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Andie Kobbie andiekobbietks
🚀 IT Operations professional with expertise in technical support, infrastructure management, and cloud computing. Passionate about digital transformation!

FirstGens UK Europe

Søren sxren
Software engineer in Tokyo, Japan.


DamonSecurity pengzeshan
Software Security and Protection

Ottawa, Canada

Dmitry Sky SkyHustle
Shamelessly pushing to master all-day-er-day 👨🏽‍💻 Lifelong seeker of good explanations 🔬


Parker Higgins h-parker-higgins
Chief Strategy Officer @wesalute

Salt Lake City, UT

Matt Stack Matt-Stack-AeonNovaFutureLabs

Aeon Nova Future Labs Oakland, CA

NeymaFullStack NeymaFullStack
Senior Software Engineer with over 10 years of experience across large enterprises, focusing on high-quality API development, microservices, scalable solutions

Kroger San Juan, TX

0xrinegade 0xrinegade
on-chain retardio


Michael Duane Mooring mikeumus

Divinci AI Los Angeles

Nisha Rathod nishar-cerebras

Cerebras Systems Bengaluru

Precious Singletary Luxury Estates Group PreciousSingletary
Welcome to Precious Singletary Luxury Estates Group, INC. where luxury living is redefined and a team of experienced and dedicated professionals.

Precious Singletary Luxury Estates Group Beverly Hills, CA

VEERA V G veera

Melbourne , Australia

Filipe Oliveira filipeoliveiraa
Software Engineer @GLanDrive, Brand Manager @APBI and CTO at @GivingTuesdayPT

@GLanDrive @APBI @GivingTuesdayPT world.

Devon Berta devonberta
I am an IT professional that prides himself on bringing value to organizations he chooses to work with. I enjoy solving complex challenges.

Prescryptive Health ( Principal SRE ) Nevada

Chrisagon chrisagon

FESC Saint-Gratien

Eric Bullock bullocke
PhD Candidate in Geography at Boston University
José Marques marquesjr
Computer Scientist

Black Owl Technology Espírito Santo - Brasil

Panos Thymianides pthymianides

Omikron Financial Holdings Europe Ltd

Likhit tlikhit
Eng @ Shopify | prev. OpenCV, EvenUp, Citco, UofT


John Park Parkman328
Software Architect, Tutorials and Prototypes, Obsessed with Stock Market and Numbers Using this repository for work as well as experimentation.

Qlik Los Angeles, California