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History / Home


  • Try "cloning" up-level The wiki recognizes cloning on the sidebar, and that presents a URL at the same level as the Home page. I am unclear how to create an explicit cross-reference then.

    @orcmid orcmid committed Jan 17, 2020
  • Try escaping There is a problem with "/" in the URL to a local page. Trying //

    @orcmid orcmid committed Jan 17, 2020
  • Clean up and move scaffolding effort to subfolder We move all the work into the construction folder and simplify the Home page (fingers crossed)

    @orcmid orcmid committed Jan 17, 2020
  • Try linking into a sub-folder I put a copy of the top-level construction entry there. Just a test.

    @orcmid orcmid committed Jan 17, 2020
  • Attempt to make a cross-page link

    @orcmid orcmid committed Jan 17, 2020
  • Initial Home page

    @orcmid orcmid committed Nov 20, 2019