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NUS Singapore

Opadc Opadc
code is hard, i prefer for talk


Thomas M. DuBuisson TomMD
world = last $ iterate better now

@paxosglobal Portland, USA

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@aruba The edge of knowing

z3r0yu zer0yu
BugHunter@OverSpace / RedTeamer@PolarisLab / CTFer@kn0ck


Ron Wolf ron-wolf
Recent grad & software engineer. Passionate about improving people's lives and worldly knowledge using open source software and scientific computing.

Washington, DC Metropolitan Area

zach zshipko

@dylibso Los Angeles, CA

Zach onezibo

UESTC -> UCAS Beijing

penguin_wwy penguin-wwy
Compiler; Static Analysis; Love Kotlin; Rust is the best great program :)




xia0o0o0o KpwnZ
Write some shit code. CTF with @W4terDr0p / @S1uM4i / @r3kapig. Security research at UC San Diego.

Exception level 3

i.Pear i-Pear
Acquiring knowledge for happiness. Working for the advancement of humanity.

Nanjing University

Noah Gift noahgift
Founder Pragmatic AI Labs. > Two Master's degrees of courses at (SWITCHING TO CODEBERG)

Pragmatic AI Labs Spain

AjayBadrinath AjayBadrinath
Currently a CS undergrad Student @ Shiv Nadar University

Shiv Nadar University India

KyuDoun KyuDounSim
HKUST - NYU Courant

Amazon New York

Bokai Zhang Eric-Bokai-Zhang
CSE PhD Student @ PSU, MS('24) @ UCSD, BS('22) @ University of Rochester

PSU University Park, PA

Max Christman maxchristman
Master's Student in Computer Science at UNC Chapel Hill

Chapel Hill, NC

Javier Cabrera Jacarte
Software Engineer at HopsWorks

Hopsworks Stockholm, Sweden

Michael Feng 0x6b7966
Don't let the bad guy you see infect yourself, turn yourself into that bad guy!
Chenyang Liu Younggkid
Senior Undergraduate in SJTU
Ganxiang Yang arxgy
Off we go into the wild pale yonder.
Parnian Parniaan
PhD student at UC Davis, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department

Davis, CA

Haoxuan Xu TerryXhx
Computer Science MSc Student at ETH Zürich. Rookie in security, TEE.

ETH Zürich Zürich

Erich Ocean erichocean

Xy Group Ltd North Carolina

Sai Venkata Krishnan SaiVK
Systems and Security

IIT Madras Chennai, Tamil Nadu

Sumanth V Rao sumanthvrao
Cybersecurity PhD student @ucsdsysnet: Doing research in all things (not) secure and private.

San Diego, California, United States

Hiroki Chen hiroki-chen
CS Ph.D. @ IUB "Algorithms are the computational content of proofs." (Robert Harper)

Unemployed Saratoga, CA

Zichuan Li river-li
Ph.D. student at IUB, focused on computer system security.

Indiana University Bloomington Bloomington, IN

canliture canliture
Interested in compiler and static analysis. Welcome to communicate with me using WeChat: trustxyz

Society School Hunan in China

LoanCold SocialistDalao
I don't like programming. Interest: Operating System and Computer Architecture.

Zhejiang University Hangzhou

Wentao Zhang whentojump
Ph.D. student @xlab-uiuc. Prev SJTU. Intern @efeslab. Computer science, systems.

Urbana, IL

Lin, Yong Xiang r888800009
Keep It Simple, Stupid


Mihnea Stefan ape-x
Computer scientist


Jevin Sweval jevinskie
Senior Security Researcher, compilers/optimizations/[de]obfuscation, SCA, program analysis, NFC ninja, HW hacker w/ FPGA hammer Previously Apple Pay Security

Lafayette, Indiana