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Vicente Sanchez Vicentesan
Backend Developer

São Paulo

Kevin Ferreira ksilvafe
CTO & Founder @co-finampy

Finampy João Pessoa

Helena Paixão helenapaixao
Reactjs Developer

Guarapari - ES

Luis Eduardo Hoshina duhoshina
Software Developer at G4 Educação| Full-stack | JavaScript | TypeScript | UX & UI


Pablo Rangel pablorangell
💼Software Engineer at Quiver 🎓Student at ICEI-PUC Minas

@QuiverSolucoes Minas Gerais, Brasil

Marcos Barbosa marcosmbm
Software developer

@marcosmbm-dev Aracaju SE

Marcos Viana Maarcosv99

@gruporezult Aracaju - SE

Vinícius Telles ViniciusTellesDosSantos
CTO at Recriv

Recriv Joaçaba, Santa Catarina

João Inácio Neto birobirobiro
Front-end Developer

Actio Software São Paulo, Brazil

Rychillie Rychillie
Software Engineer and Content Creator based in Brazil, just a dreamer.

@construtores Brazil