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Matt B MattB-SF

Audiovisual Biodiversity Research Group, Senckenberg Institute for Natural Research Frankfurt

Charles Burks ChuckBV
Entomologist. Lives in Fresno County, CA and makes a career in the Central Valley.

Fresno County, California, USA

Rylee Tomey rytomey

Auburn University, College of Forestry, Wildlife and Environment

Diego J. Lizcano dlizcano
Wildlife biologist interested in mammal ecology and conservation. R and Linux fan.

@SCMas Bogota, Colombia

Diane ESPEL despel31
PhD in Functional Ecology Remote Sensing & Data Science
Hailey Wilmer hnw2

USDA-ARS Range Sheep Production Efficiency Unit Dubois, ID

Jason Carlisle jcarlis3
Quantitative Biologist

Wyoming Game and Fish Department (@WyoGFD) Laramie, WY

Amira Burns burnsal

Jackson, WY