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fristy? fristyxd
I mainly deal with web development. I love to dream, and my goal is to develop interesting projects. Frontend & Backend Developer.


İbrahim Hakkı Ergin 06ergin06
Hi , I'm İbrahim Hakkı Ergin 18 year old. Biruni Universtiy Software Engineering

Webtas Hatay/Türkiye

Dest odest
%35 Frontend %15 Backend


Sxi Sxinar
Hi my name is Sxi! I am a web and android developer. Laravel is my first love

@Artado-Project Turkey

Eyüp relliv
passionate full stack developer. ts, nx ng nest, react next, vue nuxt, php laravel livewrire alpinejs

NGEEN Istanbul

RockEymen45 2013dogumeymen
born date: 2013


musti islemci
woah, typescript?!

@dokuzKey Istanbul, Turkey