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Neksha DeSilva NekshaDeSilva
Driving Software to Change Un-productive Sequences.πŸš€ Full-stack Web Developer and an Entrepreneur

@nextack-io @acicts Sri Lanka

Hansitha Gunasekara XJLOL124
Hi I am kid with a dream of becoming a developer.

Sri Lanka

W.H.K. UDARA KasunUdaraWaththeHewa
A computer science student at University of Colombo School of Computing


Pasindu Ranasinghe PasinduDushan
Full-Stack Developer. I like to code for fun :)

@acicts Sri Lanka

Kaviru Hapuarachchi Kavirubc
Undergraduate | kode


Sandul Renuja SRenuuu
CS Undergrad 😎 | 23 +βœ” | Web Developer and Designer πŸ’» | Passionate Coder πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» | Ps Lr Ae Pr ❀

University of Colombo School of Computing Galle, Sri Lanka

Nirmal Savinda nsavinda
Computer Science Undergraduate at University of Colombo School of Computing | DevOps Enthusiast | Linux

Sri Lanka

Lakira Minlaka LakiraMD
Become a programmer, lose your brain's virginity.

Colombo, Sri Lanka

Dishal Dasanayake DishaKD
Student from Ceylon | UG @ SLIIT | Tech Enthusiast | Cloud Computing Explorer.

@Apps-Technologies Colombo

Coding Gate codin8gate
Community to build a Saudi generation that achieve aspirations of the homeland