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Amiga fan since 1989
Joshua Wowk joshuawowk

High Purity New England Smithfield, RI

Benjamin Brandt benjaminbrandt
Media•Technology enthusiast, who just loves building great products.


PHP and Amiga Assembly coder

WE-GO Web Agency Venice, Italy

zxshoe zxshoe

Enterlogic Sweden

Andreas Toth mrandreastoth
Creative | Filmmaker | Photographer | Developer

Budapest, Hungary

Max maxwell-kalin

nuke agency Erf

John Pyper jpyper
Android by day. Linux by night. Open Source all the time!

TrigaTronic Designs, L.L.C. Lexington Park, MD, USA

Gaurav Agrawal gauravagrwal
🃏 Game Developer | Software Engineer | Tech Enthusiast | Philatelist

Light & Wonder Bengaluru, India

Fabio Spinelli spinellifabio

Purelab S.r.l. Verdello (BG), Italy

Steve Mynott stmuk
also available on g**lab

London and Suffolk, England

Arananet arananet
Twitter: @edu_arana


Markus Zeller markuszeller

ForcedWeb Dortmund, Germany

Zeck zZeck
Analyzing systems to preserve or extend them. Always looking for better concepts to achieve this more quickly and maintainably for more people.
Dimitris Panokostas midwan
Software Developer. Amiga geek.
