIAP Zerg Overmind

crazy hugsy hugsy
Exploit Dev & OffSec Tool Dev

@blahcat Ring0