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Pavlo Bondarenko OfficialCodeVoyage
Product Manager / Software Engineer / Cloud Engineer / IT Enthusiast

Denver, CO

Foddis Gabriele Bighoneypot Italia, Sassari

Caio Dias caioorafael
Electronic Engineer | Master in Industrial Engineering. Embedded Systems Engineer.

MORE Colab Portgual

Pablo sultanovich

Wazuh Argentina

努力学习者 ericurse
Python\C#\C\Go 机器学习


Mohamed Laradji mlaradji
I like to solve problems.

Montreal, Canada

Alan Tang alantangdong
talk is cheap, show me the code

NanJing China

zhangyunlong zyl0595
Embedded software engineer

Xiamen.Fujian Province

Parth Sanepara ParthSanepara

@hprs-in @TrackRHQ Bengaluru

Rishik Tiwari rishiktiwari
🧑🏻‍💻 I like to research and make futuristic stuff!

Auriva Infotech Thane, Maharashtra, India

fish1968 fish1968
I am from China, and still living


David Dias deiviuds

São Paulo, Brazil

Prince kumar 855princekumar
🤖 Mechatronics | 🌍 IoT & AI | ⚡ Edge Computing | 🚀 Building Autonomous Systems

@innovationsfy india

John Knight jknight137
Director of DevOps
Bouarfa Mahi BouarfaMahi
PhD Physics, Quant researcher, Quantitative Modeling. Strong foundation in analytical thinking, problem-solving, and modeling complex systems.


Michael Luo cos12a

自由职业者 中国,广东,深圳