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Pau Paiz paupaiz
Guatemalan biostatistician in the making

Stanford University Palo Alto

Sally Lee brain-ninja
👋 Hi, I’m @brain-ninja - 👀 I’m a PhD Candidate using Bioinformatic tools and Genomic Analysis's in Brain Cancer - 🌱 I’m learning Code, Git, Neurosciences,
Karoline Holler KarolineHoller
Systems biologist excited for spatial/single cell transcriptomics. Background in biochemistry. She/her.

Berlin, Germany

Lucy Garner lucygarner

University of Oxford

Ori Kronfeld ori-kron-wis

YosefLab Israel

Kelvin Lee KaWingLee9

Key Laborotary of Computational Biology, SINH, CAS (Shanghai, China)

Ye Lu yelu61

Hangzhou Institute of Medicine, Chinese Academy of Sciences Hangzhou, Zhejiang

Bab Qian qbly27
My name is Qian Bao, a medical student of Peking Union Medical College, majoring in dermatology.
KyuTae ilovegreentea
Skku MS-Ph.D student(Bioinformatics)

UNC LCCC Chapel Hill,NC

Ken Xie kenxie7
Postdoctoral Fellow

Weizmann Institute of Science

Ligang Zhu Zhu-1998
Francesco Patane, MSc francescopatane96
Biotechnologist. Keen on scientific programming and machine learning applied to drug discovery. PhD student at the University of Bruxelles

Immunology Laboratory - ULB Gossielles, Belgium

Jiawei Li ljw-struggle
Major in Artificial Intelligence. Ability in Deep Learning, Machine Learning, and Data Analysis & Visualization (Python, R). Singapore

Computational biology

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory NY

fuentesazahara afuentri
Postdoc in Dominguez-Conde lab at Human Technopole (Milano). Bioinformatician doing computational immunology on single-cell data.
Someday, I will be able to do some non-profit projects for the science community.
FengSu flywind2


Paul L. Maurizio mauriziopaul
Bioinformatics Scientist at the NIH. Former postdoc at UChicago, Barreiro lab. PhD in Bioinformatics & Computational Biology with @williamvaldar & Mark Heise.

NIAID Bethesda, MD

Postdoctoral Scholar at Faculty of Science <#Computational Biology #multiomics #machine learning #Single Cell Genomics #Systems Biology>
A.s. adRn-s
Bioinformatics, Data Science, and everything around GNU/Linux!


weipeng WeipengMO
Stay Simple, Stay Naive.

The First Affiliated Hospital, Sun Yat-sen University Guangzhou, China


SINH Shanghai,CN

MD BABU MIA , PHD mdbabumiamssm
Assistant Professor at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, NYC; Machine Learning, AI, Single Cell Multiomics

@mssm Manhattan, NYC @USA

starshine star9926

zhejiang university Germany

MuhammadAnwar 2019mohamed
Graphs Graphon. DL R&D researcher @Proteinea


Dimitri Sokolowskei dimitrisokolowskei
Bioinformatician | Learning a little bit every day

University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center Dallas

liangchen dzyim

Beijing, China

Junjie Xia jjxia955
Ph.D candidate at University of Chicago
Paolo pmarzano97
PhD student in Experimental Medicine at the Unit of Clinical and Experimental Immunology | Focused on computational immuno-oncology and innate immunity

Università degli Studi di Milano Milan, Italy

Marc Elosua Bayés MarcElosua

CNAG-CRG Barcelona