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@akk1to akk1to
thanks for the domain from @is-a-dev i'm in love with Momoco (Anh Thw) Yoshimoto Shizuka is so cute!!

22 y/o - A diehard computer nerd by heart, an advocate for human rights by cause, and a content creator for fun.


Aiden PlotChat
A potentially passionate person when it comes to the things that he cares about.
cheesethesylv cheesethesylveon
translating stuff on the interwebz. and questioning life.

listening on port 3000 gmt+7

blu-wo Scarlaid
23 y/o | Vietnamese TJ

Senior - Techie Vietnam

stdpi hUwUtao
how to have koobernetes friend

random ossin @Team-Fuho @LangDuaMC @ThiccMC Ha Noi, Viet Nam

Louis ltln
a boy who dreams big


QuanTrieuPCYT QuanTrieuPCYT
Linux sysadmin since 2019. Tech tinkerer and @apple products user.

Founder at @ThiccMC Hanoi, Vietnam