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Ed Anderson eca20

Blockchainia LLC Pittsburgh, PA

yu2C yu2C
Organic -> Theoretical/Computational Chemistry, web3 enthusiasmer
Rene Windegger rwindegger
Senior Software Architect specializing in full stack development. My 15 years of IT experience will help you elaborate the right systemic solution.

Welcome to Freedom Vienna

Divgun tekvyy
full stack developer in the morning, blockchain enthusiast by the night. #swift #reactnative #nft #solidity #substrate #rust

Mississauga , Canada

Robin robinhodl69
Web3 & vaporwave

Psy Labs Guadalajara

Boorich boorich
Curious Individual. Likes Boole, Turing and Church. Wears baseball caps day and night.

Ludwigslust, Germany

Michael MVelascoWS
Entrepreneur | XR, Video Game & Web3 Developer

Wasd Studio Mexico

Adam Steeber adamsteeber

Steeber Solutions LLC Peshtigo, WI

FRIOT Romain Apolixit
Full stack software engineer with over 10 years of experience in C# development. With a strong passion for blockchain technology. Active on Polkadot ecosystem


Tomasz Waszczyk TomaszWaszczyk

Real Life Matrix tomek.waszczyk.eth

Tony Ma tonyma163

Hong Kong

Cedric Decoster darkfriend77
Born in the previous century, I grow up with computers that used floppy disks and had monochrome monitors. This is where my passion for programming began.

BloGa Tech AG Zürich, Switzerland