In order to help me understand how the GenServer behavior works, I drew the diagram shown in [FIG1101].
The client does a, request). The server will then call the handle_call/3 function that you have provided in the Module that you told GenServer to use. GenServer will send your module the client’s request, an identifier telling who the request is from, and the server’s current state.
Your handle_call/3 function will fulfill the client’s request and send a {:reply, reply, new_state} tuple back to the server. It, in turn, will send the reply back to the client, and use the new_state to update its state.
In Introducing Elixir and in the next two études, the client is you, using the shell. The module that handles the client’s call is contained within the same module as the GenServer framework, but, as the preceding diagram shows, it does not have to be.
In this étude, you will create a weather server using the GenServer OTP behavior.This server will handle requests using a four-letter weather station identifier and will return a brief summary of the weather. You may also ask the server for a list of most recently accessed weather stations. The name of your module will be Weather.
Here is some sample output, with lines reformatted for ease of reading.
iex(1)> c("weather.ex") [Weather] iex(2)> Weather.start_link {:ok,#PID<0.87.0>} iex(3)>, "KSJC") {:ok, [location: "San Jose International Airport, CA", observation_time_rfc822: "Sun, 06 Jul 2014 10:53:00 -0700", weather: "A Few Clouds", temperature_string: "69.0 F (20.6 C)"]} iex(4)>, "KITH") {:ok, [location: "Ithaca / Tompkins County, NY", observation_time_rfc822: "Sun, 06 Jul 2014 13:56:00 -0400", weather: "A Few Clouds", temperature_string: "80.0 F (26.6 C)"]} iex(5)>, "ABCD") {:error,404} iex(6)> GenServer.cast(Weather, "") Recently viewed: ["KITH","KSJC"] :ok
To retrieve a web page, you must first call Erlang’s :inets.start/0; you will want to do this in your init/1 code. Then, simply call :httpc.request(_url_), where _url_ is a string containing the URL you want. In this case, you will use the server provided by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. This server accepts four-letter weather station codes and returns an XML file summarizing the current weather at that station. You request this data with a URL in the form
where _NNNN_ is the station code.Since this is an Erlang function, you must use a character list enclosed in single quotes instead of an Elixir binary string in double quotes.
If the call to :httpc.request/1 fails, you will get a tuple of the form {:error,_information_}.
If it succeeds, you will get a tuple in the form:
{ok,{{'HTTP/1.1',code,'code message'}, [{'HTTP header attribute','value'}, {'Another attribute','another value'}], 'page contents'}}
where _code_ is the return code (200 means the page was found, 404 means it’s missing, anything else is some sort of error).
So, let’s say you have successfully retrieved a station’s data. You will then get page content that contains something like this.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<?xml-stylesheet href="latest_ob.xsl" type="text/xsl"?>
<current_observation version="1.0"
<credit>NOAA's National Weather Service</credit>
<title>NOAA's National Weather Service</title>
<suggested_pickup>15 minutes after the hour</suggested_pickup>
<location>San Jose International Airport, CA</location>
<observation_time>Last Updated on Feb 18 2013, 11:53 am PST</observation_time>
<observation_time_rfc822>Mon, 18 Feb 2013 11:53:00 -0800</observation_time_rfc822>
<temperature_string>50.0 F (10.0 C)</temperature_string>
<pressure_string>1017.7 mb</pressure_string>
<dewpoint_string>43.0 F (6.1 C)</dewpoint_string>
This result will be an Erlang character list, so you should use list_to_binary to convert it to an Elixir string.
While it is possible to use Erlang’s xmerl_scan module or the erlsom module ( to parse arbitrary XML data, the XML returned from the server is sufficiently simple (and sanely formatted) that you can use regular expressions to parse the data. The following code will give you the content of an XML element with the specified name, or nil if there is no such element. It works by dynamically constructing a pattern that looks for the opening and closing tags of the element name. The part of the pattern in parentheses means "one or more of any character that is not a less than sign"; because it is in parentheses, will return the matched portion as the second item in a list. (The first item is the part of the XML string matched by the entire pattern.)
defp get_content(element_name, xml) do {_, pattern} = Regex.compile( "<#{element_name}>([^<]+)</#{element_name}>") result =, xml) case result do [_all, match] -> {String.to_atom(element_name), match} nil -> {element_name, nil} end end
The way I constructed the URL (using <> instead of interpolation) allows you to easily crash the server by handing it a number instead of a string for the station code. Set up a supervisor to restart the server when it crashes. In the following output, the Process.unlink call ensures that the shell, which is also a supervisor, does not kill any errant processes.
iex(1)> c("weather_sup.ex") [WeatherSup] iex(2)> {:ok, pid} = WeatherSup.start_link {:ok,#PID<0.43.0>} iex(3)> Process.unlink(pid) true iex(4)>, "KGAI") {:ok, [location: "Montgomery County Airpark, MD", observation_time_rfc822: "Sun, 06 Jul 2014 13:55:00 -0400", weather: "Mostly Cloudy", temperature_string: "84.0 F (29.0 C)"]} iex(5)>, 1234) =ERROR REPORT==== 6-Jul-2014::11:22:52 === ** Generic server 'Elixir.Weather' terminating ** Last message in was 1234 ** When Server state == [<<"KGAI">>] ** Reason for termination == ** {badarg,[{erlang,byte_size,[1234],[]}, {'Elixir.Weather',get_weather,2,[{file,"weather.ex"},{line,46}]}, {'Elixir.Weather',handle_call,3,[{file,"weather.ex"},{line,16}]}, {gen_server,handle_msg,5,[{file,"gen_server.erl"},{line,580}]}, {proc_lib,init_p_do_apply,3,[{file,"proc_lib.erl"},{line,239}]}]} ** (exit) exited in:, 1234, 5000) ** (EXIT) an exception was raised: ** (ArgumentError) argument error :erlang.byte_size(1234) weather.ex:46: Weather.get_weather/2 weather.ex:16: Weather.handle_call/3 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:580: :gen_server.handle_msg/5 (stdlib) proc_lib.erl:239: :proc_lib.init_p_do_apply/3 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:190: iex(5)>, "KCMI") {:ok, [location: "Champaign / Urbana, University of Illinois-Willard, IL", observation_time_rfc822: "Sun, 06 Jul 2014 12:53:00 -0500", weather: "A Few Clouds", temperature_string: "83.0 F (28.3 C)"]}
In the previous étude, you made calls directly to GenServer. This is great for experimentation, but in a real application, you do not want other modules to have to know the exact format of the arguments you gave to or GenServer.cast/2. Instead, you provide a "wrapper" function that makes the actual call. In this way, you can change the internal format of your server requests while the interface you present to other users remains unchanged.
In this étude, then, you will provide two wrapper functions report/1 and recent/0. The report/1 function will take a station name as its argument and do the appropriate gen_server:call; the recent/0 function will do an appropriate gen_server:cast. Everything else in your code will remain unchanged.
Here’s some sample output.
iex(1)> c("weather.ex") [Weather] iex(2)> c("weather_sup.ex") [WeatherSup] iex(3)> WeatherSup.start_link {:ok,#PID<0.47.0>} iex(4)>"KGAI") {:ok, [location: "Montgomery County Airpark, MD", observation_time_rfc822: "Sun, 06 Jul 2014 13:55:00 -0400", weather: "Mostly Cloudy", temperature_string: "84.0 F (29.0 C)"]} iex(5)>"KSJC") {:ok, [location: "San Jose International Airport, CA", observation_time_rfc822: "Sun, 06 Jul 2014 10:53:00 -0700", weather: "A Few Clouds", temperature_string: "69.0 F (20.6 C)"]} iex(6)>"KXYZ") {:error,404} iex(7)>"KITH") {:ok, [location: "Ithaca / Tompkins County, NY", observation_time_rfc822: "Sun, 06 Jul 2014 13:56:00 -0400", weather: "A Few Clouds", temperature_string: "80.0 F (26.6 C)"]} iex(8)> Weather.recent Recently viewed: ["KITH","KSJC","KGAI"] :ok
In the previous études, the client and server have been running in the same shell. In this étude, you will make the server available to clients running in other shells.
To make a node available to other nodes, you need to name the node by using the --name option when starting iex. It looks like this:
michele@localhost $ iex --name serverNode Erlang/OTP 17 [erts-6.0] [source] [64-bit] [smp:2:2] [async-threads:10] [hipe] [kernel-poll:false] Interactive Elixir (0.14.1-dev) - press Ctrl+C to exit (type h() ENTER for help) iex(>
This is a long name. You can also set up a node with a short name by using the --sname option:
michele@localhost $ iex --sname serverNode Erlang/OTP 17 [erts-6.0] [source] [64-bit] [smp:2:2] [async-threads:10] [hipe] [kernel-poll:false] Interactive Elixir (0.14.1-dev) - press Ctrl+C to exit (type h() ENTER for help) iex(serverNode@localhost)1>
If you set up a node in this way, any other node can connect to it and any shell commands can be performed on it. In order to prevent this, you may use the -setcookie _Cookie_ when starting erl. Then, only nodes that have the same Cookie (which is an atom) can connect to your node. |
To connect to a node, use the function, and give it the name of the server (as an atom) that you want to connect to as its argument. If you connect succesfully, the function will return the atom :pong; otherwise, it will return :pang.
Here is an example. First, start a shell with a (very bad) secret cookie:
michele@localhost $ iex --sname serverNode --cookie chocolateChip [michele@localhost ~]$ iex --sname serverNode --cookie chocolateChip Erlang/OTP 17 [erts-6.0] [source] [64-bit] [smp:2:2] [async-threads:10] [hipe] [kernel-poll:false] Interactive Elixir (0.14.1-dev) - press Ctrl+C to exit (type h() ENTER for help) iex(serverNode@localhost)1>
Now, open another terminal window, start a shell with a different cookie, and try to connect to the server node. I have purposely used a different user name to show that this works too.
[steve@localhost ~]$ iex --sname clientNode --cookie oatmealRaisin Erlang/OTP 17 [erts-6.0] [source] [64-bit] [smp:2:2] [async-threads:10] [hipe] [kernel-poll:false] Interactive Elixir (0.14.1-dev) - press Ctrl+C to exit (type h() ENTER for help) iex(clientNode@localhost)1> :pang
The server node will detect this attempt and let you know about it:
=ERROR REPORT==== 6-Jul-2014::11:35:10 === ** Connection attempt from disallowed node clientNode@localhost **
Quit the client shell, and restart it with a matching cookie, and all will be well.
[steve@localhost ~]$ iex --sname clientNode --cookie chocolateChip Erlang/OTP 17 [erts-6.0] [source] [64-bit] [smp:2:2] [async-threads:10] [hipe] [kernel-poll:false] Interactive Elixir (0.14.1-dev) - press Ctrl+C to exit (type h() ENTER for help) iex(clientNode@localhost)1> :pong
To make your weather report server available to other nodes, you need to do these things:
In the start_link/0 convenience method, set the last argument to GenServer:start_link/3 to [{:name, {:global,__MODULE__}}] instead of {:name, __MODULE__}
In calls to gen_server:call/2 and gen_server:cast/2, replace the module name Weather with {:global, __MODULE__}
Add a connect/1 function that takes the server node name as its argument. This function will use net_adm:ping/1 to attempt to contact the server. It provides appropriate feedback when it succeeds or fails.
Here is what it looks like when one user starts the server in a shell.
[michele@localhost ch12-03]$ iex --sname serverNode --cookie meteorology Erlang/OTP 17 [erts-6.0] [source] [64-bit] [smp:2:2] [async-threads:10] [hipe] [kernel-poll:false] Interactive Elixir (0.14.1-dev) - press Ctrl+C to exit (type h() ENTER for help) iex(serverNode@localhost)1> Weather.start_link {:ok, #PID<0.50.0>}
And here’s another user in a different shell, calling upon the server. The output has been split across lines for ease of reading.
[steve@localhost ch12-03]$ iex --sname clientNode --cookie meteorology Erlang/OTP 17 [erts-6.0] [source] [64-bit] [smp:2:2] [async-threads:10] [hipe] [kernel-poll:false] Interactive Elixir (0.14.1-dev) - press Ctrl+C to exit (type h() ENTER for help) iex(clientNode@localhost)1> Weather.connect(:serverNode@localhost) Connected to server. :ok iex(clientNode@localhost)2>"KSJC") {:ok, [location: "San Jose International Airport, CA", observation_time_rfc822: "Sun, 06 Jul 2014 11:53:00 -0700", weather: "A Few Clouds", temperature_string: "74.0 F (23.3 C)"]} iex(clientNode@localhost)3>"KITH") {:ok, [location: "Ithaca / Tompkins County, NY", observation_time_rfc822: "Sun, 06 Jul 2014 14:56:00 -0400", weather: "A Few Clouds", temperature_string: "81.0 F (27.2 C)"]} iex(clientNode@localhost)4> Weather.recent :ok
Whoa! What happened to the output from that last call? The problem is that the Weather.recent/0 call does an IO.puts/1 call; that output will go to the server shell, since the server is running that code, not the client. You could fix this problem by changing Weather.recent/0 from using GenServer.cast/2 to use instead to return the recently reported weather stations as its reply. This would also require a new clause for Weather.handle_call/3.
There’s one more question that went through my mind after I implemented my solution: how did I know that the client was calling the Weather code that was running on the server and not the Weather code in its own shell? It was easy to find out: I stopped the server.
iex(serverNode@localhost)2> User switch command --> q michele@localhost $
Then I had the client try to get a weather report.
iex(clientNode@localhost)5>"KGAI") ** (exit) exited in:{:global, Weather}, "KGAI", 5000) ** (EXIT) no process (stdlib) gen_server.erl:190:
The fact that it failed told me that yes, indeed, the client was getting its information from the server.
In the previous études, the client simply made a call to the server, and didn’t do any processing of its own. In this étude, you will create a "chat room" with a chat server and multiple clients, much as you see in Server with multiple clients.
The interesting part of this program is that the client will also be a GenServer, as shown in Client as a GenServer.
Up until now, you have been using a module name as the first argument to, and in the previous étude, you used to connect to a server.
In this étude, you won’t need Instead, you will use a tuple of the form {module, node} to directly connect to the node you want. So, for example, if you want to make a call to a module named Chatroom on a node named lobby@localhost, you would do something like this:{:Chatroom, :lobby@localhost}, request)
Here is my design for the solution. You, of course, may come up with an entirely different and better design.
My solution has two modules, both of which use the GenServer behavior.
The first module, Chatroom, will keep as its state a list of tuples, one tuple for each person in the chat. Each tuple has the format {{_userName_, _userServer_}, _pid_}. The pid is the one that receives in the from parameter; it’s guaranteed to be unique for each person in chat.
The from parameter that your functions receive is actually a tuple consisting of {pid, refnum} where refnum is a reference number for the message. Store only the pid, which is always the same; throw away the reference number, which always changes. |
The handle_call/3 function will accept the following requests.
- {:login, user_name, server_name}
Adds the user name, server name, and pid (which is in the from parameter) to the server’s state. Don’t allow a duplicate user name from the same server. You can use List.keymember?/3 for this.
- :logout
Removes the user from the state list.
- {:say, text}
Sends the given text to all the other users in the chat room. Use GenServer.cast/2 to send the message to each user. You may use a process id as the first argument to GenServer.cast/2.
- :users
Returns the list of names and servers for all people currently in the chat room.
- {:profile, person, server_name}
Return the profile of the given person/server. (This is "extra credit"; see the following details about the Person module). It works by finding the pid of person at node server_name and sending it a :get_profile request.
The other module, Person, has a start_link/1 function; the argument is the node name of the chat room server. This will be passed on to the init/1 function. This is stored in the server’s state. I did this because many other calls need to know the chat room server’s name, and keeping it in the person’s state seemed a reasonable choice.
For extra credit, the state will also include the person’s profile, which is a list of {key, value} tuples.
The :handle_call/3 manages these requests:
- :get_chat_node
Returns the chat node name that’s stored in the server’s state. (Almost all of the wrapper functions to be described in the following section will need the chat node name.)
- {:login, user_name}
Forward this request to the chat room server along with the person’s server node name.
- :logout
Forward this request to the chat room server.
- {:say, text}
Forward this request to the chat room server.
- :get_profile
Returns the profile that’s stored in the server’s state (extra credit)
- {:set_profile, key, value}
If the profile already contains the key, replace it with the given value. Otherwise, add the key and value to the profile. You can use List:keymember? and List:keyreplace. (extra credit)
Because the chat room server uses GenServer.cast/2 to send messages to the people in the room, your handle_cast/3 function will receive messages sent from other users in this form:
{:message, {from_user, from_server}, text}
- get_chat_node()
A convenience function to get the name of the chat host node by doing, :get_chat_node)
- login(user_name)
Calls the Person server with a {:login, user_name} request. If the user name is an atom, use to_string/1 to convert it to a string.
- logout()
Calls the Person server with a :logout request. As you saw in the description of chatroom, the server uses the process ID to figure out who should be logged out.
- say(text)
Calls the Person server with a {:say, text} request.
- users()
Calls the chat server with a :users request.
- who(user_name, user_node)
Calls the chat server with a {:who, user_name, user_node} request to see the profile of the given person. (extra credit)
- set_profile(key, value)
A convenience method that calls the Person server with a {:set_profile, key, value} request. (extra credit)
The login/2, logout/0, and say/2 wrapper functions do not call the chat server directly, because the from pid would be the shell, not the person server. Instead, these functions will make a to the Person server. Its handle_call function will forward the to the chat room. That way, the chat room server sees the request coming from the Person server. |
Here is what the chat room server looks like. Most of the output you will see is debugging output. I have gotten rid of the startup lines from the iex command.
iex --sname lobby iex(lobby@localhost)1> c("chatroom.ex") [Chatroom] iex(lobby@localhost)2> c("person.ex") [Person,Person.State] iex(lobby@localhost)3> Chatroom.start_link {:ok,#PID<0.56.0>} Steve sales@localhost logging in from #PID<10982.46.0> David engineering@localhost logging in from #PID<10983.46.0> Michele marketing@localhost logging in from #PID<10984.46.0> iex(lobby@localhost)4>
And here are three other servers talking to one another and setting profile information.
iex --sname sales iex(sales@localhost)1> Person.start_link(:lobby@localhost) {:ok,#PID<0.46.0>} iex(sales@localhost)2> Person.login("Steve") "Sent login request" iex(sales@localhost)3> Person.set_profile(:city, "Chicago") {:ok,"Added city/Chicago to profile"} David (engineering@localhost) says: Hi, everyone. iex(sales@localhost)4> Person.say("How's things in Toronto, David?") "Message sent." Michele (marketing@localhost) says: Product launch is next week. iex(sales@localhost)5> Person.say("Have to leave. Bye, everyone.") "Message sent." iex(sales@localhost)6> Person.logout {:ok,"Steve@sales@localhost logged out."}
iex -sname engineering iex(engineering@localhost)1> Person.start_link(:lobby@localhost) {:ok,#PID<0.46.0>} iex(engineering@localhost)2> Person.login("David") "Sent login request" iex(engineering@localhost)3> Person.set_profile(:city, "Toronto") {:ok,"Added city/Toronto to profile"} iex(engineering@localhost)4> Person.say("Hi, everyone.") "Message sent." Steve (sales@localhost) says: How's things in Toronto, David? Michele (marketing@localhost) says: Product launch is next week. Steve (sales@localhost) says: Have to leave. Bye, everyone. iex(engineering@localhost)5> Person.users [{"Michele",:"marketing@localhost"},{"David",:"engineering@localhost"}]
iex --sname marketing iex(marketing@localhost)1> Person.start_link(:lobby@localhost) {:ok,#PID<0.46.0>} iex(marketing@localhost)2> Person.login("Michele") "Sent login request" iex(marketing@localhost)3> Person.set_profile(:city, "San Jose") {:ok,"Added city/San Jose to profile"} David (engineering@localhost) says: Hi, everyone. Steve (sales@localhost) says: How's things in Toronto, David? iex(marketing@localhost)4> Person.say("Product launch is next week.") "Message sent." iex(marketing@localhost)5> Person.users [{"Michele",:"marketing@localhost"},{"David",:"engineering@localhost"}, {"Steve",:"sales@localhost"}] iex(marketing@localhost)6> Person.who("Steve", :sales@localhost) #HashDict<[city: "Chicago"]> Steve (sales@localhost) says: Have to leave. Bye, everyone.