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Marcos Magueta MMagueta
"Quod oculus non vidit, nec auris audivit" - @schonfinkel's darkest fear.

@Divisions-Maintenance-Group São Paulo, Brazil

Hoorad proh14

My brain :D Persian

Tim tim-tm
18 years old, C, Java, C++, LaTeX

csbwv Germany

𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬 whoopsi-daisy
Account dedicated exclusively to Jellyfin-related engagements.

Undisclosed. Global.

Joshua Daniel j0shua-daniel
FreeBSD is better than Linux!

Reading, Berkshire

Gio Rice rice7th
sorry for the inconvenience.


Thomas Merkel drscream
Server Ninja at @skylime

SkyLime GmbH (@skylime) Berlin

Ryo ONODERA ryoon

Chiba and Tokyo, Japan

Leonardo Taccari iamleot

Pollenza, Macerata, Italy

Pierre Pronchery khorben
IT-Security Consultant at Defora Networks

@DeforaNetworks Berlin, Germany

科技小新 ZhangWeiAKG


邢洲 zhouzxing
Linux kernel distributed system and parallel programming
Cyber Threat Defence Center cybersecurity-dev
Cyber Security Solutions

KU Leuven - Computer Security and Industrial Cryptography Belgium

Sven 5ven5chuette
My name is Sven. I run OpenBSD as a daily driver and sympathize with other BSDs such as NetBSD and FreeBSD. I write C, Python, ksh with Vim as my editor.


Marko Kaznovac kaznovac
Simplicity is the ultimate form of sophistication.

@byteout Belgrade, Serbia

Kaizhao Zhang zhangkaizhao
To be a computer hacker.


Walid Menai waleedmenay
Interested In Information Technology & Cyber Security


Eirikr Hinngart Oichkatzelesfrettschen
Amateur hobbyist / enthusiast / tinkerer.

California, USA

Adrian Kieß adriankiess
Adrian Kieß is a programmer and administrator. He is currently taking part in the history seminar at the University of Leipzig.

@kiess-onl Leipzig, Saxony, Germany

CeDeROM cederom


Luís Bastião Silva bastiao
Research and Innovation Engineer; python, java, nodejs, javascript ; medical imaging, dicom, ihe, information retrieval, cloud computing and semantic web.

@BMDSoftware Aveiro, Portugal

31core 31core
The world's best 31core

31project & Foundation localhost

Hưng HUNG-rushb

CMC Saigon, Vietnam

Meysam Parvizi m3y54m
Embedded Systems Engineer
Tulio A M Mendes tadryanom
CEO at Makesys Tecnologia. Knowledges: Linux, FreeBSD and Windows OSes; C/C++, Assembly x86/MIPS, Pascal, PHP, Java, JavaScript and Python programing languages.
Juno Takano jultty
Hacker, translator, Systems Analysis student at the São Paulo Federal Institute.

NEWEN Linguagens & Tecnologia /dev/pts/7

Mert Gör 🇹🇷 hwpplayer1
@procyberian PSD Core Team Leader together we are free , together we stand "ubuntu" ⭐️❤️ Software , Hardware, and Science 🇹🇷

@masscollabs İstanbul , Türkiye

Xu Hongqiang xuhongqiang-kernel

Alibaba ChengDu