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aTrotier aTrotier
MR Engineer at the @CRMSB laboratory, University of Bordeaux / CNRS.

CNRS ibio bordeaux

SungHo Lee dvm-shlee

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Chapel Hill, NC, USA

Josh Woller syntheticdinosaur
Neuroscientist. Neurostimulation, EEG, fMRI, Intraoperative Electrophysiology.

Karl Eberhards University Tübingen

Tim timwahoo
Medical Imaging Researcher
Jérémie Fouquet jeremie-fouquet
MR physicist. Responsible for the preclinical MRI unit at the Douglas Cerebral Imaging Centre.

Douglas Research Centre Montreal

Wolfgang Gottwald wgottwald
Physics PhD student at TUM working in Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Doing mostly Python programming and data analysis.

Technical University of Munich Germany