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Jilcimar Fernandes jilcimar
Desenvolvedor Backend

Natal, Rio Grande do Norte

Lucas R. Costa olucaslrc
Software Engineer

São José dos Pinhais, Paraná, Brasil

Renan Cortes Carvalho renanccortes
Beck-end Java, JSF, Spring & Sistemas WEB | Front-end Developer Flutter

RevisaPrev & Giganet São José do Rio Preto - SP -Brasil

Alejandro Jose akelaonline

Marketing Digital Experience

Helder Afonso de Morais helderam

@centralecom Poços de Caldas, Brasil

Saulo Costa saulotarsobc
🤓Mestres: @hcodebr @glauciodaniel @joaohcrangel / 📟Tecnologias: #typescript #javascript #nodejs #reactjs #electronjs #nextjs #nestjs

Hcode CT @hcodebr PA, Brasil

Geraldo Barros de Lima Junior gbarroslimajr
Tech fanatic with 20+ years in IT.

Inovartech Lisbon - Portugal

José Aldeci de Andrade jaandrade
Developer Specialist

IdeaOffice Guarulhos - São Paulo

Jan Carlos Jaimes Liones SoftSisPro
Desarrollador de Software


Vittor de Aguiar vittordeaguiar
I'm a full stack developer who loves to code and cats

@PypSystem Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil

Y11 XiaomingX
Software Dev @ X | Linux, Java, Spring, Python, Go, Next.js | Open Source Enthusiast | LLM Innovator | M.Sc. in Software Engineering 🚀

uhaka japan

Luiz Fernando Amorim lfernandoamorim
Formado em Análise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas, possui MBA em Gestão de TI, Certificado em Scrum (CSM), Kanban (KMP 1) e Magenement 3.0

Advance Sistemas

❤Trading Telegram bot expert❤ feel free to contact @cryptoking1106 on Telegram☎ cryptoking000
Will rise to the top🚀🚀🚀 目標があればあきらめる理由がない。
Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


William Magnabosco willmagna
Computer Engineer | Full Stack Developer

Sinop - MT

Ariel Hernandez arielhernandezcl
Full Stack Developer

Santiago, Chile

Anthony Soprano klein032k21
part time mafia boss & Bubble developer
Júnior Santos zzjunior
Desenvolvedor Web. Graduando Bacharelado em Ciências e Tecnologia na UFRN. Gestão estratégica CS TEIA CRM.


imbr eusoubrasileiro
Geophysicist enthusiast for numerical modeling, subsurface data, signal processing, machine learning and Python.

ANP / ANM Brazil

Jorge Lucas Jorge-LucasAdS

VAMOS Negócios e Participações Senador Canedo

Rodrigo Brandão rodrigotvq

MultiplierApp Rio de Janeiro - Brazil

Igor Emanuell IgorEmanuell
👨‍💻 Cientista de Dados | 🐍 Python | 🚀 Automatizando processos

Estácio de Sá Brasilia, DF