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Seamus Jackson Schweem
Comp sci @ NCF, Indie game dev, always curious. Focused on cloud architecture, game dev, and ml

Sarasota, Florida

Matheus Mösken Diegues dieguesmosken
DSM Fatec Registro | Técnico em Desenvolvimento de Sistemas | Developer in develpment

@Projeto-Hippotec Rua José Dias, 109 Casa 2 Pariquera-Açu SP 11930-000 Brazil

Eugene eugene-panin
DevOps Engineer

Bestplace Inc. Greater Santiago de Compostela Metropolitan Area

GoodGuysFree! (Amit Margalit) GoodGuysFree
No Man's Sky addict, content creator.
Wylkon Cardoso wylkon
I'm a Front-end developer, gamer and culinary arts fan.
 I've been building websites for over 14 years between São Paulo, Brasil and Los Angeles, California.

@grupoboticario São Paulo

Bernardo Enock bernardoenock
Developer | Front | Back | JavaScript | TypeScript | CSS | Frameworks | Node | Docker | API | noSQL | graphQL | PHP | Python | CleanCode | Git | IA & ML student
Maxson Ferovante maxsonferovante
Backend Developer | Python | FastAPI | Django| Java | Spring
Luis Ortiz lortizt
trabajo a veces con mi alter ego @lmortizt

Santiago, Chile

Reverse-Engineering, Task Automation, Networking, Memory Editing, Game Development and Modding
Muhaddil Muhaddil
Passionate about informatics and technology.


Henry Rice cyberpunk2350
☠️ Coder, Hacker, Engineer, Gamer...Just your average geek. I can do it all...with varying levels of skill and success.

Black Knights Consulting The Blue Nowhere

SpeedyGo55 SpeedyGo55
- 16 - Programming Languages: Python, JS, Arduino(version of C++), Java, TS, Rust - Frameworks: NodeJS, Flask, Tauri - HTML, CSS


Félix Laviéville TuberculeP
Je mange de la nourriture afin de survivre
Julio César Arroyave Herrera juliocesardeveloper
Frontend developer | ReactJS | Typescript | VTEX IO


Freddy Go juppytaar
im so poor, i cant pay attention


Rabi Khan itsrabikhan
Hobbyist developer.
Lenni Lenni009
Media informatics student. Hobby frontend dev. Also has some small CLI scripts and CI/CD pipelines.


Ben Miles ben-miles
15+ years of professional Graphic Design and Web Development.

@shire-digital Melbourne, FL

Christoph Wolf teccheck
Hello There


Oscar Maqueda oscarmh
MSFT. Linux4Ever. Pyhon. SDR. Rpi. IoT. ESP32 fan, cybersecurity,

Microsoft Ireland, Dublin

Cristian Raffi Cunha CRCunha

Instituto Federal Sul-Riograndense Pelotas RS

Benjelloun Oussama BenjellounO
Founder at Orbofi

Yihan Wang YihanWang-Dev
A student in programing who is intersted in ai, computer graphic and game develop.ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha