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Yawen Duan yawen-d
Concordia AI; MPhil in Machine Learning at Cambridge; Former Visiting Research Student at @HumanCompatibleAI, UC Berkeley.
Leon Si leonsilicon

@ImproveLabs Waterloo, Canada

Vikraman Choudhury vikraman
Marie Skłodowska-​Curie Fellow

Università di Bologna Bologna, Italy

Luke Motto lkmotto
Account Executive @Evolve.Design | Brand Narrative Designer | Designing Stories That Connect

Evolve.Design Dallas, Texas

ZHS copyrighthero
Adept at full-stack development, fluent in JavaScript, Python, and SQL; can occasionally converse in Bash, PHP, and C.

Austin, TX

Claudine Chionh claudinec
Archivist, recovering webdev.

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

cirex cirex-web
I'll be there

where it happens

Wondong Shin wdshin
co-founder at What If Studio. Development on games and interesting contents. Learning Generative AI and Python. I like rust,erlang,c# and golang.

What If Studio / CEO Seoul/Korea

Gustavo Porto portothree
Text is the universal interface

Lisbon, Portugal

Alex Strick van Linschoten strickvl
Software engineer (currently working as ML Engineer)

ZenML Delft, The Netherlands

Jake Hash jhash
No-code enthusiast focused on building SaaS applications using Javascript

WorkHands New York, NY

Kristen Eberts KristenEberts
Systems and security.

Cambridge, MA

Daniel Tedesco dtedesco1
歩くの大好き どんどん行こう
Liyche liy-che

United States

Will Fedder fedderw
Will Fedder is a data analyst and policy researcher whose interests lie in transportation, healthcare, and the social safety net.

Baltimore, MD

Daniel Reeves dreeves
Cofounder of Beeminder Portland, Oregon