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José Daniel Mejia Rios jocdanmr

Nuvemshop São Paulo, Brazil

Pavlo Bondarenko OfficialCodeVoyage
Product Manager / Software Engineer / Cloud Engineer / IT Enthusiast

Denver, CO

Fabio Nicolau fabiotnt
Founder and Creative Technologist at @bananagroove Connecting dots to make great teams and projects

Banana Groove Studios Brazil - São Paulo

Paulo Ricardo itpaulin
Full Stack Web Developer

Joinville - Santa Catarina

Heloisa Araújo heloisasvl
Software Engineer, Frontend

Argentina / Brasil

Elton Martins neoshinesnh
Hi, I'm Elton


Andreina Oropeza AndreinaOA

Tiendanube Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires

João Pedro Leão joaopedronp
Key Account Manager - Nuvem Pago

Nuvemshop Belo Horizonte

Erik Tonon eriktonon
My name is Erik Tonon, I am 29 years old, I'm Site Reliability Engineering, specializing in cloud computing at university PUC

@edgesearchlabs Brasil

Tamara F tamaraantonella
Backend Developer 💻​💡​Computer engineering student


Carlos Eduardo Scheffer carlosscheffer
Software Engineer at @TiendaNube | NuvemShop

@Tiendanube Brasil

xxykz xxykzDev
Web3 Dev. Native Buidler. Solidity. Hardhat. React/Ethers/Moralis. xxykz.eth/sol

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Erivelton Cabral eriveltoncabral

Weethub Divinópolis / MG - Brazil

bdsoliveira BdsOliveira

CAJU-TEC Parnaíba, PI - Brasil

Hernán Güemes HFG43
Full-stack software developer. Fly-fisherman and biker. Proficient in Ruby on Rails and JavaScript. Looking for a big challenge!!

Full Stack Developer Tandil - Argentina

Thais Maciel mscirl
Engenharia de Software.

Lajeado, RS

Lucas F. Puhl PuhlUP
Computer Engineering
Hiroshi Nakao hnakao
Full Stack Developer