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Renan Batista rfbatista
Software Engineer

Pircacicaba, SP

Xiukun Hu xhu4
Software Engineer @ GeckoRobotics

GeckoRobotics Pittsburgh, PA

Seyi R. Afolayan Seyi-roboticist
Enthusiastically broadening my knowledge and skills, motivated by an unwavering pursuit of innovation, aiming to advance the frontiers of the cutting-edge field

Johns Hopkins University Baltimore

Charlene Leong charleneleong-ai
Greetings human! I'm an AI/machine learning engineer/data scientist who likes to tinker, design and build interesting things.


Nikhesh Kumar Murali NikheshKumar
Currently Master's student in Data Science and AI @ IIT Madras & University of Birmingham

University of Birmingham Birmingham

Kyle Phan kylephan5
cs @ notre dame ! swe @ gecko robotics !
Adriel Martins Martins6
Building sci-fi societies with AI.

@caylent Curitiba, Brazil

Kyu Hwan Choi choikh0423
Cornell COE '24, Computer Science


Indefeasible shankarchawla1776
High school student


Sherm ericsherman4
Computer Engineer. Interested in Manufacturing Automation, Robotics, and Embedded Systems, Modeling and Simulation, Game Dev
Tim Becker thetimbecker
Empowering people to do their best work

Gecko Robotics Nashville, TN

Corey Hartley coreyhartley

Gecko Robotics Pittsburgh, PA

Antony Tahan antonytahan
Forward Deployed Software Engineer @GeckoRobotics

Gecko Robotics New York

Mo gmomahdy


Mahema Singh MahemaS27
Software Engineer @GeckoRobotics MS in AI student @ Boston Universtiy

@geckorobotics Boston, MA

Patrick Celentano PatrickCelentano
Music. Code. Occasionally SimCity 4.

Gecko Robotics, Inc. Boston, MA

Robotics Engineer | ASML | Gecko Robotics
Rick Ducott rickducott
software @GeckoRobotics. Previously @palantirtech, @solo-io, @symops. he/him

@GeckoRobotics Boston, MA


Gecko Robotics