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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Paolo Mulas paolomulas
I Was here when 1 Mhz was considered a fast computer and 64K was a lot of memory Italy - Sardinia - Cagliari

Iván Ariel Weinberg igeek88
IT professional and entrepeneur, tech enthusiast, born in a tech-savvy family, with knowledge in other areas besides IT that add value to what I do.

In a galaxy, far, far away...

Gianfranco Castro gcastroacn
Business & Integration Arch Sr Manager

Accenture Song Milan

Alessia Di monaco aledim8

Reggio Emilia, ITALY

Mauro Piccotti nonno

San Marcello, Italy

Danilo Palumbo dSupertramp
Data Scientist/Engineer, ML Engineer, Origami Artist and other cool stuff
Dayoung Jung Dayoung-Jung

Kyung Hee University South Korea

Marco Sarti marco-sarti
I'm owner and/or CTO of some small italian companies. Senior full stack multi language with consolidated skills in data science (ML+DL+RL)

Marco Sarti Turin

Andrea Cannizzo andreacannizzo
Theoretical physicist by day, amateur coder by night.
Roberto Vicari Roberto-vic
Hi everyone, I'm looking for a full-time job, as Junior Software or Web developer, in Hamburg or remote. If u know something, please, let me know. Thank you ❤


Antonino Cacciottoli kevzero

Silvia Fantuzzi Silvianareth
Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technologies student at University of Padua. I'd love learning to code and other like-skills. I believe in a fairer world for all.
Francesco Lanza iCiccio
🎓 PhD in Computer Engineering, 🔬 Research Engineer and 🤖 Roboticist


Emanuele Savino Emanuelesa
Data Analyst

Amaris Santa Marinella

Francesco Bruzzesi FBruzzesi
Data Scientist at HelloFresh. Mathematician at heart. Open source enthusiast.

@HelloFresh Berlin

Francesco Bartoli francbartoli
Security and spatial IT geek with opinionated mind to openness. Hugely passionate of mountain landscape and activities.

@geobeyond Rome, IT

Riccardo rnapoli00
24 y.o., IT MSc student, IT Security enthusiast

Università di Salerno