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Workflow Description Language (WDL)

This is the development version of the Workflow Description Language (WDL) specification. It introduces some new features (denoted by the ✨ symbol) to the 1.1 version of the specification. It also eliminates the features that were marked as deprecated (denoted by the 🗑 symbol) in version 1.1 of the specification.

Table of Contents


Workflow Description Language (WDL) is an open, standardized, human readable and writable language for expressing tasks and workflows. WDL is designed to be a general-purpose workflow language, but it is most widely used in the field of bioinformatics. There is a large community of WDL users who share their workflows and tasks on sites such as Dockstore.

This document provides a detailed technical specification for WDL. Users who are new to WDL may appreciate a more gentle introduction, such as the learn-wdl repository.

Here is provided a short example of WDL, after which are several sections that provide the necessary details both for WDL users and for implementers of WDL execution engines:

  • Language Specification: a description of the WDL grammar and all the parts of the WDL document.
  • Standard Library: a catalog of the functions available to be called from within a WDL document.
  • Input and Output Formats: a description of the standard input and output formats that must be supported by all WDL implementations.
  • Appendices: Sections with more detailed information about various parts of the specification.

An Example WDL Workflow

Below is the code for the "Hello World" workflow in WDL. This is just meant to give a flavor of WDL syntax and capabilities - all WDL elements are described in detail in the Language Specification.

task hello {
  input {
    File infile
    String pattern

  command <<<
    egrep '~{pattern}' '~{infile}'

  runtime {
    container: "my_image:latest"

  output {
    Array[String] matches = read_lines(stdout())

workflow wf {
  input {
    File infile
    String pattern

  call hello {
    input: infile, pattern

  output {
    Array[String] matches = hello.matches

This WDL document describes a task, called hello, and a workflow, called wf.

  • A task encapsulates a Bash script and a UNIX environment and presents them as a reusable function.
  • A workflow encapsulates a (directed, acyclic) graph of task calls that transforms input data to the desired outputs.

Both workflows and tasks can accept input parameters and produce outputs. For example, workflow wf has two input parameters, File infile and String pattern, and one output parameter, Array[String] matches. This simple workflow calls task hello, passing through the workflow inputs to the task inputs, and using the results of call hello as the workflow output.

Executing a WDL Workflow

To execute this workflow, a WDL execution engine must be used (sometimes called the "WDL runtime" or "WDL implementation"). Some popular WDL execution engines are listed in the README.

Along with the WDL file, the user must provide the execution engine with values for the two input parameters. While implementations may provide their own mechanisms for launching workflows, all implementations minimally accept inputs as JSON format, which requires that the input arguments be fully qualified according to the namespacing rules described in the Fully Qualified Names & Namespaced Identifiers section. For example:

Variable Value
wf.pattern ^[a-z]+$
wf.infile /file.txt

Or, in JSON format:

  "wf.pattern": "^[a-z]+$",
  "wf.infile": "/file.txt"

Running workflow wf with these inputs would yield the following command line from the call to task hello:

egrep '^[a-z]+$' '/file.txt'

And would result in (JSON) output that looks like:

  "wf.matches": [

Advanced WDL Features

WDL also provides features for implementing more complex workflows. For example, task hello introduced in the previous example can be called in parallel across many different input files using the well-known scatter-gather pattern:

workflow wf_parallel {
  input {
    Array[File] files
    String pattern
  scatter (path in files) {
    call hello {
        infile = path,
        pattern = pattern

  output {
    # WDL implicitly implements the 'gather' step, so
    # the output of a scatter is always an array with
    # elements in the same order as the input array
    Array[Array[String]] all_matches = hello.matches

The inputs to this workflow might look like:

  "wf_parallel.pattern": "^[a-z]+$",
  "wf_parallel.infile": ["/file1.txt", "/file2.txt"]

WDL Language Specification

Global Grammar Rules

WDL files are encoded in UTF-8, with no byte order mark (BOM).


$ws = (0x20 | 0x09 | 0x0D | 0x0A)+

Whitespace may be used anywhere in a WDL document. Whitespace has no meaning in WDL, and is effectively ignored.


$identifier = [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*
$boolean = 'true' | 'false'
$integer = [1-9][0-9]*|0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+|0[0-7]*
$float = (([0-9]+)?\.([0-9]+)|[0-9]+\.|[0-9]+)([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?
$string = "([^\\\"\n]|\\[\\"\'nrbtfav\?]|\\[0-7]{1,3}|\\x[0-9a-fA-F]+|\\[uU]([0-9a-fA-F]{4})([0-9a-fA-F]{4})?)*"
$string = '([^\\\'\n]|\\[\\"\'nrbtfav\?]|\\[0-7]{1,3}|\\x[0-9a-fA-F]+|\\[uU]([0-9a-fA-F]{4})([0-9a-fA-F]{4})?)*'

Tasks and workflow inputs may be passed in from an external source, or they may be specified in the WDL document itself using literal values. Input, output, and other declaration values may also be constructed at runtime using expressions that consist of literals, identifiers (references to declarations or call outputs), built-in operators, and standard library functions.


A string literal may contain any unicode characters between single or double-quotes, with the exception of a few special characters that must be escaped:

Escape Sequence Meaning \x Equivalent Context
\\ \ \x5C
\n newline \x0A
\t tab \x09
\' single quote \x27 within a single-quoted string
\" double quote \x22 within a double-quoted string

Strings can also contain the following types of escape sequences:

  • An octal escape code starts with \, followed by 3 digits of value 0 through 7 inclusive.
  • A hexadecimal escape code starts with \x, followed by 2 hexadecimal digits 0-9a-fA-F.
  • A unicode code point starts with \u followed by 4 hexadecimal characters or \U followed by 8 hexadecimal characters 0-9a-fA-F.
Multi-line Strings

Strings that begin with <<< and end with >>> may span multiple lines.

String s = <<<
  This is a
  multi-line string!

In multi-line strings, leading whitespace is removed according to the following rules. In the context of multi-line strings, whitespace refers to space (\x20) and tab characters only and is treated differently from newline characters.

  1. Remove all line continuations and subsequent white space.
  • A line continuation is a backslash (\) immediately preceding the newline. A line continuation indicates that two consecutive lines are actually the same line (e.g. when breaking a long line for better readability).
  • If a line ends in multiple \ then standard character escaping applies. Each pair of consecutive backslashes (\\) is an escaped backslash. So a line is continued only if it ends in an odd number of backslashes.
  • Removing a line continuation means removing the last \ character, the immediately following newline, and all the whitespace preceeding the next non-whitespace character or end of line (whichever comes first).
  1. Remove all whitespace following the opening <<<, up to and including a newline (if any).
  2. Remove all whitespace preceeding the closing >>>, up to and including a newline (if any).
  3. Use all remaining non-blank lines to determine the common leading whitespace.
  • A blank line contains zero or more whitespace characters followed by a newline.
  • Common leading whitespace is the minimum number of whitespace characters occuring before the first non-whitespace character in a non-blank line.
  • Each whitespace character is counted once regardless of whether it is a space or tab (so care should be taken when mixing whitespace characters).
  1. Remove common leading whitespace from each line.
# all of these strings evaluate to "hello  world"
String hw0 = "hello  world"
String hw1 = <<<hello  world>>>
String hw2 = <<<   hello  world   >>>
String hw3 = <<<   
    hello world>>>
String hw4 = <<<   
    hello  world
String hw5 = <<<   
    hello  world
# the line continuation causes the newline and all whitespace preceding 'world' to be removed -
# to put two spaces between 'hello' and world' we need to put them before the line continuation
String hw6 = <<<
    hello  \

# This string is not equivalent - the first line ends in two backslashes, which is an escaped
# backslash, not a line continuation. So this string evaluates to "hello \\\n  world"
String not_equivalent = <<<
hello \\

Common leading whitespace is also removed from blank lines that contain whitespace characters; newlines are not removed from blank lines. This means blank lines may be used to ensure that a multi-line string begins/ends with a newline.

# These strings are all equivalent. In strings B, C, and D, the middle lines are blank and so do
# not count towards the common leading whitespace determination.

String multi_line_A = "\nthis is a\n\n  multi-line string\n"

# This string's common leading whitespace is 0.
String multi_line_B = <<<

this is a

  multi-line string


# This string's common leading whitespace is 2. The middle blank line contains two spaces that are
# also removed.
String multi_line_C = <<<

  this is a
    multi-line string


# This string's common leading whitespace is 8.
String multi_line_D = <<<

        this is a

          multi-line string


Single- and double-quotes do not need to be escaped within a multi-line string.

String multi_line_with_quotes = <<<
  multi-line string \
  with 'single' and "double" quotes


Comments can be used to provide helpful information such as workflow usage, requirements, copyright, etc. A comment is prepended by # and can be placed at the start of a line or at the end of any line of WDL code. Any text following the # will be completely ignored by the execution engine, with one exception: within the command section, ALL text will be included in the evaluated script - even lines prepended by #.

There is no special syntax for multi-line comments - simply use a # at the start of each line.

# Comments are allowed before versions

version 1.0

# This is how you would
# write a long
# multiline
# comment

task test {
  #This comment will not be included within the command
  command <<<
    #This comment WILL be included within the command after it has been parsed
    echo 'Hello World'

  output {
    String result = read_string(stdout())
  runtime {
    container: "my_image:latest"

workflow wf {
  input {
    Int number  #This comment comes after a variable declaration

  #You can have comments anywhere in the workflow
  call test
  output { #You can also put comments after braces
    String result = test.result

Reserved Keywords

The following language keywords are reserved and cannot be used to name declarations, calls, tasks, workflows, import namespaces, or struct types & aliases.

Array Boolean Directory File Float Int Map None Pair String

alias as call command else false if hints in import input 
left meta output parameter_meta right runtime scatter struct 
task then true workflow


A declaration is a name that the user reserves in a given scope to hold a value of a certain type. In WDL all declarations (including inputs and outputs) must be typed. This means that the information about the type of data that may be held by each declarations must be specified explicitly.

In WDL all types represent immutable values. For example, a File represents a logical "snapshot" of the file at the time when the value was created. It's impossible for a task to change an upstream value that has been provided as an input - even if it modifies its local copy, the original value is unaffected.

Primitive Types

The following primitive types exist in WDL:

  • A Boolean represents a value of true or false.
  • An Int represents a signed integer in the range [-2^63, 2^63).
  • A Float represents a finite 64-bit IEEE-754 floating point number.
  • A String represents a unicode character string following the format described above.
  • A File represents a file (or file-like object).
  • ✨ A Directory represents a directory of files.

A File or Directory declaration may have a string value indicating a relative or absolute path on the local file system. An execution engine may support other ways to specify File and Directory inputs (e.g. as URIs), but prior to task execution the engine must localize inputs so that the runtime value of a File/Directory variable is a local path.


Boolean b = true 
Int i = 0
Float f = 27.3
String s = "hello, world"
File f = "path/to/file"
Directory d = "/path/to/"

Optional Types and None

A type may have a ? postfix quantifier, which means that its value is allowed to be undefined without causing an error. It can only be used in calls or functions that accept optional values.

WDL has a special value None whose meaning is "an undefined value". The type of the None value is Any, meaning None can be assigned to an optional declaration of any type. The None value is the only value that can be of type Any.

An optional declaration has a default initialization of None, which indicates that it is undefined. An optional declaration may be initialized to any literal or expression of the correct type, including the special None value.

Int certainly_five = 5      # an non-optional declaration
Int? maybe_five_and_is = 5  # a defined optional declaration

# the following are equivalent undefined optional declarations
String? maybe_five_but_is_not
String? maybe_five_but_is_not = None

Boolean test_defined = defined(maybe_five_but_is_not) # Evaluates to false
Boolean test_defined2 = defined(maybe_five_and_is)    # Evaluates to true
Boolean test_is_none = maybe_five_but_is_not == None  # Evaluates to true
Boolean test_not_none = maybe_five_but_is_not != None # Evaluates to false

For more details, see the sections on Input Type Constraints and Optional Inputs with Defaults.

Compound Types

A compound type is one that contains nested types, i.e. it is parameterized by other types. The following compound types can be constructed. In the examples below P represents any of the primitive types above, and X and Y represent any valid type (including nested compound types).


An Array represents an ordered list of elements that are all of the same type. An array is insertion ordered, meaning the order in which elements are added to the Array is preserved.

An array value can be initialized with an array literal - a comma-separated list of values in brackets ([]). A specific zero-based index of an Array can be accessed by placing the index in brackets after the declaration name. Accessing a non-existent index of an Array results in an error.

Array[File] files = ["/path/to/file1", "/path/to/file2"]
File f = files[0]  # evaluates to "/path/to/file1"

Array[Int] empty = []
# this causes an error - trying to access a non-existent array element
Int i = empty[0]

An Array may have an empty value (i.e. an array of length zero), unless it is declared using +, the non-empty postfix quantifier, which represents a constraint that the Array value must contain one-or-more elements. For example, the following task operates on an Array of Files and it requires at least one file to function:

task align {
  input {
    Array[File]+ fastqs
  String sample_type = if length(fastqs) == 1 then "--single-end" else "--paired-end"
  command <<<
  ./align ~{sample_type} ~{sep(" ", fastqs)} > output.bam
  output {
    File bam = "output.bam"

Recall that a type may have an optional postfix quantifier (?), which means that its value may be undefined. The + and ? postfix quantifiers can be combined to declare an Array that is either undefined or non-empty, i.e. it can have any value except the empty array.

Attempting to assign an empty array literal to a non-empty Array declaration results in an error. Otherwise, the non-empty assertion is only checked at runtime: binding an empty array to an Array[T]+ input or function argument is a runtime error.

# array that must contain at least one Float
Array[Float]+ nonempty = [0.0]
# array that must contain at least one Int?
# (which may have an undefined value)
Array[Int?]+ nonempty2 = [None, 1]
# array that can be undefined or must contain
# at least one Int
Array[Int]+? nonempty4
Array[Int]+? nonempty5 = [0.0]

# these both cause an error - can't assign empty array value to non-empty Array type
Array[Boolean]+ nonempty3 = []
Array[Int]+? nonempty6 = [] 

For more details see the section on Input Type Constraints.

Pair[X, Y]

A Pair represents two associated values, which may be of different types. In other programming languages, a Pair might be called a "two-tuple".

A Pair can be initialized with a pair literal - a comma-separated pair of values in parentheses (()). The components of a Pair value are accessed using its left and right accessors.

Pair[Int, Array[String]] data = (5, ["hello", "goodbye"])
Int five = p.left  # evaluates to 5
String hello = data.right[0]  # evaluates to "hello"
Map[P, Y]

A Map represents an associative array of key-value pairs. All of the keys must be of the same (primitive) type, and all of the values must be of the same type, but keys and values can be different types.

A Map can be initialized with a map literal - a comma-separated list of key-value pairs in braces ({}), where key-value pairs are delimited by :. The value of a specific key can be accessed by placing the key in brackets after the declaration name. Accessing a non-existent key of a Map results in an error.

Map[Int, Int] int_to_int = {1: 10, 2: 11}
Map[String, Int] string_to_int = { "a": 1, "b": 2 }
Map[File, Array[Int]] file_to_ints = {
  "/path/to/file1": [0, 1, 2],
  "/path/to/file2": [9, 8, 7]
Int b = string_to_int["b"]  # evaluates to 2
Int c = string_to_int["c"]  # error - "c" is not a key in the map

A Map is insertion ordered, meaning the order in which elements are added to the Map is preserved, for example when ✨ converting a Map to an array of Pairs.

# declaration using a map literal
Map[Int, String] int_to_string = { 2: "hello", 1: "goodbye" }
# evaluates to [(2, "hello"), (1, "goodbye")]
Array[Pair[Int, String]] pairs = as_pairs(int_to_string)
Custom Types (Structs)

WDL provides the ability to define custom compound types called structs. Struct types are defined directly in the WDL document and are usable like any other type. A struct definition contains any number of declarations of any types, including other Structs.

A struct is defined using the struct keyword, followed by a unique name, followed by member declarations within braces. A declaration with a custom type can be initialized with a struct literal, which begins with the Struct type name followed by a comma-separated list of key-value pairs in braces ({}), where name-value pairs are delimited by :. The member names in a struct literal are not quoted.

# a struct is a user-defined type; it can contain members of any types
struct SampleBamAndIndex {
  String sample_name
  File bam
  File bam_index

SampleBamAndIndex b_and_i = SampleBamAndIndex {
  sample_name: "NA12878",
  bam: "NA12878.bam",
  bam_index: "NA12878.bam.bai" 

The value of a specific member of a Struct value can be accessed by placing a . followed by the member name after the identifier.

File bam = b_and_i.bam

Type Conversion

WDL has some limited facilities for converting a value of one type to another type. Some of these are explicitly provided by standard library functions, while others are implicit. When converting between types, it is best to be explicit whenever possible, even if an implicit conversion is allowed.

The execution engine is also responsible for converting (or "serializing") input values when constructing commands, as well as "deserializing" command outputs. For more information, see the Command Section and the more extensive Appendix on WDL Value Serialization and Deserialization.

Primitive Conversion to String

Primitive types can always be converted to String using string interpolation. See Expression Placeholder Coercion for details.

Int i = 5
String istring = "~{i}"
Type Coercion

There are some pairs of WDL types for which there is an obvious, unambiguous conversion from one to the other. In these cases, WDL provides an automatic conversion (called "coercion") from one type to the other, such that a value of one type typically can be used anywhere the other type is expected.

For example, file paths are always represented as strings, making the conversion from String to File obvious and unambiguous.

String path = "/path/to/file"
# valid - String coerces unambiguously to File
File f = path

The table below lists all globally valid coercions. The "target" type is the type being coerced to (this is often called the "left-hand side" or "LHS" of the coercion) and the "source" type is the type being coerced from (the "right-hand side" or "RHS").

Target Type Source Type Notes/Constraints
File String
Directory String
Float Int May cause overflow error
Y? X X must be coercible to Y
Array[Y] Array[X] X must be coercible to Y
Map[X,Z] Map[W,Y] W must be coercible to X and Y must be coercible to Z
Pair[X,Z] Pair[W,Y] W must be coercible to X and Y must be coercible to Z
Struct Map[String,Y] Map keys must match Struct member names, and all Struct members types must be coercible from Y
Map[String,Y] Struct All Struct members must be coercible to Y
Coercion of Optional Types

A non-optional type T can always be coerced to an optional type T?, but the reverse is not true - coercion from T? to T is not allowed because the latter cannot accept None.

This constraint propagates into compound types. For example, an Array[T?] can contain both optional and non-optional elements. This facilitates the common idiom select_first([expr, default]), where expr is of type T? and default is of type T, for converting an optional type to a non-optional type. However, an Array[T?] could not be passed to the sep function, which requires an Array[T].

There are two exceptions where coercion from T? to T is allowed:

Struct coercion from Map

Structs can be coerced from map literals, but beware the following behavioral difference:

String a = "beware"
String b = "key"
String c = "lookup"

struct Words {
  Int a
  Int b
  Int c

# What are the keys to this Struct?
Words literal_syntax = Words {
  a: 10,
  b: 11,
  c: 12

# What are the keys to this Struct?
Words map_coercion = {
  a: 10,
  b: 11,
  c: 12
  • If a Struct declaration is initialized using the struct-literal syntax Words literal_syntax = Words { a: ... then the keys will be "a", "b" and "c".
  • If a Struct declaration is initialized using the map-literal syntax Words map_coercion = { a: ... then the keys are expressions, and thus a will be a variable reference to the previously defined String a = "beware".


$declaration = $type $identifier ('=' $expression)?

A declaration reserves a name that can be referenced anywhere in the scope where it is declared. A declaration has a type, a name, and an optional initialization. Each declaration must be unique within its scope, and may not collide with a reserved WDL keyword (e.g. workflow, or input).

Some examples of declarations:

File x
String y = "abc"
Int i = 1 + 2
Float pi = 3 + .14
Map[String, String] m

A task or workflow may declare input parameters within its input section and output parameters within its output section. If a non-optional input declaration does not have an initialization, it is considered a "required" parameter, and its value must be provided by the user before the workflow or task may be run. Declarations may also appear in the body of a task or workflow. All non-input declarations must be initialized.

task mytask {
  input {
    String s  # required input declaration
    Int? i    # optional input declaration
    Float f   # input delcaration with an initialization

  Boolean b = true  # declaration in the task body

  # This is an error! f is not an input parameter and thus
  # must be initialized.
  File f


  output {
    Array[String] strarr = ["a", "b"] # output declaration
    File? optfile = "/path/to/file"   # optional output declaration

A declaration may be initialized with a literal value or an expression, which includes the ability to refer to elements that are outputs of tasks. For example:

task test {
  input {
    String var
  command <<<
    ./script ~{var}
  output {
    String value = read_string(stdout())
  runtime {
    container: "my_image:latest"

task test2 {
  input {
    Array[String] array
  command <<<
    ./script ~{write_lines(array)}
  output {
    Int value = read_int(stdout())
  runtime {
    container: "my_image:latest"

workflow wf {
  call test as x {input: var="x"}
  call test as y {input: var="y"}
  Array[String] strs = [x.value, y.value]
  call test2 as z {input: array=strs}

In this example, strs would not be defined until both call test as x and call test as y have successfully completed. Before that's the case, strs is undefined. If any of the two tasks fail, then evaluation of strs should return an error to indicate that the call test2 as z operation should be skipped.

It must be possible to organize all of the statements within a scope into a directed acyclic graph (DAG); i.e. circular references between declarations are not allowed. The following example would result in an error due to the presence of a circular reference:

task bad {
  Int i = j + 1
  Int j = i - 2


$expression = '(' $expression ')'
$expression = $expression '.' $expression
$expression = $expression '[' $expression ']'
$expression = $expression '(' ($expression (',' $expression)*)? ')'
$expression = '!' $expression
$expression = '+' $expression
$expression = '-' $expression
$expression = if $expression then $expression else $expression
$expression = $expression '*' $expression
$expression = $expression '%' $expression
$expression = $expression '/' $expression
$expression = $expression '+' $expression
$expression = $expression '-' $expression
$expression = $expression '<' $expression
$expression = $expression '<=' $expression
$expression = $expression '>' $expression
$expression = $expression '>=' $expression
$expression = $expression '==' $expression
$expression = $expression '!=' $expression
$expression = $expression '&&' $expression
$expression = $expression '||' $expression
$expression = '{' ($expression ':' $expression (',' $expression ':' $expression )*)? '}'
$expression = '[' ($expression (',' $expression)*)? ']'
$expression = $string | $integer | $float | $boolean | $identifier

An expression is a compound statement that consists of literal values, identifiers (references to declarations or call outputs), built-in operators (e.g. + or >=), and calls to standard library functions.

A "simple" expression is one that does not make use of identifiers or any function that takes a File input or returns a File output; i.e. it is an expression that can be evaluated unambiguously without any knowledge of the runtime context. An execution engine may choose to replace simple expressions with their literal values.

# simple expressions
Float f = 1 + 2.2
Boolean b = if 1 > 2 then true else false
Map[String, Int] = as_map(zip(["a", "b", "c"], [1, 2, 3]))

# non-simple expressions
Int i = x + 3  # requires knowing the value of x
# requires reading a file that might only exist at runtime
String s = read_string("/path/to/file")  

Built-in Operators

WDL provides the standard unary and binary mathematical and logical operators. The following table lists the valid operand and result type combinations for each operator. Using an operator with unsupported types results in an error.

In operations on mismatched numeric types (e.g. Int + Float), the Int type is first cast to a Float; the result type is always Float. This may result in loss of precision, for example if the Int is too large to be represented exactly by the Float. A Float can be converted to an Int with the ceil, round, or floor functions.

Unary Operators
Operator RHS Type Result
- Float Float
- Int Int
! Boolean Boolean
Binary Operators on Primitive Types
LHS Type Operator RHS Type Result Semantics
Boolean == Boolean Boolean
Boolean != Boolean Boolean
Boolean || Boolean Boolean
Boolean && Boolean Boolean
Int + Int Int
Int - Int Int
Int * Int Int
Int / Int Int Integer division
Int % Int Int Integer division, return remainder
Int == Int Boolean
Int != Int Boolean
Int > Int Boolean
Int >= Int Boolean
Int < Int Boolean
Int <= Int Boolean
Int + Float Float
Int - Float Float
Int * Float Float
Int / Float Float
Int == Float Boolean
Int != Float Boolean
Int > Float Boolean
Int >= Float Boolean
Int < Float Boolean
Int <= Float Boolean
Float + Float Float
Float - Float Float
Float * Float Float
Float / Float Float
Float % Float Float
Float == Float Boolean
Float != Float Boolean
Float > Float Boolean
Float >= Float Boolean
Float < Float Boolean
Float <= Float Boolean
Float + Int Float
Float - Int Float
Float * Int Float
Float / Int Float
Float % Int Float
Float == Int Boolean
Float != Int Boolean
Float > Int Boolean
Float >= Int Boolean
Float < Int Boolean
Float <= Int Boolean
String + String String Concatenation
String + File File
String == String Boolean Unicode comparison
String != String Boolean Unicode comparison
String > String Boolean Unicode comparison
String >= String Boolean Unicode comparison
String < String Boolean Unicode comparison
String <= String Boolean Unicode comparison
File == File Boolean
File != File Boolean
File == String Boolean
File != String Boolean

WDL Strings are compared by the unicode values of their corresponding characters. Character a is less than character b if it has a lower unicode value.

Equality of Compound Types
LHS Type Operator RHS Type Result
Array == Array Boolean
Array != Array Boolean
Map == Map Boolean
Map != Map Boolean
Pair == Pair Boolean
Pair != Pair Boolean
Struct == Struct Boolean
Struct != Struct Boolean

In general, two compound values are equal if-and-only-if all of the following are true:

  1. They are of the same type.
  2. They are the same length.
  3. All of their contained elements are equal.

Since Arrays and Maps are ordered, the order of their elements are also compared. For example:

# arrays and maps with the same elements in the same order are equal
Boolean is_true1 = [1, 2, 3] == [1, 2, 3]
Boolean is_true2 = {"a": 1, "b": 2} == {"a": 1, "b": 2}

# arrays and maps with the same elements in different orders are not equal
Boolean is_false1 = [1, 2, 3] == [2, 1, 3]
Boolean is_false2 = {"a": 1, "b": 2} == {"b": 2, "a": 1}

Type coercion can be employed to compare values of different but compatible types. For example:

Array[Int] i = [1,2,3]
Array[Float] f = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]
# Floats are not not automatically coerced to Ints for comparison
Boolean is_false = i == f

# instead, coerce i to an array of Float first
Array[Float] i_to_f = i
Boolean is_true = i_to_f == f
Equality and Inequality Comparison of Optional Types

The equality and inequality operators are exceptions to the general rules on coercion of optional types. Either or both operands of an equality or inequality comparison can be optional, considering that None is equal to itself but no other value.

Int i = 1
Int? j = 1
Int? k = None

# equal values of the same type are equal even if one is optional
Boolean is_true = i == j
# k is undefined (None), and so is only equal to None
Boolean is_true2 k == None
# these comparisons are valid and evaluate to false
Boolean is_false = i == k
Boolean is_false2 j == k

Operator Precedence Table

Precedence Operator type Associativity Example
11 Grouping n/a (x)
10 Member Access left-to-right x.y
9 Index left-to-right x[y]
8 Function Call left-to-right x(y,z,...)
7 Logical NOT right-to-left !x
Unary Negation right-to-left -x
6 Multiplication left-to-right x*y
Division left-to-right x/y
Remainder left-to-right x%y
5 Addition left-to-right x+y
Subtraction left-to-right x-y
4 Less Than left-to-right x<y
Less Than Or Equal left-to-right x<=y
Greater Than left-to-right x>y
Greater Than Or Equal left-to-right x>=y
3 Equality left-to-right x==y
Inequality left-to-right x!=y
2 Logical AND left-to-right x&&y
1 Logical OR left-to-right x||y

Member Access

The syntax x.y refers to member access. x must be a call in a workflow, or a Struct value. A call can be thought of as a struct where the members are the outputs of the called task.

# task foo has an output y
call foo
String x = foo.y

Stuct MyType {
  String b
MyType z = MyType { z: 'hello' }
String a = z.b

Ternary operator (if-then-else)

This is an operator that takes three arguments: a condition expression, an if-true expression, and an if-false expression. The condition is always evaluated. If the condition is true then the if-true value is evaluated and returned. If the condition is false, the if-false expression is evaluated and returned. The if-true and if-false expressions must return values of the same type, such that the type of the if-then-else is the same regardless of which side is evaluated.


  • Choose whether to say "good morning" or "good afternoon":
task greet {
  input {
    Boolean morning
  String greeting = "good ~{if morning then "morning" else "afternoon}"
  • Choose how much memory to use for a task:
task mytask {
  input {
    Array[String] array
  Int array_length = length(array)
  Int memory = if array_length > 100 then "16GB" else "8GB"

Function Calls

WDL provides a standard library of functions. These functions can be called using the syntax func(p1, p2, ...), where func is the function name and p1 and p2 are parameters to the function.

Expression Placeholders and String Interpolation

Any WDL string expression may contain one or more "placeholders" of the form ~{*expression*}, each of which contains a single expression.

When a string expression is evaluated, its placeholders are evaluated first, and their values are then substituted for the placeholders in the containing string.

Int i = 3
String s = "~{1 + i}"  # s == "4"

As another example, consider how the following expression would be parsed:

String command = "grep '~{start}...~{end}' ~{input}"

This command would be parsed as:

  • grep ' - literal string
  • ~{start} - identifier expression - replaced with the value of start
  • ... - literal string
  • ~{end} - identifier expression - replaced with the value of end
  • ' - literal string
  • ~{input} - identifier expression - replaced with the value of input

Placeholders may contain other placeholders to any level of nesting, and placeholders are evaluated recursively in a depth-first manner. Placeholder expressions are anonymous - they have no name and thus cannot be referenced by other expressions, but they can reference declarations and call outputs.

Int i = 3
Boolean b = true
# s evaluates to "4", but would be "0" if b were false
String s = "~{if b then '~{1 + i}' else 0}"

Placeholders are evaluated in multi-line strings exactly the same as in regular strings. Common leading whitespace is stripped from a multi-line string before placeholder expressions are evaluated.

String spaces = "  "
String name = "Henry"
String company = "Acme"
# This string evaluates to: "  Hello Henry,\n  Welcome to Acme!"
# The string still has spaces because the placeholders are evaluated after removing the common
# leading whitespace.
String multi_line = <<<
  ~{spaces}Hello ~{name},
  ~{spaces}Welcome to ~{company}!
Expression Placeholder Coercion

The expression result in a placeholder must ultimately be converted to a string in order to take the place of the placeholder in the command script. This is immediately possible for WDL primitive types due to automatic conversions ("coercions") that occur only within the context of string interpolation:

  • String is substituted directly.
  • File is substituted as if it were a String.
  • Int is formatted without leading zeros (unless the value is 0), and with a leading - if the value is negative.
  • Float is printed in the style [-]ddd.dddddd, with 6 digits after the decimal point.
  • Boolean is converted to the "stringified" version of its literal value, i.e. true or false.
Boolean is_true1 = "~{"abc"}" == "abc"

File x = "hij"
Boolean is_true2 = "~{x}" == "hij"
Boolean is_true3 = "~{5}" == "5"

Boolean is_true4 = "~{3.141}" == "3.141000"
Boolean is_true5 = "~{3.141 * 1E-10}" == "0.000000"
Boolean is_true6 = "~{3.141 * 1E10}" == "31410000000.000000"

Compound types cannot be implicitly converted to strings. To convert an Array to a string, use the sep function: ~{sep(",", str_array)}. See the guide on WDL value serialization for more details and examples.

If an expression within a placeholder evaluates to None and either causes the entire placeholder to evaluate to None or causes an error, then the placeholder is replaced by the empty string.

String? foo = None
# The expression in this string results in an error (calling `select_first` on an array containing
# no non-`None` values) and so the placeholder evaluates to the empty string and `s` evalutes to:
# "Foo is "
String s = "Foo is ~{select_first([foo])}"
Concatenation of Optional Values

Within expression placeholders the string concatenation operator (+) gains the ability to operate on optional values, to facilitate formulation of command-line flags. When applied to two non-optional operands, the result is a non-optional String. However, if either operand has an optional type, then the concatenation has type String?, and the runtime result is None if either operand is None (which is then replaced with the empty string).

String saluation = "hello"
String? name1
String? name2 = "Fred"

# since name1 is undefined, the evaluation of the
# expression in the placeholder fails, and the
# value of greeting1 = "nice to meet you!"
String greeting1 = "~{salutation + ' ' + name1 + ' '}nice to meet you!"

# since name2 is defined, the evaluation of the
# expression in the placeholder succeedes, and the
# value of greeting2 = "hello Fred, nice to meet you!"
String greeting2 = "~{salutation + ' ' + name2 + ', '}nice to meet you!"

To illustrate how this can be used, consider this task:

task test {
  input {
    String? val

  command <<<
    python --val=~{val}

Since val is optional, the command can be instantiated in two ways:

python --val=foobar


python --val=

The latter case is very likely an error case, and this --val= part should be left off if a value for val is omitted. To solve this problem, modify the expression inside the template tag as follows:

python ~{"--val=" + val}

WDL Documents

A WDL document is a file that contains valid WDL definitions.

A WDL document must contain:

A WDL document may contain any combination of the following:

  • Any number of import statements.
  • Any number of task definitions.
  • Any number of struct definitions.
  • A maximum of one workflow definition.

To execute a WDL workflow, the user must provide the execution engine with the location of a "primary" WDL file (which may import additional files as needed) and any input values needed to satisfy all required task and workflow input parameters, using a standard input JSON file or some other execution engine-specific mechanism.

If a workflow appears in the primary WDL file, it is called the "top-level" workflow, and any workflows it calls via imports are "subworkflows". Typically, it is an error for the primary WDL file to not contain a workflow; however, an execution engine may choose to support executing individual tasks.


There are multiple versions of the WDL specification. Every WDL document must include a version statement to specify which version of the specification it adheres to. From draft-3 forward, the first non-comment statement of all WDL files must be a version statement. For example:

version 1.1


#Licence header

version 1.1

A WDL file that does not have a version statement must be treated as draft-2.

Import Statements

A WDL file may contain import statements to include WDL code from other sources.

$import = 'import' $ws+ $string ($ws+ $import_namespace)? ($ws+ $import_alias)*
$import_namespace = 'as' $ws+ $identifier
$import_alias = 'alias' $identifier $ws+ 'as' $ws+ $identifier

The import statement specifies a WDL document source as a string literal, which is interpreted as a URI. The execution engine is responsible for resolving the URI and downloading the contents. The contents of the document in each URI must be WDL source code of the same version as the importing document.

Every imported WDL file requires a namespace, which can be specified using the as $identifier syntax. If a namespace identifier is not specified explicitly, then the default namespace is the filename of the imported WDL, minus the .wdl extension. For all imported WDL files, the tasks and workflows imported from that file will only be accessible through the assigned namespace - see Fully Qualified Names & Namespaced Identifiers for details.

import "" as analysis
import ""

workflow wf {
  input {
    File bam_file
  # file_size is from ""
  call stdlib.file_size {
    input: file=bam_file
  call analysis.my_analysis_task {
    input: size=file_size.bytes, file=bam_file

The execution engine must at least support the following protocols for import URIs:

  • http://
  • https://

In the event that there is no protocol specified, the import is resolved relative to the location of the current document. If a protocol-less import starts with / it will be interpreted as starting from the root of the host in the resolved URL.

Some examples of correct import resolution:

Root Workflow Location Imported Path Resolved Path
/foo/bar/baz/qux.wdl some/task.wdl /foo/bar/baz/some/task.wdl subworkflow.wdl /openwdl/otherwdls/subworkflow.wdl
/some/path/hello.wdl /another/path/world.wdl /another/path/world.wdl

Import statements also support aliasing of structs using the x as y syntax. See struct namespacing for details.

Task Definition

A WDL task can be thought of as a template for running a set of commands - specifically, a UNIX Bash script - in a manner that is (ideally) independent of the execution engine and the runtime environment.

A task is defined using the task keyword, followed by a task name that is unique within its WDL document.

A task has a required command that is a template for a Bash script.

Tasks explicitly define their inputs and outputs, which is essential for building dependencies between tasks. The value of an input declaration may be supplied by the caller. All task declarations may be initialized with hard-coded literal values, or may have their values constructed from expressions. Declarations can be referenced in the command template.

A task may also specify requirements for the runtime environment (such as the amount of RAM or number of CPU cores) that must be satisfied in order for its commands to execute properly.

There are two optional metadata sections: the meta section, for task-level metadata, and the parameter_meta section, for parameter-level metadata.

The execution engine is responsible for "instantiating" the shell script (i.e. replacing all references with actual values) in an environment that meets all specified runtime requirements, localizing any input files into that environment, executing the script, and generating any requested outputs.

task name {
  input {
    # task inputs are declared here

  # other "private" declarations can be made here
  command <<<
    # the command template - this section is required

  output {
    # task outputs are declared here

  runtime {
    # runtime requirements are specified here

  meta {
    # task-level metadata can go here

  parameter_meta {
    # metadata about each input/output parameter can go here

Task Inputs

A task's input section declares its input parameters. The values for declarations within the input section may be specified by the caller of the task. An input declaration may be initialized to a default value or expression that will be used when the caller does not specify a value. Input declarations may also be optional, in which case a value may be specified but is not required. If an input declaration is not optional and does not have an initialization, then it is a required input, meaning the caller must specify a value.

task t {
  input {
    Int i                 # a required input parameter
    String s = "hello"    # an input parameter with a default value
    File? f               # an optional input parameter
    Directory? d = "/etc" # an optional input parameter with a default value

  # [... other task sections]

Task Input Localization

File and Directory inputs may require localization to the execution directory. For example, a file located on a remote web server that is provided to the execution engine as an https:// URL must first be downloaded to the machine where the task is being executed.

  • Files and directories are localized into the execution environment prior to the task execution commencing.
  • When localizing a File or Directory, the engine may choose to place the file wherever it likes so long as it adheres to these rules:
    • The original file name must be preserved even if the path to it has changed.
    • Two input files with the same name must be located in separate parent directories, to avoid name collision.
    • Two input files that originated in the same storage directory must also be localized into the same parent directory for task execution (see the special case handling for Versioning Filesystems).
  • When a WDL author uses a File or Directory input in their Command Section, the fully qualified, localized path (with no trailing '/') to the file is substituted when that declaration is referenced in the command template.
Special Case: Versioning Filesystem

Two or more versions of a file in a versioning filesystem might have the same name and come from the same directory. In that case, the following special procedure must be used to avoid collision:

  • The first file is always placed according to the rules above.
  • Subsequent files that would otherwise overwrite this file are instead placed in a subdirectory named for the version.

For example, imagine file fs://path/to/A.txt has two versions - 1.0 and 1.1 - that are being localized. The first might be localized as /execution_dir/path/to/A.txt. The second must then be placed in /execution_dir/path/to/1.1/A.txt

Input Type Constraints

Recall that a type may have a quantifier:

  • ? means that the parameter is optional. A user does not need to specify a value for the parameter in order to satisfy all the inputs to the workflow.
  • + applies only to Array types and it represents a constraint that the Array value must contain one-or-more elements.

The following task has several inputs with type quantifiers:

task test {
  input {
    Array[File]  a
    Array[File]+ b
    Array[File]? c
    # If the next line were uncommented it would cause an error
    # + only applies to Array, not File
    #File+ d
    # An optional array that, if defined, must contain at least one element
    Array[File]+? e

  command <<<
    /bin/mycmd ~{sep=" " a}
    /bin/mycmd ~{sep="," b}
    /bin/mycmd ~{write_lines(c)}
  runtime {
    container: "my_image:latest"

If these input values are provided:

input value
test.a ["1", "2", "3"]
test.b []

It will result in an error, since test.b is required to have at least one element.

On the other hand, if these input values are provided:

var value
test.a ["1", "2", "3"]
test.b ["x"]

The task will run successfully, because test.c is not required. Given these values, the command would be instantiated as:

/bin/mycmd 1 2 3
/bin/mycmd x

If the inputs were:

var value
test.a ["1", "2", "3"]
test.b ["x","y"]
test.c ["a","b","c","d"]

Then the command would be instantiated as:

/bin/mycmd 1 2 3
/bin/mycmd x,y
/bin/mycmd /path/to/c.txt
Optional inputs with defaults

It is possible to provide a default to an optional input type. This may be desirable in the case where you want to have a defined value by default, but you want the caller to be able to override the default and set the value to undefined (i.e. None).

task say_hello {
  input {
    String name
    String? saluation = "hello"
  command <<< >>>
  output {
    String greeting = if defined(saluation) then "~{saluation} ~{name}" else name

workflow foo {
  input {
    String name
    Boolean use_salutation
  if (use_salutation) {
    call say_hello { input: name = name }

  if (!use_salutation) {
    call say_hello { 
        name = name,
        salutation = None 

Private Declarations

A task can have declarations that are intended as intermediate values rather than inputs. These private declarations may appear anywhere in the body of the task, and they must be initialized. Just like input declarations, private declarations may be initialized with literal values, or with expressions that may reference other declarations.

For example, this task takes an input and then performs a calculation, using a private declaration, that can then be referenced in the command template:

task t {
  input {
    Int size

  Int size_clamped = if size > 10 then 10 else size

The value of a private declaration may not be specified by the task caller, nor is it accessible outside of the task scope.

task test {
  input {
    Int i
  String s = "hello"
  command <<< ... >>>
  output {
    File out = "/path/to/file"

workflow wf {
  call test {
      i = 1,         # this is fine - "i" is in the input section
      s = "goodbye"  # error! "s" is private
  output {
    File out = test.out # this is fine - "out" is in the output section
    String s = test.s   # error! "s" is private

Command Section

The command section is the only required task section. It defines the command template that is evaluated and executed when the task is called. The command template is a bash script that may contain placeholder expressions. There may be any number of commands within a command section.

command <<<
  echo 'hello world'
  cat ~{myfile} > tempfile
  python tempfile

The command template is evaluated after all of the inputs are staged and before the outputs are evaluated. The command template is evaluated similarly to multi-line strings:

  1. Remove all whitespace following the opening <<<, up to and including a newline (if any).
  2. Remove all whitespace preceeding the closing >>>, up to and including a newline (if any).
  3. Use all remaining non-blank lines to determine the common leading whitespace.
  4. Remove common leading whitespace from each line.
  5. Evaluate placeholder expressions.

Notice that there is one major difference between the evaluation of multi-line strings vs the command template: line continuations are removed in the former but left as-is in the latter. This also means that continued lines are considered when determining common leading whitespace, and that common leading whitespace is removed from continued lines as well.

String s = <<<
  This string has \
  no newlines

command <<<
  echo "~{s}"
  echo "This command has line continuations \
    that still appear in the Bash script \
    after evaluation"

When the above command template is evaluated the resulting Bash script is:

echo "This string has no newlines"
echo "This command has line continuations \
  that still appear in the Bash script \
  after evaluation"

For another example, consider a task that calls the python interpreter with an in-line Python script:

task heredoc {
  input {
    File infile

  command <<<
    python <<CODE
      with open("~{in}") as fp:
        for line in fp:
          if not line.startswith('#'):

Given an infile value of /path/to/file, the execution engine produces the following Bash script, which has removed the 4 spaces that were common to the beginning of each line:

python <<CODE
  with open("/path/to/file") as fp:
    for line in fp:
      if not line.startswith('#'):

Each whitespace character is counted once regardless of whether it is a space or tab, so care should be taken when mixing whitespace characters. For example, if a command block has two lines, and the first line begins with <space><space><space><space>, and the second line begins with <tab> then only one whitespace character is removed from each line.

Expression Placeholders

The command template can be thought of as a single string expression, which (like all string expressions) may contain placeholders.

Any valid WDL expression may be used within a placeholder. For example, a command might reference an input to the task, like this:

task test {
  input {
    File infile
  command <<<
    cat ~{infile}

In this case, infile within the ~{...} is an identifier expression referencing the value of the infile input parameter that was specified at runtime. Since infile is a File declaration, the execution engine will have staged whatever file was referenced by the caller such that it is available on the local file system, and will have replaced the original value of the infile parameter with the path to the file on the local filesystem.

The expression can also be more complex, for example a function call:

task write_array {
  input {
    Array[String] str_array
  command <<<
    # the "write_lines" function writes each string in an array
    # as a line in a temporary file, and returns the path to that
    # file, which can then be referenced by other commands such as 
    # the unix "cat" command
    cat ~{write_lines(str_array)}

Keep in mind that the command section is still subject to the rules of string interpolation: ultimately, the value of the placeholder must be converted to a string. This is immediately possible for primitive values, but compound values must be somehow converted to primitive values. In some cases, this is not possible, and the only available mechanism is to write the complex output to a file. See the guide on WDL value serialization for details.

Task Outputs

The output section contains declarations that are exposed as outputs of the task after a call to the task completes successfully. An output declaration must be initialized, and its value is evaluated only after the task's command completes successfully, enabling any files generated by the command to be used to determine its value.

For example a task's output section might looks like this:

output {
  Int threshold = read_int("threshold.txt")
  Array[File]+ csvs = glob("*.csv")
  File? outfile = "path/to/outfile.txt"

After the command is executed, the following outputs are expected to be found in the task execution directory:

  • A file called "threshold.txt", which contains one line that consists of only an integer and whitespace.
  • One or more files (as indicated by the + postfix quantifier) with the .csv extension in the working directory that are collected into an array by the glob function.
  • There may or may not be an output file at path/to/outfile.txt (relative to the execution directory) - if the file does not exist, the value of outfile will be undefined.

See the WDL Value Serialization section for more details.

File, Directory, and Optional Outputs

File and Directory outputs are represented as string paths.

A common pattern is to use a placeholder in a string expression to construct a file/directory name as a function of the task input. For example:

task example {
  input {
    String prefix
    File bam

  command <<<
    python --prefix=~{prefix} ~{bam}

  output {
    File analyzed = "~{prefix}.out"
    File bam_sibling = "~{bam}.suffix"
  runtime {
    container: ""

If prefix were specified as "foobar", then "~{prefix}.out" would be evaluated to "foobar.out".

Another common pattern is to use the glob function to define outputs that might contain zero, one, or many files.

output {
  Array[File] output_bams = glob("*.bam")

Relative paths are interpreted relative to the execution directory, whereas absolute paths are interpreted in a container-dependent way.

# 'rel' is always at the given path relative to the execution dir
File rel = "my/path/to/something.txt"
# 'abs' may be in the root dir of the container file system if
# we're running in a Docker container, or it might be in the
# root dir of the host machine's file system if we're not
File abs = "/something.txt"

All File and Directory outputs are required to exist, otherwise the task will fail. However, an output may be declared as optional (e.g. File?, Directory?, or Array[File?]), in which case the value will be undefined if the file/directory does not exist.

For example, executing the following task:

task optional_output {
  command <<<
    touch example_exists.txt
    touch arr2.exists.txt
  output {
    File example_exists = "example_exists.txt"
    File? example_optional = "example_optional.txt"
    Array[File?] array_optional = ["arr1.dne.txt", "arr2.exists.txt"]

will generate the following outputs:

  • optional_output.example_exists will resolve to a File
  • optional_output.example_optional will resolve to None
  • optional_output.array_optional will resolve to [<File>, None]

The execution engine may need to "de-localize" File and Directory outputs. For example, if the WDL is executed on a cloud instance, then the outputs must be copied to cloud storage after execution completes successfully. When a File or Directory is de-localized, its name and contents (including subdirectories) are preserved, but not necessarily its local path. Any hard- or soft-links shall be resolved into a regular files/directories.

Soft link resolution example

If a task produces the following Directory output:

 - a           # a file, 10 MB
 - b -> a      # a softlink to 'a'

Then, after de-localization, it would be:

 - a           # a file, 10 MB
 - b           # another file, 10 MB

If this were then passed to the Directory input of another task, it would contain two independent files, dir/a and dir/b, with identical contents.

Evaluation of Task Declarations

All non-output declarations (i.e. input and private declarations) must be evaluated prior to evaluating the command section.

Input and private declarations may appear in any order within their respective sections and they may reference each other so long as there are no circular references. Input and private declarations may not reference declarations in the output section.

Declarations in the output section may reference any input and private declarations, and may also reference other output declarations.

Runtime Section

$runtime = 'runtime' $ws* '{' ($ws* $runtime_kv $ws*)* '}'
$runtime_kv = $identifier $ws* '=' $ws* $expression

The runtime section defines a set of key/value pairs that represent the minimum requirements needed to run a task and the conditions under which a task should be interpreted as a failure or success. The runtime section is limited to the attributes defined in this specification. Arbitrary key/value pairs are not allowed in the runtime section, and must instead be placed in the hints section.

During execution of a task, all resource requirements within the runtime section must be enforced by the engine. If the engine is not able to provision the requested resources, then the task immediately fails.

All runtime attributes have well-defined meanings and default values. Default values for the optional attributes are directly defined by the WDL specification in order to encourage portability of workflows and tasks; execution engines should not provide additional mechanisms to set default values for when no runtime attributes are defined.

The value of a runtime attribute may be any expression that evaluates to the expected type - and, in some cases, matches the accepted format - for that attribute. Expressions in the runtime section may reference (non-output) declarations in the task:

task test {
  input {
    String ubuntu_version

  command <<<
  runtime {
    container: ubuntu_version

Units of Storage

Several of the runtime attributes (and some Standard Library functions) can accept a string value with an optional unit suffix, using one of the valid SI or IEC abbreviations. At a minimum, execution engines must support the following suffices in a case-insensitive manner:

  • B (bytes)
  • Decimal: KB, MB, GB, TB
  • Binary: KiB, MiB, GiB, TiB

Optional whitespace is allowed between the number/expression and the suffix. For example: 6.2 GB, 5MB, "~{ram}GiB".

The decimal and binary units may be shortened by omitting the trailing "B". For example, "K" and "KB" are both interpreted as "kilobytes".

Runtime Attributes

The following attributes must be supported by the execution engine. The value for each of these attributes must be defined - if it is not specified by the user, then it must be set to the specified default value.

  • Required
  • Accepted types:
    • String: A single container URI.
    • Array[String]: An array of container URIs.

The container attribute accepts a URI string that describes a location where the execution engine can attempt to retrieve a container image to execute the task.

The format of a container URI string is protocol://location, where protocol is one of the protocols supported by the execution engine. Execution engines must, at a minimum, support the docker:// protocol, and if no protocol is specified, it is assumed to be docker://. An execution engine should ignore any URI with a protocol it does not support.

task single_image_test {
  runtime {
    container: "ubuntu:latest"

Container source locations use the syntax defined by the individual container repository. For example, an image defined as ubuntu:latest would conventionally refer a Docker image living on DockerHub, while an image defined as would refer to a repository.

The container attribute also accepts an array of URI strings. All of the locations must point to images that are equivalent, i.e. they must always produce the same final results when the task is run with the same inputs. It is the responsibility of the execution engine to define the specific image sources it supports, and to determine which image is the "best" one to use at runtime. The ordering of the array does not imply any implicit preference or ordering of the containers. All images are expected to be the same, and therefore any choice would be equally valid. Defining multiple images enables greater portability across a broad range of execution environments.

task multiple_image_test {
  runtime {
    container: ["ubuntu:latest", ""]

The execution engine must cause the task to fail immediately if there is not a container URI that can be resolved successfully to a runnable image.

  • Accepted types:
    • Int
    • Float
  • Default value: 1

The cpu attribute defines the minimum number of CPU cores required for this task, which must be available prior to instantiating the command. The execution engine must provision at least the requested number of CPU cores, but it may provision more. For example, if the request is cpu: 0.5 but only discrete values are supported, then the execution engine might choose to provision 1.0 CPU instead.

task cpu_example {
  runtime {
    cpu: 8
  • Accepted types:
    • Int: Bytes of RAM.
    • String: A decimal value with, optionally with a unit suffix.
  • Default value: 2 GiB

The memory attribute defines the minimum memory (RAM) required for this task, which must be available prior to instantiating the command. The execution engine must provision at least the requested amount of memory, but it may provision more. For example, if the request is 1 GB but only blocks of 4 GB are available, then the execution engine might choose to provision 4.0 GB instead.

task memory_test {
  runtime {
    memory: "2 GB"
  • Accepted type: Boolean
  • Default value: false

The gpu attribute provides a way to accommodate modern workflows that are increasingly becoming reliant on GPU computations. This attribute simply indicates to the execution engine that a task requires a GPU to run to completion. A task with this flag set to true is guaranteed to only run if a GPU is a available within the runtime environment. It is the responsibility of the execution engine to check prior to execution whether a GPU is provisionable, and if not, preemptively fail the task.

This attribute cannot request any specific quantity or types of GPUs to make available to the task. Any such information should be provided using an execution engine-specific attribute.

task gpu_test {
  runtime {
    gpu: true
  • Accepted types:
    • Int: Amount disk space to request, in GiB.
    • String: A disk specification - one of the following:
      • "<size>": Amount disk space to request, in GiB.
      • "<size> <suffix>": Amount disk space to request, with the given suffix.
      • "<mount-point> <size>": A mount point and the amount disk space to request, in GiB.
      • "<mount-point> <size> <suffix>": A mount point and the amount disk space to request, with the given suffix.
    • Array[String] - An array of disk specifications.
  • Default value: 1 GiB

The disks attribute provides a way to request one or more persistent volumes of at least a specific size and mounted at a specific location. When the disks attribute is provided, the execution engine must guarantee the requested resources are available or immediately fail the task prior to instantiating the command.

task disks_test {
 runtime {
   disks: 100

This property does not specify exactly what type of persistent volume is being requested (e.g. SSD, HDD), but leaves this up to the engine to decide, based on what hardware is available or on another execution engine-specific attribute.

If a disk specification string is used to specify a mount point, then the mount point must be an absolute path to a location on the host machine. If the mount point is omitted, it is assumed to be a persistent volume mounted at the root of the execution directory within a task.

task disks_test {
  runtime {
    disks: "/mnt/outputs 500 GiB"

If an array of disk specifications is used to specify multiple disk mounts, only one of them is allowed to omit the mount point.

task disks_test {
  runtime {
  	# The first value will be mounted at the execution root
    disks: ["500", "/mnt/outputs 500 GiB", "/mnt/tmp 5 TB"]
  • Accepted type: Int
  • Default value: 0

The maxRetries attribute provides a mechanism for a task to be retried in the event of a failure. If this attribute is defined, the execution engine must retry the task UP TO but not exceeding the number of attempts that it specifies.

The execution engine may choose to define an upper bound (>= 1) on the number of retry attempts that it permits.

A value of 0 means that the task as not retryable, and therefore any failure in the task should never result in a retry by the execution engine, and the final status of the task should remain the same.

task maxRetries_test {
  runtime {
    maxRetries: 4
  • Accepted types:
    • "*": This special value indicates that ALL returnCodes should be considered a success.
    • Int: Only the specified return code should be considered a success.
    • Array[Int]: Any of the return codes specified in the array should be considered a success.
  • Default value: 0

The returnCodes attribute provides a mechanism to specify the return code, or set of return codes, that indicates a successful execution of a task. The engine must honor the return codes specified within the runtime block and set the tasks status appropriately.

Single return code

task maxRetries_test {
  runtime {
    returnCodes: 1

Multiple return codes

task maxRetries_test {
  runtime {
    returnCodes: [1,2,5,10]

All return codes

task maxRetries_test {
  runtime {
    returnCodes: "*"

Meta Values

$meta_kv = $identifier $ws* '=' $ws* $meta_value
$meta_value = $string | $number | $boolean | 'null' | $meta_object | $meta_array
$meta_object = '{}' | '{' $meta_kv (, $meta_kv)* '}'
$meta_array = '[]' |  '[' $meta_value (, $meta_value)* ']'

The subsequent three sections (hints, meta, and parameter_meta) are all similar in that they can contain arbitrary key/value pairs. However, the values allowed in these sections ("meta values") are different than in runtime and other sections:

  • Only string, numeric, and boolean primitives are allowed.
  • Only array and object compound values are allowed.
  • The special value null is allowed for undefined attributes.
  • Expressions are not allowed.

A meta object is similar to a struct literal, except:

  • A Struct type name is not required.
  • Its values must conform to the same metadata rules defined above.
task {
  meta {
    authors: ["Jim", "Bob"]
    version: 1.1
    citation: {
      year: 2020,
      doi: "1234/10.1010"

✨ Hints

$hints = 'hints' $ws* '{' ($ws* $meta_kv $ws*)* '}'

The hints section is optional and may contain any number of key/value pairs that provide hints to the execution engine. Some hint keys are reserved and have well-defined values.

The runtime and hints sections differ in two important ways:

  1. A task execution must fail if the execution engine is not able to satisfy all of the runtime requirements, but a task execution never fails due to the inability of the execution engine to recognize or satisfy a hint.
  2. The values of runtime attributes may be any valid expression, while only meta values may used in the hints section.

Reserved Hints

The following hints are reserved. They are optional for execution engines to support, but if they are supported they must have the meanings and allowed values defined below. The purpose of reserving these hints is to encourage interoperability of tasks and workflows between different execution engines.

  • maxCpu: Specifies the maximum CPU to be provisioned for a task. The value of this hint has the same specification as runtime.cpu.
  • maxMemory: Specifies the maximum memory provisioned for a task. The value of this hint has the same specification as runtime.memory.
  • shortTask: A Boolean value, for which true indicates that that this task is not expected to take long to execute. The execution engine can interpret this as permission to attempt to optimize the execution of the task - e.g. by batching together multiple shortTasks, or by using the cost-optimized instance types that many clouds provide, e.g. preemptible instances on gcp and spot instances on aws. "Short" is a bit relative, but should generally be interpreted as << 24h.
  • localizationOptional: A Boolean value, for which true indicates that, if possible, the File type input declarations for this task should not be (immediately) localized. For example, a task that processes its input file once in linear fashion could have that input streamed (e.g. using a fifo) rather than requiring the input file to be fully localized prior to execution. This directive must not have any impact on the success or failure of a task (i.e. a task should run with or without localization).
  • inputs: Provides input-specific hints in the form of a hints object. Each key within this hint should refer to an actual input defined for the current task.
    • inputs.<key>.localizationOptional: Tells the execution engine that a specific File input does not need to be localized for this task.
  • outputs: Provides outputs specific hints in the form of a hints object. Each key within this hint should refer to an actual output defined for the current task
task foo {
  input {
    File bar
  command <<< ... >>>

  runtime {
    container: "ubuntu:latest"

  hints {
    maxMemory: "36 GB"
    maxCpu: 24
    shortTask: true
    localizationOptional: false
    inputs: {
      bar: { 
        localizationOptional: true

Conventions and Best Practices

To encourage interoperable workflows, WDL authors and execution engine implementors should view hints strictly as runtime optimizations. Hints must not be interpreted as requirements. Following this principle will ensure that a workflow is runnable on all platforms assuming the runtime block has the required attributes, regardless of whether it contains any additional hints.

Please observe the following guidelines when using hints:

  • A hint must never be required for successful task execution.
  • Less is more. Before adding a new hint, ask yourself "do I really need another hint, or is there a better way to specify the behavior I require?".
  • Complexity is killer. By allowing any arbitrary keys and compound values, it is possible for the hints section to become quite complex. Use the simplest value possible to achieve the desired outcome.
  • Sharing is caring. Users tend to look for similar behavior between different execution engines. It is strongly encouraged that execution engines agree on common names and accepted values for hints that describe common usage patterns. A good example of hints that have conventions attached to them is cloud provider-specific details:
    task foo {
      hints {
        gcp: {
        aws: {
        azure: {
        alibaba: {
  • Use objects to avoid collisions. If there are specific hints that are unlikely to ever be shared between execution engines, it is good practice to encapsulate these within their own execution engine-specific hints object:
    task foo {
      hints {
        cromwell: {
          # cromwell specific 
        miniwdl: {
          # miniwdl specific

Metadata Sections

There are two optional sections that can be used to store metadata with the task: meta and parameter_meta. These sections are designed to contain metadata that is only of interest to human readers. The engine can ignore these sections with no loss of correctness. The extra information can be used, for example, to generate a user interface. Any attributes that may influence execution behavior should go in the runtime section.

Task Metadata Section

$meta = 'meta' $ws* '{' ($ws* $meta_kv $ws*)* '}'

This section contains task-level metadata. For example: author and contact email.

Parameter Metadata Section

$parameter_meta = 'parameter_meta' $ws* '{' ($ws* $meta_kv $ws*)* '}'

This section contains metadata specific to input and output parameters. Any key in this section must correspond to a task input or output.

task wc {
  input {
    File infile
    Boolean lines_only = false
    String? region

  parameter_meta {
    infile: {
      help: "Count the number of lines in this file"
    lines_only: { 
      help: "Count only lines"
    region: {
      help: "Cloud region",
      suggestions: ["us-west", "us-east", "asia-pacific", "europe-central"]

  command <<<
    wc ~{true="-l", false=' ' lines_only} ~{infile}

  output {
     String retval = stdout()

  runtime {
    container: "my_image:latest"

Task Examples

Example 1: Simplest Task

task hello_world {
  command <<<
  echo "hello world"

Example 2: Inputs/Outputs

task one_and_one {
  input {
    String pattern
    File infile
  command <<<
    grep ~{pattern} ~{infile}
  output {
    File filtered = stdout()
  runtime {
    container: "my_image:latest"

Example 3: Runtime/Metadata

task runtime_meta {
  input {
    Int memory_mb
    String sample_id
    String param
  command <<<
    java -Xmx~{memory_mb}M -jar task.jar -id ~{sample_id} -param ~{param} -out ~{sample_id}.out
  output {
    File results = "~{sample_id}.out"
  parameter_meta {
    memory_mb: "Amount of memory to allocate to the JVM"
    param: "Some arbitrary parameter"
    sample_id: "The ID of the sample in format foo_bar_baz"
  meta {
    author: "Joe Somebody"
    email: ""
  runtime {
    container: "my_image:latest"
    memory: "~{memory_mb + 256} MB"

Example 4: BWA MEM

task bwa_mem_tool {
  input {
    Int threads
    Int min_seed_length
    Array[Int]+ min_std_max_min
    File reference
    File reads
  command <<<
    bwa mem -t ~{threads} \
            -k ~{min_seed_length} \
            -I ~{sep=',' min_std_max_min} \
            ~{reference} \
            ~{sep=' ' reads+} > output.sam
  output {
    File sam = "output.sam"
  runtime {
    container: "my_image:latest"
    cpu: threads

Example 5: Word Count

task wc2_tool {
  input {
    File file1
  command <<<
    wc ~{file1}
  output {
    Int count = read_int(stdout())
  runtime {
    container: "my_image:latest"

workflow count_lines4_wf {
  input {
    Array[File] files
  scatter (f in files) {
    call wc2_tool {
      input: file1 = f
  output {

Example 6: tmap

task tmap_tool {
  input {
    Array[String] stages
    File reads
  command <<<
    tmap mapall ~{sep=' ' stages} < ~{reads} > output.sam
  output {
    File sam = "output.sam"
  runtime {
    container: "my_image:latest"

Given the following inputs:

Variable Value
reads /path/to/fastq
stages ["stage1 map1 --min-seq-length 20 map2 --min-seq-length 20", "stage2 map1 --max-seq-length 20 --min-seq-length 10 --seed-length 16 map2 --max-seed-hits -1 --max-seq-length 20 --min-seq-length 10"]

This task produces a command line like this:

tmap mapall \
stage1 map1 --min-seq-length 20 \
       map2 --min-seq-length 20 \
stage2 map1 --max-seq-length 20 --min-seq-length 10 --seed-length 16 \
       map2 --max-seed-hits -1 --max-seq-length 20 --min-seq-length 10

Workflow Definition

A workflow can be thought of as a directed acyclic graph (DAG) of transformations that convert the input data to the desired outputs. Rather than explicitly specifying the sequence of operations, A WDL workflow instead describes the connections between the steps in the workflow (i.e. between the nodes in the graph). It is the responsibility of the execution engine to determine the proper ordering of the workflow steps, and to orchestrate the execution of the different steps.

A workflow is defined using the workflow keyword, followed by a workflow name that is unique within its WDL document, followed by any number of workflow elements within braces.

workflow name {
  input {
    # workflow inputs are declared here

  # other "private" declarations can be made here
  # there may be any number of (potentially nested) 
  # calls, scatter blocks, or conditional blocks
  call target { input: ... }
  scatter (i in collection) { ... }
  if (condition) { ... }

  output {
    # workflow outputs are declared here

  meta {
    # workflow-level metadata can go here

  parameter_meta {
    # metadata about each input/output parameter can go here

Here is an example of a simple workflow that runs one task (not defined here):

workflow wf {
  input {
    Array[File] files
    Int threshold
    Map[String, String] my_map
  call analysis_job {
      search_paths = files,
      threshold = threshold,
      sex_lookup = my_map

Workflow Elements

Tasks and workflows have several elements in common. These sections have nearly the same usage in workflows as they do in tasks, so we just link to their earlier descriptions.

In addition to these sections, a workflow may have any of the following elements that are specific to workflows:

  • calls to tasks or subworkflows
  • scatter blocks, which are used to parallelize operations across collections
  • Conditional (if) blocks, which are only executed when a conditional expression evaluates to true

Workflow Inputs

The workflow and task input sections have identical semantics.

Workflow Outputs

The workflow and task output sections have identical semantics.

By default, if the output {...} section is omitted from a top-level workflow, then the workflow has no outputs. However, the execution engine may choose allow the user to specify that when the top-level output section is omitted, all outputs from all calls (including nested calls) should be returned.

If the output {...} section is omitted from a workflow that is called as a subworkflow, then that call must not have outputs. Formally defined outputs of subworkflows are required for the following reasons:

  • To present the same interface when calling subworkflows as when calling tasks.
  • To make it easy for callers of subworkflows to find out exactly what outputs the call is creating.
  • In case of nested subworkflows, to give the outputs at the top level a simple fixed name rather than a long qualified name like a.b.c.d.out (which is liable to change if the underlying implementation of c changes, for example).

Evaluation of Workflow Elements

As with tasks, workflow declarations can appear in the body of a workflow in any order. Expressions in workflows can reference the outputs of calls, including in input declarations. For example:

workflow foo {
  input {
    Int x = 10
    Int y = my_task.out

  call my_task as t1 { input: int_in = x }
  call my_task as t2 { input: int_in = y }

The control flow of this workflow changes depending on whether the value of y is provided as an input or it's initializer expression is evaluated:

  • If an input value is provided for y then it receives that value immediately and t2 may start running as soon as the workflow starts.
  • In no input value is provided for y then it will need to wait for t1 to complete before it is assigned.

Fully Qualified Names & Namespaced Identifiers

$fully_qualified_name = $identifier ('.' $identifier)*
$namespaced_identifier = $identifier ('.' $identifier)*

A fully qualified name is the unique identifier of any particular call, input, or output, and has the following structure:

  • For calls: <parent namespace>.<call alias>
  • For inputs and outputs: <parent namespace>.<input or output name>
  • For Structs: <parent namespace>.<member name>

A namespace is a set of names, such that every name is unique within the namespace (but the same name could be used in two different namespaces). The parent namespace is the fully qualified name of the workflow containing the call, the workflow or task containing the input or output declaration, or the Struct declaration containing the member. For the top-level workflow this is equal to the workflow name.

For example: ns.ns2.mytask is a fully-qualified name - ns.ns2 is the parent namespace, and mytask is the task name being referred to within that namespace. Fully-qualified names are left-associative, meaning ns.ns2.mytask is interpreted as ((ns.ns2).mytask), meaning ns.ns2 has to resolve to a namespace so that .mytask can be applied.

When a call statement needs to refer to a task or workflow in another namespace, then it must use the fully-qualified name of that task or workflow. When an expression needs to refer to a declaration in another namespace, it must use a namespaced identifier, which is an identifier consisting of a fully-qualified name.

Consider this workflow:


struct Result {
  String foo

task mytask {
  output {
    Result result


import "other.wdl" as ns

workflow wf {
  call ns.mytask

  output {
    String result =

In this example, the call statement uses the fully-qualified name ns.mytask to refer to task mytask in namespace ns, which is the alias given to other.wdl when it is imported. We can then refer to the outputs of this call using its alias mytask (see the Call Statement section for details on call aliasing). is a namespaced identifier referring to the member foo of the Struct-typed output declaration result of the call mytask.

In the following more extensive example, all of the fully-qualified names that exist within the top-level workflow are listed exhaustively:


task foobar {
  input {
    File infile
  command <<<
    sh ~{infile}
  output {
    File results = stdout()
  runtime {
    container: "my_image:latest"

workflow other_workflow {
  input {
    Boolean bool
  call foobar


import "other.wdl" as other

task test {
  input {
    String my_var
  command <<<
    ./script ~{my_var}
  output {
    File results = stdout()
  runtime {
    container: "my_image:latest"

workflow wf {
  Array[String] arr = ["a", "b", "c"]
  call test
  call test as test2
  call other.foobar
  call other.other_workflow
  call other.other_workflow as other_workflow2
  output {
  scatter(x in arr) {
    call test as scattered_test {
      input: my_var = x

The following fully-qualified names exist within workflow wf in main.wdl:

  • wf - References top-level workflow
  • wf.test - References the first call to task test
  • wf.test2 - References the second call to task test (aliased as test2)
  • wf.test.my_var - References the String input of first call to task test
  • wf.test.results - References the File output of first call to task test
  • wf.test2.my_var - References the String input of second call to task test
  • wf.test2.results - References the File output of second call to task test
  • wf.foobar.results - References the File output of the call to other.foobar
  • wf.foobar.input - References the File input of the call to other.foobar
  • wf.other_workflow - References the first call to subworkflow other.other_workflow
  • wf.other_workflow.bool - References the Boolean input of the first call to subworkflow other.other_workflow
  • wf.other_workflow.foobar.results - References the File output of the call to foobar inside the first call to subworkflow other.other_workflow
  • wf.other_workflow.foobar.input - References the File input of the call to foobar inside the first call to subworkflow other.other_workflow
  • wf.other_workflow2 - References the second call to subworkflow other.other_workflow (aliased as other_workflow2)
  • wf.other_workflow2.bool - References the Boolean input of the second call to subworkflow other.other_workflow
  • wf.other_workflow2.foobar.results - References the File output of the call to foobar inside the second call to subworkflow other.other_workflow
  • wf.other_workflow2.foobar.input - References the File input of the call to foobar inside the second call to subworkflow other.other_workflow
  • wf.arr - References the Array[String] declaration on the workflow
  • wf.scattered_test - References the scattered version of call test
  • wf.scattered_test.my_var - References an Array[String] for each element used as my_var when running the scattered version of call test.
  • wf.scattered_test.results - References an Array[File] which are the accumulated results from scattering call test
  • wf.scattered_test.1.results - References an File from the second invocation (0-indexed) of call test within the scatter block. This particular invocation used value "b" for my_var

Call Statement

A workflow calls other tasks/workflows via the call keyword. A call is followed by the name of the task or subworkflow to run. A call's target task may be defined in the current WDL document - using just the task name - or in an imported WDL - using its fully-qualified name. Since a WDL workflow can never be in the same document as another workflow, a subworkflow must always be called in an imported WDL using its fully-qualified name.

A call statement must be uniquely identifiable. By default, the call's unique identifier is the task or subworkflow name (e.g. call foo would be referenced by name foo). However, if one were to call foo twice in a workflow, each subsequent call statement will need to alias itself to a unique name using the as clause, e.g. call foo as bar.

A call has an optional body in braces ({}). The only element that may appear in the call body is the input: keyword, followed by an optional, comma-delimited list of inputs to the call. A call must, at a minimum, provide values for all of the task/subworkflow's required inputs, and every input value/expression must match the type of the task/subworkflow's corresponding input parameter. If a task has no required parameters, then the call body may be empty or omitted.

import "lib.wdl" as lib

task my_task {
  input {
    Int num
    String? opt_string

workflow wf {
  input {
    String s
    Int i

  # Calls my_task with one required input - it is okay to not
  # specify a value for my_task.opt_string since it is optional.
  call my_task { input: num = i }

  # Calls my_task a second time, this time with both inputs.
  # We need to give this one an alias to avoid name-collision.
  call my_task as my_task_alias {
      num = i,
      opt_string = s

  # Calls a workflow imported from lib with no inputs.
  call lib.other_workflow
  # This call is also valid
  call lib.other_workflow as other_workflow2 {}

There is no mechanism for a workflow to set a value for a nested input when calling a subworkflow. For example, the following workflow is invalid:


task mytask {
  input {
    Int x

workflow sub {
  # error! missing required input
  call mytask


workflow top {
  # error! can't specify a nested input
  call sub { input: sub.mytask.x = 5 }

If a call input has the same name as a declaration from the current scope, the name of the input may appear alone (without an expression) to implicitly bind the value of that declaration. In the following example, {input: x, y=b, z} is equivalent to {input: x=x, y=b, z=z}

tash foo {
  input {
    Int x
    String y
    Float z

workflow abbrev {
  input {
    Int x
    String b
    Float z
  call foo { input: x, y=b, z }

Calls may be executed as soon as all their inputs are available. If call x's inputs are based on call y's outputs, this means that call x can be run as soon as call y has completed.

As soon as the execution of a called task completes, the call outputs are available to be used as inputs to other calls in the workflow or as workflow outputs. The only task declarations that are accessible outside of the task are its output declarations, i.e. call inputs cannot be referenced. To expose a call input, add an output to the task that simply copies the input:

task copy_input {
  input {
    String greeting
  command <<< echo "~{greeting}, nice to meet you!" >>>
  output {
    # expose the input to s as an output
    String greeting_out = greeting
    String msg = read_string(stdout())

workflow test {
  input {
    String name
  call copy_input { input: greeting = "hello ~{name}" }
  output {
    String greeting = copy_input.greeting_out
    String msg = copy_input.msg

To add a dependency from x to y that isn't based on outputs, you can use the after keyword, such as call x after y after z. However, this is only required if x doesn't already depend on an output from y.

task my_task {
  input {
    Int input_num
  output {
    Int output_num

workflow wf {
  # Call my_task
  call my_task { input: input_num = 2 }

  # Call my_task again with the output from the first call.
  # This call will wait until my_task is finished.
  call my_task as my_task_alias {
    input: input_num = my_task.output_num

  # Call my_task again. This call does not depend on the
  # output from an earlier call, but we explicitly
  # specify that this task should wait until my_task is
  # complete before executing this call.
  call my_task as my_task_alias2 after my_task {
    input: input_num = 5

An input value may be any valid expression, not just a reference to another call output. For example:

task my_task {
  input {
    File f
    Int disk_space_gb

  command <<<
    python ~{f}

  output {
    File results = stdout()
  runtime {
    container: "my_image:latest"
    disks: disk_space_gb

workflow wf {
  input {
    File f

  call my_task {
      f = f,
      disk_space_gb = size(f, "GB")

Here is a more complex example of calling a subworkflow:


task hello {
  input {
    String addressee
  command <<<
    echo "Hello ~{addressee}!"
  runtime {
    container: "ubuntu:latest"
  output {
    String salutation = read_string(stdout())

workflow wf_hello {
  input {
    String wf_hello_input

  call hello {
    input: addressee = wf_hello_input 

  output {
    String salutation = hello.salutation


import "sub_wdl.wdl" as sub

workflow main_workflow {
  call sub.wf_hello as sub_hello { 
    input: wf_hello_input = "sub world" 

  output {
    String main_output = sub_hello.salutation

Computing Call Inputs

Any required workflow inputs (i.e. those that are not initialized with a default value or expression) must have their values provided when invoking the workflow. Inputs may be specified for a workflow invocation using any mechanism supported by the execution engine, including the standard JSON format.

By default, all calls to subworkflows and tasks must have values provided for all required inputs by the caller. However, the execution engine may allow the workflow to leave some subworkflow/task inputs undefined - to be specified by the user at runtime - by setting the allowNestedInputs flag to true in the meta section of the top-level workflow. For example:

task mytask {
  input {
    String name
    File f

workflow allows_nested_inputs {
  input {
    String s
  meta {
    allowNestedInputs: true

  # Required parameter "mytask.f" is not specified.
  # Typically this is an error, but "meta.allowNestedInputs"
  # is true so it is allowed, but the user must specify a 
  # value for "allows_nested_inputs.mytask.f" as a runtime 
  # input.
  call mytask { input: name = s }

Here is a more extensive example:

task t1 {
  input {
    String s
    Int x

  command <<<
    ./script --action=~{s} -x~{x}

  output {
    Int count = read_int(stdout())
  runtime {
    container: "my_image:latest"

task t2 {
  input {
    String s
    Int? t
    Int x

  command <<<
    ./script2 --action=~{s} -x~{x} ~{"--other=" + t}

  output {
    Int count = read_int(stdout())
  runtime {
    container: "my_image:latest"

task t3 {
  input {
    Int y
    File ref_file # Do nothing with this

  command <<<
    python -c "print(~{y} + 1)"

  output {
    Int incr = read_int(stdout())
  runtime {
    container: "my_image:latest"

workflow wf {
  input {
    Int int_val
    Array[Int] my_ints
    File ref_file
    String t1s
    String t2s

  meta {
    allowNestedInputs: true

  String not_an_input = "hello"

  call t1 {
        x = int_val,
        s = t1s

  call t2 {
        x = t1.count,
        s = t2s

  scatter(i in my_ints) {
    call t3 {
      input: y=i, ref=ref_file

The inputs to wf will be:

  • wf.t1s as a String
  • wf.t2s as a String
  • wf.int_val as an Int
  • wf.my_ints as an Array[Int]
  • wf.ref_file as a File
  • wf.t2.t as an Int?

Note that the optional t input for task t2 is left unsatisfied. This input can be specified at runtime as wf.t2.t because allowNestedInputs is set to true; if it were set to false, this input could not be specified at runtime.

It is an error for the user to attempt to override a call input at runtime, even if nested inputs are allowed. For example, if the user tried to specify = "Fred" in the input JSON, an error would be raised.


$scatter = 'scatter' $ws* '(' $ws* $scatter_iteration_statement $ws*  ')' $ws* $scatter_body
$scatter_iteration_statement = $identifier $ws* 'in' $ws* $expression
$scatter_body = '{' $ws* $workflow_element* $ws* '}'

Scatter-gather is a common parallelization pattern in computer science. Given a collection of inputs (such as an array), the "scatter" step executes a set of operations on each input in parallel. In the "gather" step, the outputs of all the individual scatter-tasks are collected into the final output.

WDL provides a mechanism for scatter-gather using the scatter block. A scatter block begins with the scatter keyword and has three essential pieces:

  • An expression that evaluates to an Array[X] - the array to be scattered over.
  • The scatter variable - an identifier that will hold the input value in each iteration of the scatter. The scatter variable is always of type X, where X is the item type of the Array.
  • A body that contains any number of nested statements - declarations, calls, scatters, conditionals - that are executed for each value in the collection.
workflow scatter_example {
  input {
    Array[String] name_array = ["Joe", "Bob", "Fred"]
    String salutation = "hello"
  # 'name_array' is an identifier expression that evaluates
  #   to an Array of Strings.
  # 'name' is a String declaration that will have a 
  #   different value - one of the elements of name_array - 
  #   during each iteration
  scatter (name in name_array) {
    # these statements are evaluated for each different value
    # of 'name'
    String greeting = "~{salutation} ~{name}"
    call say_hello { input: greeting = greeting }

In this example, the scatter body is evaluated three times - once for each value in name_array. On a multi-core computer, each of these evaluations might happen in a separate thread or subprocess; on a cloud platform, each of these evaluations might take place in a different virtual machine.

The scatter body is a nested scope in which name is accessible, along with all of the declarations and call outputs that are accessible in the enclosing scope. name is not accessible outside the scatter body - e.g. it would be an error to reference name in the workflow's output section. However, if there were another nested scatter, name would be accessible in that nested scatter's body.

workflow scatter_example {
  input {
    Array[String] name_array = ["Joe", "Bob", "Fred"]
    Array[String] salutation_array = ["hello", "goodbye"]

  scatter (name in name_array) {
    scatter (salutation in salutation_array)
      # both 'name' and 'saluation' are accessible here
      String greeting = "~{salutation} ~{name}"

  output {
    String scatter_name = name  # error! 'name' not accessible here

Calls within the scatter body are able to depend on each other and reference each others' outputs. In the following example, task2 depends on task1.

scatter (i in integers) {
  call task1 { input: num=i }
  call task2 { input: num=task1.output }

After a scatter block is fully evaluated, all of the declarations and call outputs in the scatter body (except for the scatter variable) are "exported" to the enclosing context. However, because a scatter block represents an array of evaluations, the type of each exported declaration or call output is implicitly Array[X], where X is the type of the declaration or call output within the scatter body. The ordering of the exported array(s) is guaranteed to match the ordering of the input array.

For example:

task say_hello {
  input {
    String salutation
    String name
  command <<< >>>
  output {
    String greeting = "~{salutation} ~{name}"

workflow scope_example {
  input {
    Array[String] hobbit_array = ["Bilbo", "Frodo", "Merry"]

  Array[Int] counter = range(length(hobbit_array))
  # the zip() function generates an array of pairs
  scatter (name_and_index in zip(hobbit_array, counter)) {
    # use a different saluation for even and odd items in the array
    String salutation = if name_and_index.right % 2 == 0 then "hello" else "g'day"
    call say_hello { 
        salutation = salutation,
        name = name_and_index.left

    # within the scatter body, when we access the output of the
    # say_hello call, we get a String
    String greeting = say_hello.greeting

  # Outside of the scatter body, we can access all of the names that
  # are inside the scatter body, but the types are now all Arrays.
  # Each of these outputs will be an array of length 3 (the same
  # length as 'hobbit_array').
  output {
    # the value of this Array is guaranteed to be: 
    # ["hello", "g'day", "hello"]
    Array[String] salutations = salutation

    # the value of this Array is guaranteed to be:
    # ["hello Bilbo", "g'day Frodo", "hello Merry"]
    Array[String] greetings = say_hello.greeting

If scatter blocks are nested to multiple levels, the output types are also nested to the same number of levels. For example:

workflow multi_level {
  scatter (i in [1, 2, 3]) {
    scatter (j in ["a", "b", "c"]) {
      String msg = "~{i} ~{j}"
    # directly outside the scatter containing msg,
    # msg's type is an Array
    Array[String] msg_level_1 = msg

  # here we are two levels of nesting away from msg, so
  # its type is an Array that is two levels deep
  Array[Array[String]] msg_level_2a = msg

  # these two arrays are identical
  Array[Array[String]] msg_level_2b = msg_level_1

Conditional (if block)

$conditional = 'if' '(' $expression ')' '{' $workflow_element* '}'

A conditional block consists of the if keyword, followed by a Boolean expression and a body of nested statements. The conditional body is only evaluated if the conditional expression evaluates to true.

workflow cond_test {
  input {
    Boolean b = false
  # this block is not evaluated since 'b' is false
  if (b) {
    call say_hello
  # this block is not evaluated since !b is true
  if (!b) {
    call say_goodbye

The scoping rules for conditionals are similar to those for scatters. Any declarations or call outputs inside a conditional body are accessible within that conditional and any nested scatter or conditional blocks. After a conditional block has been evaluated, its declarations and call outputs are "exported" to the enclosing scope. However, because the statements within a conditional block may or may not be evaluated during any given execution of the workflow, the type of each exported declarations or call output is implicitly X?, where X is the type of the declaration or call output within the conditional body.

Even though a conditional body is only evaluated if its conditional expression evaluates to true, all of the potential declarations and call outputs in the conditional body are always exported, regardless of the value of the conditional expression. In the case that the conditional expression evaluates to false, all of the exported declarations and call outputs are undefined (i.e. have a value of None).

workflow foo {
  # Call 'x', producing a Boolean output:
  call x
  Boolean x_out = x.out

  # Call 'y', producing an Int output, in a conditional block:
  if (x_out) {
    call y
    Int y_out = y.out

  # Outside the if block, 'y' has an optional type:
  Int? y_out_maybe = y.out

  # Call 'z' which takes an optional Int input:
  call z { input: optional_int = y_out_maybe }

It is impossible to have a multi-level optional type, e.g. Int??; thus, the outputs of a conditional block are only ever single-level optionals, even when there are nested conditionals.

workflow foo {
  input {
    Boolean b
    Boolean c

  if(b) {
    if(c) {
      call x
      Int x_out = x.out

  # Even though it's within a nested conditional, x_out
  # has a type of Int? rather than Int??
  Int? x_out_maybe = x_out 

  # Call 'y' which takes an Int input.
  # The select_first produces an Int, not an Int?
  call y { input: int_input = select_first([x_out_maybe, 5]) } 

Remember that optional types can be coalesced by using the select_all and select_first functions. For example:

workflow foo {
  input {
    Array[Int] scatter_range = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

  scatter (i in scatter_range) {
    call x { input: i = i }
    if (x.validOutput) {
      Int x_out = x.out

  # Because it was declared inside the scatter and the if-block, 
  # the type of x_out is different here:
  Array[Int?] x_out_maybes = x_out

  # We can select only the valid elements with select_all:
  Array[Int] x_out_valids = select_all(x_out_maybes)

  # Or we can select the first valid element:
  Int x_out_first = select_first(x_out_maybes)

Struct Definition

A Struct type is a user-defined data type. Structs enable the creation of compound data types that bundle together related attributes in a more natural way than is possible using the general-purpose compound types like Pair or Map. Once defined, a Struct type can be used as the type of a declaration like any other data type.

A struct definition is a top-level WDL element, meaning it is defined at the same level as tasks and workflows, and it cannot be defined within a task or workflow body. A struct is defined using the struct keyword, followed by a name that is unique within the WDL document, and a body containing a set of member declarations. Declarations in a struct body differ from those in a task or workflow in that struct members cannot have default initializers. Struct members may be optional.

Valid struct:

struct Person {
  String first_name
  String last_name
  Int age
  Float? income

Invalid struct:

struct Invalid {
  String myString = "Cannot do this"
  Int myInt

A struct member may be of any type, including compound types and even other Struct types.

struct Sample {
  String id
  Person donor
  Map[String, Array[File]] assay_data

Struct Literals

A struct literal is an instance of a specific Struct type that provides values for all of the non-optional members and any of the optional members. The members of a struct literal are validated against the Struct's definition at the time of creation. Members do not need to be specified in any specific order. Once a struct literal is created, it is immutable like any other WDL value.

A struct literal begins with the name of the Struct type, followed by name-value pairs for each of the members within braces.

struct BankAccount {
  String account_number
  Int routing_number
  Float balance
  Array[Int]+ pin_digits
  String? username

task {
  input {
    # it's okay to leave out username since it's optional
    BankAccount account1 = BankAccount {
      account_number: "123456",
      routing_number: 300211325,
      balance: 3.50,
      pin_digits: [1, 2, 3, 4]

    # error! missing required account_number
    BankAccount account2 = BankAccount {
      routing_number: 611325474,
      balance: 9.99,
      pin_digits: [5, 5, 5, 5]

    # error! pin_digits is empty
    BankAccount account3 = BankAccount {
      account_number: "FATCAT42",
      routing_number: 880521345,
      balance: 50.01,
      pin_digits: []

Struct Namespacing

Although a struct is a top-level element, it is not considered a member of the WDL document's namespace the way that other top-level elements (tasks and workflows) are. Instead, when a WDL document is imported all of its structs are added to a global struct namespace. This enables structs to be used by their name alone, without the need for any namespace. prefix.


struct Foo {
  String s
  Int i


import "structs.wdl"

task test {
  input {
    # here we can use type 'Foo' rather than 'structs.Foo'
    Foo f = Foo { s: "hello", i: 42 }

It is valid to import the same Struct into the global namespace multiple times via different paths; however, if two Structs with the same name but different members are imported into the global namespace there is a name collision resulting in an error. This means that care must be taken not to give identical names to two different Structs that might be imported into the same WDL document tree. Alternatively, Structs can be aliased at import time.

For example, if the current WDL defines a struct Experiment and an imported WDL defines a different struct Experiment, it can be aliased as follows:

import "" as ex alias Experiment as OtherExperiment

In order to resolve multiple Structs, simply add additional alias statements:

import "" as ex2
  alias Parent as Parent2
  alias Child as Child2
  alias GrandChild as GrandChild2

A Struct can always be aliased even if its name does not conflict with another Struct in the global namespace. When a Struct is imported with an alias, it is added to the global namespace only under that alias. If aliases are used for some Structs in an imported WDL but not others, the unaliased Structs are still imported into the global namespace under their original names.

Struct Usage

A Structs members are accessed using a . to separate the identifier from the member name. For example:

struct Wizard {
  String name
  Int age

task my_task {
  input {
    Wizard w

  command <<<
    echo "hello my name is ~{} and I am ~{w.age} years old"

  output {
    String wizard_name = "~{} Potter"
    Int age_in_muggle_years = w.age * 2
  runtime {
    container: "my_image:latest"

workflow my_workflow {
  Wizard harry = Wizard { name: "Harry", age: 11 }
  call myTask { input: a = harry }

Access to elements of compound members can be chained into a single expression. For example:

struct Experiment {
  Array[File] experimentFiles
  Map[String, String] experimentData

Example 1: Accessing the nth element of experimentFiles and any element in experimentData:

workflow workflow_a {
  input {
    Experiment myExperiment
  File firstFile = myExperiment.experimentFiles[0]
  String experimentName = myExperiment.experimentData["name"]

Example 2: The struct is an item in an Array:

workflow workflow_a {
  input {
    Array[Experiment] myExperiments

  File firstFileFromFirstExperiment = myExperiments[0].experimentFiles[0]
  File experimentNameFromFirstExperiment = myExperiments[0].experimentData["name"]

Standard Library

The following functions are available to be called in WDL expressions. The signature of each function is given as R func_name(T1, T2, ...), where R is the return type and T1, T2, ... are the parameter types. All function parameters must be specified in order, and all function parameters are required, with the exception that the last parameter of some functions is optional (denoted by the type in brackets []).

A function is called using the following syntax: R' val = func_name(arg1, arg2, ...), where R' is a type that is coercible from R, and arg1, arg2, ... are expressions whose types are coercible to T1, T2, ...

Some functions accept arguments of multiple different types, denoted as a list of types separated by |.

Some functions are polymorphic, which means that they are actually multiple functions with the same name but different signatures. Such functions are defined with generic types (e.g. X, Y) instead of concrete types (e.g. File or String), and the bounds of each type parameter is specified in the function description.

Functions that are new in this version of the specification are denoted by ✨.

Int floor(Float), Int ceil(Float) and Int round(Float)

These functions convert a Float to an Int using different rounding methods:

  • floor: Rounds down to the next lower integer.
  • ceil: Rounds up to the next higher integer.
  • round: Rounds to the nearest integer based on standard rounding rules ("round half up").


  1. Float: the number to round.

Returns: An integer.


# all these expressions evaluate to true
Boolean all_true = [
  floor(1.0) == 1,
  floor(1.9) == 1,
  ceil(2.0) == 2,
  ceil(2.1) == 3,
  round(1.49) == 1,
  round(1.50) == 2

✨ Int min(Int, Int), Float min(Float, Float), Float min(Int, Float), Float min(Float, Int)

Returns the smaller of two values. If both values are Ints, the return value is an Int, otherwise it is a Float.


  1. Int|Float: the first number to compare.
  2. Int|Float: the second number to compare.

Returns: The smaller of the two arguments.


workflow min_test {
  input {
    Int value1
    Float value2
  output {
    # these two expressions are equivalent
    Float min1 = if value1 < value2 then value1 else value2
    Float min2 = min(value1, value2)

✨ Int max(Int, Int), Float max(Float, Float), Float max(Int, Float), Float max(Float, Int)

Returns the larger of two values. If both values are Ints, the return value is an Int, otherwise it is a Float.


  1. Int|Float: the first number to compare.
  2. Int|Float: the second number to compare.

Returns: The larger of the two arguments.


workflow max_test {
  input {
    Int value1
    Float value2
  output {
    # these two expressions are equivalent
    Float max1 = if value1 > value2 then value1 else value2
    Float max2 = max(value1, value2)

String sub(String, String, String)

Given 3 String parameters input, pattern, replace, this function replaces all non-overlapping occurrences of pattern in input by replace. pattern is a regular expression that will be evaluated as a POSIX Extended Regular Expression (ERE).

Regular expressions are written using regular WDL strings, so backslash characters need to be double-escaped. For example:

String s1 = "hello\tBob"
String s2 = sub(s1, "\\t", " ")


  1. String: the input string.
  2. String: the pattern to search for.
  3. String: the replacement string.

Returns: the input string, with all occurrences of the pattern replaced by the replacement string.


String chocolike = "I like chocolate when it's late"

String chocolove = sub(chocolike, "like", "love") # I love chocolate when it's late
String chocoearly = sub(chocolike, "late", "early") # I like chocoearly when it's early
String chocolate = sub(chocolike, "late$", "early") # I like chocolate when it's early
String chocoearlylate = sub(chocolike, "[^ ]late", "early") # I like chocearly when it's late
String choco4 = sub(chocolike, " [:alpha:]{4} ", " 4444 ") # I 4444 chocolate 4444 it's late

Any arguments are allowed so long as they can be coerced to Strings. For example, this can be useful to swap the extension of a filename:

task example {
  input {
    File input_file = "my_input_file.bam"
    # the value of output_file_name is "my_input_file.index"
    String output_file_name = sub(input_file, "\\.bam$", ".index")

  command <<<
    echo "I want an index instead" > ~{output_file_name}

  output {
    File outputFile = output_file_name
  runtime {
    container: "my_image:latest"

File stdout()

Returns the value of the executed command's standard output (stdout) as a File. The file should be given a random name and written in a temporary directory, so as not to conflict with any other task output files.

Parameters: None

Returns: A File reference to the stdout generated by the command of the task where the function is called.

Restrictions: Can only be used within the output section of a task.


This task echos a message to standard out, and then returns a File containing that message.

task echo {
  command <<< echo "hello world" >>>
  output {
    File message = stdout()

File stderr()

Returns the value of the executed command's standard error (stderr) as a File. The file should be given a random name and written in a temporary directory, so as not to conflict with any other task output files.

Parameters: None

Returns: A File reference to the stderr generated by the command of the task where the function is called.

Restrictions: Can only be used within the output section of a task.


This task echos a message to standard error, and then returns a File containing that message.

task echo {
  command <<< >&2 echo "hello world" >>>
  output {
    File message = stderr()

Array[File] glob(String)

Returns the Bash expansion of the glob string relative to the task's execution directory, and in the same order.

glob finds all of the files (but not the directories) in the same order as would be matched by running echo <glob> in Bash from the task's execution directory.

At least in standard Bash, glob expressions are not evaluated recursively, i.e. files in nested directories are not included.


  1. String: The glob string.

Returns: A array of all files matched by the glob.

Restrictions: Can only be used within a task.


task gen_files {
  command <<<
    ./generate_files --num 4 --prefix "a"

  output {
    Array[File] a_files = glob("a*")

This command generates the following directory structure:

├── a1.txt
├── ab.txt
├── a_dir
│   ├── a_inner.txt
├── az.txt

Running echo a* in the execution directory would expand to a1.txt, ab.txt, a_dir and az.txt, in that order. Since glob ignores directories, a_dir is discarded and the result of the expression is ["a1.txt", "ab.txt", "az.txt"].

Non-standard Bash

The runtime container may use a non-standard Bash shell that supports more complex glob strings, such as allowing expansions that include a_inner.txt in the example above. To ensure that a WDL is portable when using glob, a container image should be provided and the WDL author should remember that glob results depend on coordination with the Bash implementation provided in that container.

String basename(String|File, [String])

Returns the "basename" of a file - the name after the last directory separator in the file's path.

The optional second parameter specifies a literal suffix to remove from the file name.


  1. (String|File): Path of the file to read. If the argument is a String, it is assumed to be a local file path relative to the current working directory of the task.
  2. [String]: Suffix to remove from the file name.

Returns: The file's basename as a String.


Boolean is_true1 = basename("/path/to/file.txt") == "file.txt"`
Boolean is_true2 = basename("/path/to/file.txt", ".txt") == "file"

Array[String] read_lines(String|File)

Reads each line of a file as a String, and returns all lines in the file as an Array[String]. Line endings (\r and \n) are removed from every line.

The order of the lines in the returned Array[String] must be the order in which the lines appear in the file.

If the entire contents of the file can not be read for any reason, the calling task or workflow fails with an error. Examples of failure include, but are not limited to, not having access to the file, resource limitations (e.g. memory) when reading the file, and implementation-imposed file size limits.


  1. String|File: Path of the file to read. If the argument is a String, it is assumed to be a local file path relative to the current working directory of the task.

Returns: An Array[String] representation of the lines in the file.


This task greps through a file and returns all strings that match the given pattern:

task do_stuff {
  input {
    String pattern
    File file

  command <<<
    grep '~{pattern}' ~{file}

  output {
    Array[String] matches = read_lines(stdout())
  runtime {
    container: "my_image:latest"

Array[Array[String]] read_tsv(String|File)

Reads a tab-separated value (TSV) file as an Array[Array[String]] representing a table of values. Line endings (\r and \n) are removed from every line.

There is no requirement that the rows of the table are all the same length.

If the entire contents of the file can not be read for any reason, the calling task or workflow fails with an error. Examples of failure include, but are not limited to, not having access to the file, resource limitations (e.g. memory) when reading the file, and implementation-imposed file size limits.


  1. String|File: Path of the TSV file to read. If the argument is a String, it is assumed to be a local file path relative to the current working directory of the task.

Returns: An Array of rows in the TSV file, where each row is an Array[String] of fields.


The following task has a command that outputs a TSV file to ./results/file_list.tsv. The output file is read and returned as a table.

task do_stuff {
  input {
    File file
  command <<<
    python ~{file}
  output {
    Array[Array[String]] output_table = read_tsv("./results/file_list.tsv")

Map[String, String] read_map(String|File)

Reads a tab-separated value (TSV) file representing a set of pairs. Every row must have exactly two columns, i.e. col1\tcol2. Line endings (\r and \n) are removed from every line.

Each pair is added to a Map[String, String] in order. The values in the first column must be unique; if there are any duplicate keys, an error is raised.

If the entire contents of the file can not be read for any reason, the calling task or workflow fails with an error. Examples of failure include, but are not limited to, not having access to the file, resource limitations (e.g. memory) when reading the file, and implementation-imposed file size limits.


  1. String|File: Path of the two-column TSV file to read. If the argument is a String, it is assumed to be a local file path relative to the current working directory of the task.

Returns: A Map[String, String], with one element for each unique key in the TSV file.


This task executes a command that writes a two-column TSV to standard out, and then reads that file into a Map[String, String]:

task do_stuff {
  input {
    String flags
    File file
  command <<<
    ./script --flags=~{flags} ~{file}
  output {
    Map[String, String] mapping = read_map(stdout())

R read_json(String|File)

Reads a JSON file into a WDL value whose type depends on the file's contents. The mapping of JSON type to WDL type is:

JSON Type WDL Type
null None
boolean Boolean
number Int or Float
string String
array Array[X]
object object literal

The return value must be used in a context where it can be coerced to the expected type, or an error is raised. For example, if the JSON file contains null, then the return type will be None, meaning the value can only be used in a context where an optional type is expected.

If the JSON file contains an array, then all the elements of the array must be of the same type or an error is raised.

The read_json function doesn't have access to any WDL type information, so it cannot return an instance of a specific Struct type. Instead, it returns a generic object litearal value that must be coerced immediately to the desired Struct or Map type. For example:


  "name": "John",
  "age": 42
struct Person {
  String name
  Int age
File json_file = "person.json"
Person p = read_json(json_file)

If the entire contents of the file cannot be read for any reason, the calling task or workflow fails with an error. Examples of failure include, but are not limited to, not having access to the file, resource limitations (e.g. memory) when reading the file, and implementation-imposed file size limits.


  1. String|File: Path of the JSON file to read. If the argument is a String, it is assumed to be a local file path relative to the current working directory of the task.

Returns: An value whose type is dependent on the contents of the JSON file.


This task writes a JSON object to ./results/file_list.json and then reads it into a generic object value, which is immediately coerced to a Map[String, String].

task do_stuff {
  input {
    File file
  command <<<
    python ~{file}

  output {
    Map[String, String] output_table = read_json("./results/file_list.json")
  runtime {
    container: "my_image:latest"

String read_string(String|File)

Reads an entire file as a string, with any trailing end-of-line characters (\r and \n) stripped off. If the file is empty, an empty string is returned.

If the file contains any internal newline characters, they are left intact. For example:

# this file will contain "this\nfile\nhas\nfive\nlines\n"
File f = write_lines(["this", "file", "has", "file", "lines"])

# s will contain "this\nfile\nhas\nfive\nlines"
String s = read_string(f)

If the entire contents of the file can not be read for any reason, the calling task or workflow fails with an error. Examples of failure include, but are not limited to, not having access to the file, resource limitations (e.g. memory) when reading the file, and implementation-imposed file size limits.


  1. String|File: Path of the file to read. If the argument is a String, it is assumed to be a local file path relative to the current working directory of the task.

Returns: A String.

Int read_int(String|File)

Reads a file that contains a single line containing only an integer and (optional) whitespace. If the line contains a valid integer, that value is returned as an Int, otherwise an error is raised.

If the entire contents of the file can not be read for any reason, the calling task or workflow fails with an error. Examples of failure include, but are not limited to, not having access to the file, resource limitations (e.g. memory) when reading the file, and implementation-imposed file size limits.


  1. String|File: Path of the file to read. If the argument is a String, it is assumed to be a local file path relative to the current working directory of the task.

Returns: An Int.

Float read_float(String|File)

Reads a file that contains a single line containing only an numeric value and (optional) whitespace. If the line contains a valid floating point number, that value is returned as a Float, otherwise an error is raised.

If the entire contents of the file can not be read for any reason, the calling task or workflow fails with an error. Examples of failure include, but are not limited to, not having access to the file, resource limitations (e.g. memory) when reading the file, and implementation-imposed file size limits.


  1. String|File: Path of the file to read. If the argument is a String, it is assumed to be a local file path relative to the current working directory of the task.

Returns: A Float.

Boolean read_boolean(String|File)

Reads a file that contains a single line containing only an boolean value and (optional) whitespace. If the line contains "true" or "false", that value is returned as a Boolean, otherwise an error is raised.

If the entire contents of the file can not be read for any reason, the calling task or workflow fails with an error. Examples of failure include, but are not limited to, not having access to the file, resource limitations (e.g. memory) when reading the file, and implementation-imposed file size limits.


  1. String|File: Path of the file to read. If the argument is a String, it is assumed to be a local file path relative to the current working directory of the task.

Returns: A Boolean.

File write_lines(Array[String])

Writes a file with one line for each element in a Array[String]. All lines are terminated by the newline (\n) character (following the POSIX standard). If the Array is empty, an empty file is written.

The generated file should be given a random name and written in a temporary directory, so as not to conflict with any other task output files.

If the entire contents of the file can not be written for any reason, the calling task or workflow fails with an error. Examples of failure include, but are not limited to, insufficient disk space to write the file.


  1. Array[String]: Array of strings to write.

Returns: A File.


This task writes an array of strings to a file, and then calls a script with that file as input.

task example {
  input {
    Array[String] array = ["first", "second", "third"]

  command <<<
    ./script --file-list=~{write_lines(array)}
  runtime {
    container: "my_image:latest"

The actual command line might look like:

./script --file-list=/local/fs/tmp/array.txt

And /local/fs/tmp/array.txt would contain:


File write_tsv(Array[Array[String]])

Writes a tab-separated value (TSV) file with one line for each element in a Array[Array[String]]. Each element is concatenated into a single tab-delimited string. All lines are terminated by the newline (\n) character. If the Array is empty, an empty file is written.

The generated file should be given a random name and written in a temporary directory, so as not to conflict with any other task output files.

If the entire contents of the file can not be written for any reason, the calling task or workflow fails with an error. Examples of failure include, but are not limited to, insufficient disk space to write the file.


  1. Array[Array[String]]: An array of rows, where each row is an array of column values.

Returns: A File.


This task writes a TSV file with two lines, and three columns in each line. It then calls a script using that file as input.

task example {
  input {
    Array[Array[String]] array = [["one", "two", "three"], ["un", "deux", "trois"]]

  command <<<
    ./script --tsv=~{write_tsv(array)}
  runtime {
    container: "my_image:latest"

The actual command line might look like:

./script --tsv=/local/fs/tmp/array.tsv

And /local/fs/tmp/array.tsv would contain:


File write_map(Map[String, String])

Writes a tab-separated value (TSV) file with one line for each element in a Map[String, String]. Each element is concatenated into a single tab-delimited string of the format ~{key}\t~{value}. All lines are terminated by the newline (\n) character. If the Map is empty, an empty file is written.

Since Maps are ordered, the order of the lines in the file is guaranteed to be the same order that the elements were added to the Map.

The generated file should be given a random name and written in a temporary directory, so as not to conflict with any other task output files.

If the entire contents of the file can not be written for any reason, the calling task or workflow fails with an error. Examples of failure include, but are not limited to, insufficient disk space to write the file.


  1. Map[String, String]: An Map, where each element will be a row in the generated file.

Returns: A File.


This task writes a Map[String, String] to a file, and then calls a script with that file as input.

task example {
  input {
    Map[String, String] map = {"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2"}

  command <<<
    ./script --map=~{write_map(map)}
  runtime {
    container: "my_image:latest"

The actual command line might look like:

./script --tsv=/local/fs/tmp/map.tsv

And /local/fs/tmp/map.tsv would contain:


File write_json(X)

Writes a JSON file with the serialized form of a WDL value. The following WDL types can be serialized:

WDL Type JSON Type
None null
Boolean boolean
Int number
Float number
String string
File string
Array[X] array
Struct object
Map[String, X] object

When serializing compound types, all nested types must be serializable or an error is raised. For example the following value could not be written to JSON:

Pair[Int, Map[Int, String]] x = (1, {2: "hello"})
# this fails with an error - Map with Int keys is not serializable
File f = write_json(x)  


  1. X: A WDL value of a supported type.

Returns: A File.


This task writes a Map[String, String] to a JSON file, then calls a script with that file as input.

task example {
  input {
    Map[String, String] map = {"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2"}

  command <<<
    ./script --map=~{write_json(map)}
  runtime {
    container: "my_image:latest"

The actual command line might look like:

./script --tsv=/local/fs/tmp/map.json

And /local/fs/tmp/map.json would contain:

  "key1": "value1",
  "key2": "value2"

Float size(File?|Array[File?], [String])

Determines the size of a file, or the sum total sizes of an array of files. By default, the size is returned in bytes unless the optional second argument is specified with a unit.

There are four supported types for the first parameter:

  • File: Returns the size of the file.
  • File?: Returns the size of the file if it is defined, or 0.0 otherwise.
  • Array[File]: Returns the sum of sizes of the files in the array, or 0.0 if the array is empty.
  • Array[File?]: Returns the sum of sizes of all defined files in the array, or 0.0 if the array contains no defined files.

If the size can not be represented in the specified unit because the resulting value is too large to fit in a Float, an error is raised. It is recommended to use a unit that will always be large enough to handle any expected inputs without numerical overflow.


  1. File|File?|Array[File]|Array[File?]: A file, or array of files, for which to determine the size.
  2. [String] The unit of storage; defaults to 'B'.

Returns: The size of the file(s) as a Float.


task example {
  input {
    Array[File] input_files

  command <<<
    echo "this file is 22 bytes" > created_file

  output {
    Float input_files_gb = size(input_files, "GB")
    Float created_file_bytes = size("created_file") # 22.0
    Float created_file_kb = size("created_file", "K") # 0.022
  runtime {
    container: "my_image:latest"

Int length(Array[X])

Returns the number of elements in an array as an Int.


  1. Array[X]: An array with any element type.

Returns: The length of the array as an Int.


Array[Int] xs = [ 1, 2, 3 ]
Array[String] ys = [ "a", "b", "c" ]
Array[String] zs = [ ]

Int xlen = length(xs) # 3
Int ylen = length(ys) # 3
Int zlen = length(zs) # 0

Array[Int] range(Int)

Creates an array of the given length containing sequential integers starting from 0.


  1. Int: The length of array to create.

Returns: An Array[Int] containing integers 0..(N-1).


workflow wf {
  input {
    Int i
  Array[Int] indexes = range(i)
  scatter (idx in indexes) {
    call do_stuff { input: n = idx }

Array[Array[X]] transpose(Array[Array[X]])

Transposes a two-dimensional array according to the standard matrix transposition rules, i.e. each row of the input array becomes a column of the output array. The input array must be square - i.e. every row must have the same number of elements - or an error is raised.


  1. Array[Array[X]]: A M*N two-dimensional array.

Returns: A N*M two-dimensional array (Array[Array[X]]) containing the transposed input array.


# input array is 2 rows * 3 columns
Array[Array[Int]] input_array = [[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5]]

# output array is 3 rows * 2 columns
Array[Array[Int]] expected_output_array = [[0, 3], [1, 4], [2, 5]]

Boolean is_true = transpose(input_array) == expected_output_array

Array[Pair[X,Y]] zip(Array[X], Array[Y])

Creates an array of Pairs containing the dot product of two input arrays, i.e. the elements at the same indices in each array Xi and Yi are combined together into (Xi, Yi) for each i in range(length(array)). The input arrays must have the same lengths or an error is raised.


  1. Array[X]: The first array of length M.
  2. Array[Y]: The second array of length N.

Returns: An Array[Pair[X, Y]] of length N.


Array[Int] xs = [ 1, 2, 3 ]
Array[String] ys = [ "a", "b", "c" ]
Array[String] zs = [ "d", "e" ]

Array[Pair[Int, String]] zipped = zip(xs, ys) 
Boolean is_true = zipped == [ (1, "a"), (2, "b"), (3, "c") ]

# this fails with an error - xs and zs are not the same length
Array[Pair[Int, String]] bad = zip(xs, zs)

✨ Pair[Array[X], Array[Y]] unzip(Array[Pair[X, Y]])

Creates a Pair of Arrays, the first containing the elements from the left members of an Array of Pairs, and the second containing the right members. This is the inverse of the zip function.


  1. Array[Pair[X, Y]]: The Array of Pairs of length N to unzip.

Returns: A Pair[Array[X], Array[Y]] where each Array is of length N.


Array[Pair[Int, String]] int_str_arr = [(0, "hello"), (42, "goodbye")]
Boolean is_true = unzip(int_str_arr) == ([0, 42], ["hello", "goodbye"])

Map[String, Int] m = {"a": 0, "b": 1, "c": 2}
Pair[Array[X], Pair[Array[Y]] keys_and_values = unzip(as_pairs(map))
Boolean is_true2 = keys_and_values.left == ["a", "b", "c"]
Boolean is_true3 = keys_and_values.right == [0, 1, 2]

Array[Pair[X,Y]] cross(Array[X], Array[Y])

Creates an array of Pairs containing the cross product of two input arrays, i.e. each element in the first array is paired with each element in the second array.

Given arrays X of length M, and Y of length N, the cross product is an array Z of length M*N with the following elements: [(X0, Y0), (X0, Y1), ..., (X0, Yn-1), (X1, Y0), ..., (X1, Yn-1), ..., (Xm-1, Yn-1)].


  1. Array[X]: The first array of length M.
  2. Array[Y]: The second array of length N.

Returns: An Array[Pair[X, Y]] of length M*N.


Array[Int] xs = [ 1, 2, 3 ]
Array[String] ys = [ "a", "b" ]

Array[Pair[Int, String]] crossed = cross(xs, ys)
Boolean is_true = crossed == [ (1, "a"), (1, "b"), (2, "a"), (2, "b"), (3, "a"), (3, "b") ]

Array[X] flatten(Array[Array[X]])

Flattens a nested Array[Array[X]] by concatenating all of the element arrays, in order, into a single array. The function is not recursive - e.g. if the input is Array[Array[Array[Int]]] then the output will be Array[Array[Int]]. The elements in the concatenated array are not deduplicated.


  1. Array[Array[X]]: A nested array to flatten.

Returns: An Array[X] containing the concatenated elements of the input array.


Array[Array[Int]] ai2D = [[1, 2, 3], [1], [21, 22]]
Boolean is_true = flatten(ai2D) == [1, 2, 3, 1, 21, 22]

Array[Array[File]] af2D = [["/tmp/X.txt"], ["/tmp/Y.txt", "/tmp/Z.txt"], []]
Boolean is_true2 = flatten(af2D) == ["/tmp/X.txt", "/tmp/Y.txt", "/tmp/Z.txt"]

Array[Array[Pair[Float, String]]] aap2D = [[(0.1, "mouse")], [(3, "cat"), (15, "dog")]]
Boolean is_true3 = flatten(aap2D) == [(0.1, "mouse"), (3, "cat"), (15, "dog")]
# we can use as_map to turn this into a Map[Float, String]
Map[Float, String] f2s = as_map(flatten(aap2D))

Array[Array[Array[Int]]] ai3D = [[[1, 2], [3, 4]], [[5, 6], [7, 8]]]
Boolean is_true4 = flatten(ai3D) == [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6], [7, 8]]

Array[String] prefix(String, Array[P])

Adds a prefix to each element of the input array of primitive values. Equivalent to evaluating "~{prefix}~{array[i]}" for each i in range(length(array)).


  1. String: The prefix to prepend to each element in the array.
  2. Array[P]: Array with a primitive element type.

Returns: An Array[String] the prefixed elements of the input array.


Array[String] env = ["key1=value1", "key2=value2", "key3=value3"]
prefix("-e ", env) == ["-e key1=value1", "-e key2=value2", "-e key3=value3"]

Array[Int] env2 = [1, 2, 3]
Array[String] env2_param = prefix("-f ", env2) # ["-f 1", "-f 2", "-f 3"]

Array[Array[String]] env3 = [["a", "b], ["c", "d"]]
# this fails with an error - env3 element type is not primitive
Array[String] bad = prefix("-x ", env3)

✨ Array[String] suffix(String, Array[X])

Adds a suffix to each element of the input array of primitive values. Equivalent to evaluating "~{array[i]}~{suffix}" for each i in range(length(array)).


  1. String: The suffix to append to each element in the array.
  2. Array[P]: Array with a primitive element type.

Returns: An Array[String] the suffixed elements of the input array.


Array[String] env = ["key1=value1", "key2=value2", "key3=value3"]
Boolean is_true = suffix(".txt ", env) == ["key1=value1.txt", "key2=value2.txt", "key3=value3.txt"]

Array[Int] env2 = [1, 2, 3]
Boolean is_true2 = suffix(".0", env2) == ["1.0", "2.0", "3.0"]

Array[Array[String]] env3 = [["a", "b], ["c", "d"]]
# this fails with an error - env3 element type is not primitive
Array[String] bad = suffix("-z", env3)  

✨ Array[String] quote(Array[P])

Adds double-quotes (") around each element of the input array of primitive values. Equivalent to evaluating '"~{array[i]}"' for each i in range(length(array)).


  1. Array[P]: Array with a primitive element type.

Returns: An Array[String] the double-quoted elements of the input array.


Array[String] env = ["key1=value1", "key2=value2", "key3=value3"]
Array[String] env_quoted = quote(env) # ['"key1=value1"', '"key2=value2", '"key3=value3"']

Array[Int] env2 = [1, 2, 3]
Array[String] env2_quoted = quote(env2) # ['"1"', '"2"', '"3"']

✨ Array[String] squote(Array[X])

Adds single-quotes (') around each element of the input array of primitive values. Equivalent to evaluating "'~{array[i]}'" for each i in range(length(array)).


  1. Array[P]: Array with a primitive element type.

Returns: An Array[String] the single-quoted elements of the input array.


Array[String] env = ["key1=value1", "key2=value2", "key3=value3"]
Array[String] env_quoted =  squote(env) # ["'key1=value1'", "'key2=value2'", "'key3=value3'"]

Array[Int] env2 = [1, 2, 3]
Array[String] env2_quoted = squote(env2) # ["'1'", "'2'", "'3'"]

✨ String sep(String, Array[String])

Concatenates the elements of an array together into a string with the given separator between consecutive elements. There are always N-1 separators in the output string, where N is the length of the input array. A separator is never added after the last element.


  1. String: Separator string.
  2. Array[String]: Array of strings to concatenate.

Returns: A String with the concatenated elements of the array delimited by the separator string.


Array[String] a = ["file_1", "file_2"]
# these all evaluate to true
Boolean all_true = [
  sep(' ', prefix('-i ', a)) == "-i file_1 -i file_2",
  sep("", ["a, "b", "c"]) == "abc",
  sep(' ', ["a", "b", "c"]) == "a b c",
  sep(',', [1]) == "1"

✨ Array[Pair[P, Y]] as_pairs(Map[P, Y])

Converts a Map with primitive keys into an Array of Pairs. Since Maps are ordered, the output array will always have elements in the same order they were added to the Map.


  1. Map[P, Y]: Map to convert to Pairs.

Returns: Ordered Array of Pairs, where each pair contains the key (left) and value (right) of a Map element.


workflow foo {
  Map[String, Int] x = {"a": 1, "c": 3, "b": 2}
  Boolean is_true = as_pairs(x) == [("a", 1), ("c", 3), ("b", 2)]

  Map[String, Pair[File, File]] y = {"a": ("a.bam", "a.bai"), "b": ("b.bam", "b.bai")}
  scatter (item in as_pairs(y)) {
    String s = item.left
    Pair[File, File] files = item.right
    Pair[File, String] bams = (files.left, s)
  Boolean is_true2 = bams == [("a.bam", "a"), ("b.bam", "b")]
  Map[File, String] bam_to_name = as_map(bams)

✨ Map[P, Y] as_map(Array[Pair[P, Y]])

Converts an Array of Pairs into a Map in which the left elements of the Pairs are the (primitive) keys and the right elements the values. All the keys must be unique, or an error is raised. The order of the key/value pairs in the output Map is the same as the order of the Pairs in the Array.


  1. Array[Pair[P, Y]]: Array of Pairs to convert to a Map.

Returns: Map[P, Y] of the elements in the input array.


Array[Pair[String, Int]] x = [("a", 1), ("c", 3), ("b", 2)]
Boolean is_true = as_map(x) == {"a": 1, "c": 3, "b": 2}

Array[Pair[String, Pair[File,File]]] y = [("a", ("a.bam", "a.bai")), ("b", ("b.bam", "b.bai"))
Boolean is_true2 = as_map(y) == {"a": ("a.bam", "a.bai"), "b": ("b.bam", "b.bai")}

# this fails with an error - the "a" key is duplicated
Boolean bad = as_map([("a", 1), ("a", 2)])  

✨ Array[P] keys(Map[P, Y])

Creates an Array of the keys from the input Map, in the same order as the elements in the map.


  1. Map[P, Y]: Map from which to extract keys.

Returns: Array[P] of the input Maps keys.


workflow foo {
  Map[String,Int] x = {"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3}
  Boolean is_true = keys(x) == ["a", "b", "c"]

  Map[String, Pair[File, File]] str_to_files = {"a": ("a.bam", "a.bai"), "b": ("b.bam", "b.bai")}
  scatter (item in str_to_files) {
    String key = item.left
  Array[String] str_to_files_keys = key
  Boolean is_truew = str_to_files_keys == keys(str_to_files)

✨ Map[P, Array[Y]] collect_by_key(Array[Pair[P, Y]])

Given an Array of Pairs, creates a Map in which the right elements of the Pairs are grouped by the left elements. In other words, the input Array may have multiple Pairs with the same (primitive) key - rather than causing an error (as would happen with as_map), all the values with the same key are grouped together into an Array.

The order of the keys in the output Map is the same as the order of their first occurrence in the input Array. The order of the elements in the Map values is the same as their order of occurrence in the input Array.


  1. Array[Pair[P, Y]]: Array of Pairs to group.

Returns: Map of keys to Arrays of values.


Array[Pair[String, Int]] x = [("a", 1), ("b", 2), ("a", 3)]
Boolean is_true = as_map(x) == {"a": [1, 3], "b": [2]}

Array[Pair[String, Pair[File, File]]] y = [
  ("a", ("a_1.bam", "a_1.bai")), ("b", ("b.bam", "b.bai")), ("a", ("a_2.bam", "a_2.bai"))
Boolean is_true2 = as_map(y) == {
  "a": [("a_1.bam", "a_1.bai"), ("a_2.bam", "a_2.bai")], 
  "b": [("b.bam", "b.bai")]

Boolean defined(X?)

Tests whether the given optional value is defined, i.e. has a non-None value.


  1. X?: optional value of any type.

Returns: false if the input value is None, otherwise true.


task say_hello {
  input {
    String name
  command <<< echo ~{name} >>>

workflow wf {
  input {
    String? s
  if (defined(s)) {
    call say_hello { input: name = select_first([s]) }

X select_first(Array[X?]+)

Selects the first - i.e. left-most - non-None value from an Array of optional values. It is an error if the array is empty, or if the array only contains None values.


  1. Array[X?]+: non-empty Array of optional values.

Returns: the first non-None value in the input array.


workflow SelectFirst {
  input {
    Int? maybe_five = 5
    Int? maybe_four_but_is_not = None
    Int? maybe_three = 3
  # both of these statements evaluate to 5
  Int five = select_first([maybe_five, maybe_four_but_is_not, maybe_three])
  Int five = select_first([maybe_four_but_is_not, maybe_five, maybe_three])

  select_first([maybe_four_but_is_not])  # error! array contains only None values
  select_first([])  # error! array is empty

Array[X] select_all(Array[X?])

Filters the input Array of optional values by removing all None values. The elements in the output Array are in the same order as the input Array. If the input array is empty or contains only None values, an empty array is returned.


  1. Array[X?]: Array of optional values.

Returns: an Array of all non-None values in the input array.


workflow SelectAll {
  input {
    Int? maybe_five = 5
    Int? maybe_four_but_is_not = None
    Int? maybe_three = 3
  Array[Int] fivethree = select_all([maybe_five, maybe_four_but_is_not, maybe_three])
  Boolean is_true = fivethree == [5, 3]

Input and Output Formats

WDL uses JSON as its native serialization format for task and workflow inputs and outputs. The specifics of these formats are described below.

All WDL implementations are required to support the standard JSON input and output formats. WDL compliance testing is performed using test cases whose inputs and expected outputs are given in these formats. A WDL implementation may choose to support any additional input and output mechanisms so long as they are documented, and or tools are provided to interconvert between engine-specific input and the standard JSON format, to foster interoperability between tools in the WDL ecosystem.

JSON Input Format

The inputs for a workflow invocation may be specified as a single JSON object that contains one member for each top-level workflow, subworkflow, or task input. The name of the object member is the fully-qualified name of the input parameter, and the value is the serialized form of the WDL value.

Here is an example JSON workflow input file:

  "wf.t1.s": "some_string",
  "wf.t2.s": "some_string",
  "wf.int_val": 3,
  "wf.my_ints": [5,6,7,8],
  "wf.ref_file": "/path/to/file.txt",
  "wf.some_struct": {
    "fieldA": "some_string",
    "fieldB": 42,
    "fieldC": "/path/to/file.txt"

WDL implementations are only required to support workflow execution, and not necessarily task execution, so a JSON input format for tasks is not specified. However, it is strongly suggested that if an implementation does support task execution, that it also supports this JSON input format for tasks. It is left to the discretion of the WDL implementation whether it is required to prefix the task input with the task name, i.e. mytask.infile vs. infile.

Optional Inputs

If a workflow has an optional input, its value may or may not be specified in the JSON input. It is also valid to explicitly set the value of an optional input to be undefined using JSON null.

For example, given this workflow:

workflow foo {
  input {
    File? x
    Int? y = 5

The following would all be valid JSON inputs:

# no input

# only x
  "x": 100

# only y
  "x": null,
  "y": "/path/to/file"

# x and y
  "x": 1000,
  "y": "/path/to/file"

# override y default and set it to None
  "y": null

Specifying / Overriding Runtime Attributes and Hints

The user may also specify (or override) runtime attributes and hints in the input JSON. Input values for standardized runtime attributes and hints must adhere to the supported types and formats. Runtime attributes specified via the input JSON are treated as literals; expressions are not allowed.

Runtime and hint values provided as inputs always supersede values supplied directly in the WDL. Any hints that are not supported by the execution engine are ignored.

To differentiate runtime attributes and hints from task inputs, the runtime or hints namespace is added after the task name. For example:

  "wf.t1.runtime.memory": "16 GB",
  "wf.t2.runtime.cpu": 2,
  "wf.t2.runtime.disks": "100",
  "wf.t2.runtime.container": "mycontainer:latest",
  "wf.t1.hints.maxMemory": "32 GB",
  "wf.t2.hints.maxCpu": 4,
  "wf.t3.hints.arbitrary_key": ["arbitrary", "value"]

JSON Output Format

The outputs from a workflow invocation may be specified as a single JSON object that contains one member for each top-level workflow output; sub-workflow and task outputs are not provided. The name of the object member is the fully-qualified name of the output parameter, and the value is the serialized form of the WDL value.

Every WDL implementation must support the ability to output this standard output. It is suggested that WDL implementations make the standard format be the default output format.

For example, given this workflow:

workflow example {
  output {
    String foo = cafeteria.inn
    File analysis_results = analysis.results
    Int read_count = readcounter.result
    Float kessel_run_parsecs = trip_to_space.distance
    Boolean sample_swap_detected = array_concordance.concordant
    Array[File] sample_variants = variant_calling.vcfs
    Map[String, Int] droids = escape_pod.cargo

The output JSON will look like:

  "": "bar",
  "example.analysis_results": "/path/to/my/analysis/results.txt",
  "example.read_count": 50157187,
  "example.kessel_run_parsecs": 11.98,
  "example.sample_swap_detected": false,
  "example.sample_variants": ["/data/patient1.vcf", "/data/patient2.vcf"],
  "example.droids": {"C": 3, "D": 2, "P": 0, "R": 2}

It is recommended (but not required) that JSON outputs be "pretty printed" to be more human-readable.

JSON Serialization of WDL Types

Primitive Types

All primitive WDL types serialize naturally to JSON values:

WDL Type JSON Type
Int number
Float number
Boolean boolean
String string
File string
None null

JSON has a single numeric type - it does not differentiate between integral and floating point values. A JSON number is always deserialized to a WDL Float, which may then be coerced to an Int if necessary.

JSON also does not have a specific type for filesystem paths, but a WDL String may be coerced to a File if necessary.


Arrays are represented naturally in JSON using the array type. Each array element is serialized recursively into its JSON format.

When a JSON array is deserialized to WDL, each element of the array must be coercible to a common type.


Pairs are not directly serializable to JSON, because there is no way to represent them unambiguously. Instead, a Pair must first be converted to a serializable type, such as using one of the following suggested methods. Attempting to serialize a Pair in an error.

Suggested Conversion 1: Array

To make a Pair[X, X] serializable, simply convert it to a two-element array:

Pair[Int, Int] p = (1, 2)
Array[Int] a = [p.left, p.right]

# after deserialization, we can convert back to Pair
Pair[Int, Int] p2 = (a[0], a[1])

Suggested Conversion 2: Struct

When a Pair's left and right members are of different types, it can be converted to a Struct with members of the correct types:

struct StringIntPair {
  String left
  Int right
Pair[String, Int] p = ("hello", 42)
StringIntPair s = StringIntPair {
  left: p.left,
  right: p.right

# after deserialization, we can convert back to Pair
Pair[String, Int] p2 = (s.left, s.right)


A Map[String, X] may be serialized to a JSON object by the same mechanism as a WDL Struct. This value will be deserialized to a generic object value, immediately after which it must be coerced to a Map.

Serialization of Maps with other key types is problematic, because there is no way to represent them in JSON unambiguously. Thus, a Map with non-String keys must first be converted to a serializable type, e.g. by using the following suggested method. Attempting to serialize a Map with a non-String key type results in an error.

Suggested Conversion

Convert the Map[X, Y] into a Struct with two array members: Array[X] keys and Array[Y] values.

struct IntStringMap {
  Array[Int] keys
  Array[String] values
Map[Int, String] m = {0: "a", 1: "b"}
Pair[Array[Int], Array[String]] u = unzip(as_pairs(m))
IntStringMap i = IntStringMap {
  keys: u.left,
  values: u.right

# after deserialization, we can convert back to Map
Map[Int, String] m2 = as_map(zip(i.keys, i.values))


Structs are represented naturally in JSON using the object type. Each WDL Struct member value is serialized recursively into its JSON format.

A JSON object is deserialized to a generic object value value, and each member value is deserialized to its most likely WDL type. The object must be coerced immediately to a Map or Struct type.

Appendix A: WDL Value Serialization and Deserialization

This section provides suggestions for ways to deal with primitive and compound values in the task command section. When a WDL execution engine instantiates a command specified in the command section of a task, it must evaluate all expression placeholders (~{...}) in the command and coerce their values to strings. There are multiple different ways that WDL values can be communicated to the command(s) being called in the command section, and the best method will vary by command.

For example, a task that wraps a tool that operates on an Array of FASTQ files has several ways that it can specify the list of files to the tool:

  • A file containing one file path per line, e.g. Rscript analysis.R --files=fastq_list.txt
  • A file containing a JSON list, e.g. Rscript analysis.R --files=fastq_list.json
  • Enumerated on the command line, e.g. Rscript analysis.R 1.fastq 2.fastq 3.fastq

On the other end, command line tools will output results in files or to standard output, and these output data need to be converted to WDL values to be used as task outputs. For example, the FASTQ processor task mentioned above outputs a mapping of the input files to the number of reads in each file. This output might be represented as a two-column TSV or as a JSON object, both of which would need to be deserialized to a WDL Map[File, Int] value.

The various methods for serializing and deserializing primitive and compound values are enumerated below.

Primitive Values

WDL primitive values are naturally converted to string values. This is described in detail in the string interpolation section.

De-serialization of primitive values is done through the read_* functions, which deserialize primitive values written to a file by a task command.

For example, this task's command writes a String to one file and an Int to another:

task output_example {
  input {
    String param1
    String param2

  command <<<
    python ~{param1} ~{param2} --out1=int_file --out2=str_file

  output {
    Int my_int = read_int("int_file")
    String my_str = read_string("str_file")
  runtime {
    container: "my_image:latest"

Both files int_file and str_file must contain one line with the value on that line. This value is read as a string and then coerced to the appropriate type. If int_file contains a line with the text "foobar", calling read_int on that file results in an error.

Compound Values

Compound values, like Array and Map must be converted to a primitive value before they can be used in the command. Similarly, compound values generated by the command must be deserialized to be used in WDL. Task commands will generally use one of two formats to write outputs that can be deserialized by WDL:

  • JSON: Most WDL values convert naturally to JSON values, and vice-versa
  • Text based / tab-separated-values (TSV): Simple table and text-based encodings (e.g. Array[String] could be serialized by having each element be a line in a file)

The various ways to turn compound values into primitive values and vice-versa are described below.


Arrays can be serialized in two ways:

  • Array Expansion: elements in the list are flattened to a string with a separator character.
  • File Creation: create a file with the elements of the array in it and passing that file as the parameter on the command line.

Array serialization by expansion

The array flattening approach can be done if a parameter is specified as ~{sep=' ' my_param}. my_param must be declared as an Array of primitive values. When the value of my_param is specified, then the values are joined together with the separator character (a space in this case). For example:

task test {
  input {
    Array[File] bams

  command <<<
    python --bams=~{sep=',' bams}
  runtime {
    container: "my_image:latest"

If passed an array for the value of bams:


Would produce the command python --bams=/path/to/1.bam,/path/to/2.bam,/path/to/1.bam

Array serialization using write_lines()

An array may be turned into a file with each element in the array occupying a line in the file.

task test {
  input {
    Array[File] bams

  command <<<
    sh ~{write_lines(bams)}
  runtime {
    container: "my_image:latest"

If bams is given this array:


Then, the resulting command line might be:

sh /jobs/564758/bams

Where /jobs/564758/bams would contain:


Array serialization using write_json()

The array may be turned into a JSON document with the file path for the JSON file passed in as the parameter:

task test {
  input {
    Array[File] bams

  command <<<
    sh ~{write_json(bams)}
  runtime {
    container: "my_image:latest"

If bams is given this array:


Then, the resulting command line might look like:

sh /jobs/564758/bams.json

Where /jobs/564758/bams.json would contain:


Array deserialization using read_lines()

read_lines() will return an Array[String] where each element in the array is a line in the file.

This return value can be auto converted to other Array values. For example:

task test {
  command <<<
    python <<CODE
    import random
    for i in range(10):

  output {
    Array[Int] my_ints = read_lines(stdout())
  runtime {
    container: "my_image:latest"

my_ints would contain ten random integers ranging from 0 to 10.

Array deserialization using read_json()

read_json() will return whatever data value resides in that JSON file.

task test {
  command <<<
    echo '["foo", "bar"]'

  output {
    Array[String] my_array = read_json(stdout())
  runtime {
    container: "my_image:latest"

This task would assign the array with elements "foo" and "bar" to my_array.

If the echo statement was instead echo '{"foo": "bar"}', the engine MUST fail the task for a type mismatch.


A Struct is serialized to a JSON object. A JSON object is always deserialized to a generic object value, which must then be coerced immediately to a Struct type.

Struct serialization using write_json()

struct Person {
    String name
    Int age
    Array[String] friends

task process_person {
  input {
    Person p

  command <<<
    perl ~{write_json(p)}
  runtime {
    container: "my_image:latest"

If p is provided as:

Person {
  name: "John",
  age: 5,
  friends: ["James", "Jim"]

Then, the resulting command line might look like:

perl /jobs/564759/sample.json

Where /jobs/564759/sample.json would contain:

  "name": "John",
  "age": 5,
  "friends": ["James", "Jim"]


Map types cannot be serialized on the command line directly and must be serialized through a file

Map serialization using write_map()

The Map value can be serialized as a two-column TSV file, and the parameter on the command line is given the path to that file, using the write_map() function:

task test {
  input {
    Map[String, Float] sample_quality_scores

  command <<<
    sh ~{write_map(sample_quality_scores)}
  runtime {
    container: "my_image:latest"

If sample_quality_scores were a Map with these members:

Key Value
sample1 98
sample2 95
sample3 75

Then, the resulting command line might look like:

sh /jobs/564757/sample_quality_scores.tsv

Where /jobs/564757/sample_quality_scores.tsv would contain:


Map serialization using write_json()

The Map value can also be serialized as a JSON object in a file, and the parameter on the command line is given the path to that file, using the write_json() function:

task test {
  input {
    Map[String, Float] sample_quality_scores

  command <<<
    sh ~{write_json(sample_quality_scores)}
  runtime {
    container: "my_image:latest"

If sample_quality_scores were a Map with these members:

Key Value
sample1 98
sample2 95
sample3 75

Then, the resulting command line might look like:

sh /jobs/564757/sample_quality_scores.json

Where /jobs/564757/sample_quality_scores.json would contain:

  "sample1": 98,
  "sample2": 95,
  "sample3": 75

Map deserialization using read_map()

read_map() will return a Map[String, String] where the keys are the first column in the TSV input file and the corresponding values are the second column.

This return value can be coerced to other Map types. For example:

task test {
  command <<<
    python <<CODE
    for i in range(3):

  output {
    Map[String, Int] my_ints = read_map(stdout())
  runtime {
    container: "my_image:latest"

my_ints will be a Map[String, Int] with members:

Key Value
key_0 0
key_1 1
key_2 2

Map deserialization using read_json()

read_json() will return whatever data type resides in the JSON file. If the file contains a JSON object, it is deserialized to a generic object value, which must be coerced immediately to a Map[String, X] so long as all values are coercible to X.

task test {
  command <<<
    echo '{"foo":"bar"}'

  output {
    Map[String, String] my_map = read_json(stdout())
  runtime {
    container: "my_image:latest"

my_map will be a Map[String, String] with members:

Key Value
foo bar

Using write_json/read_json to serialize to/from a Map can lead to subtle issues due to the fact that Map is ordered whereas an object value is not. For example:

Map[String, Int] s2i = {"b": 2, "a": 1}
File f = write_json(s2i)

# object is not ordered - coercion to Map may
# result in either of two values:
# {"a": 1, "b": 2} or {"b": 2, "a": 1}
Map[String, Int] deserialized_s2i = read_json(f)

# is_equal is non-deterministic - it may be
# true or false, depending on how the members
# are ordered in the object
Boolean is_equal = s2i == deserialized_s2i


There are no functions to directly serialize and deserialize Pairs. Instead, the left and right values should be passed to the command independently.

In this script, myscript writes two files, int.txt containing an Int, and str.txt containing a String.

task pair_test {
  input {
    Pair[Int, String] p

  command <<<
  ./myscript -i ~{p.left} -s ~{p.right}

  output {
    Pair[Int, String] out = (read_int("int.txt"), read_string("str.txt")) 

Alternatively, a Struct can be created with left and right members and then serialized by the appropriate function.

struct IntStringPair {
  Int left
  String right

task pair_test_obj {
  input {
    Pair[Int, String] p
  IntStringPair serializable = IntStringPair {
    left: p.left,
    right: p.right
  command <<<
  ./myscript --json ~{write_json(serializable)}

Appendix B: WDL Namespaces and Scopes

Namespaces and scoping in WDL are somewhat complex topics, and some aspects are counter-intuitive for users coming from backgrounds in other programming languages. This section goes into deeper details on these topics.


The following WDL namespaces exist:

  • WDL document
    • The namespace of an imported document equals that of the basename of the imported file by default, but may be aliased using the as identifier syntax.
    • A WDL document may contain a workflow and/or tasks, which are names within the document's namespace.
    • A WDL document may contain structs, which are added to a global namespace.
    • A WDL document may contain other namespaces via imports.
  • A WDL task is a namespace consisting of:
    • The task input declarations
    • The task output declarations
    • A runtime namespace that contains all the runtime attributes
  • A WDL workflow is a namespace consisting of:
    • The workflow input declarations
    • The workflow output declarations
    • The calls made to tasks and subworkflows within the body of the workflow.
      • A call is itself a namespace that equals the name of the called task or subworkflow by default, but may be aliased using the as $identifier syntax.
      • A call namespace contains the output declarations of the called task or workflow.
      • A call to a subworkflow also contains the names of calls made in the body of that workflow.
  • A struct instance: is a namespace consisting of the members defined in the Struct.

All members of a namespace must be unique within that namespace. For example:

  • Two workflows cannot be imported while they have the same namespace identifier - at least one of them would need to be aliased.
  • A workflow and a namespace both named foo cannot exist inside a common namespace.
  • There cannot be a call foo in a workflow also named foo.

However, two sub-namespaces imported into the same parent namespace are allowed to contain the same names. For example, two workflows with different namespace identifiers foo and bar can both have a task named baz, because the fully-qualified names of the two tasks would be different: foo.baz and bar.baz.


A "scope" is associated with a level of nesting within a namespace. The visibility of workflow elements is governed by their scope, and by WDL's scoping rules, which are explained in this section.

Global Scope

A WDL document is the top-level (or "outermost") scope. All elements defined within a document that are not nested inside other elements are in the global scope and accessible from anywhere in the document. The elements that may be in a global scope are:

  • Namespaces (via imports)
  • structs (including all structs defined in the document and in any imported documents)
  • tasks
  • A workflow

Task Scope

A task scope consists of all the declarations in the task input section and in the body of the task. The input section is used only to delineate which declarations are visible outside the task (i.e. are part of the task's namespace) and which are private to the task. Input declarations may reference private declarations, and vice-versa. Declarations in the task scope are reachable from all sections of the task (i.e. command, runtime, output - meta and parameter_meta are excluded because they cannot have expressions).

The output section can be considered a nested scope within the task. Expressions in the output scope may reference declarations in the task scope, but the reverse is not true. This is because declarations in the task scope are evaluated when a task is invoked (i.e. before it's command is evaluated and executed), while declarations in the output scope are not evaluated until after execution of the command is completed.


task my_task {
  input {
    Int x
    File f

  Int y = x + 1

  command <<<
    my_cmd --integer1=~{x} --integer2=~{y} ~{f}

  output {
    Int z = read_int(stdout())
    Int z_plus_one = z + 1
  • x and f are input values that will be evaluated when the task is invoked.
  • y is an private declaration with a dependency on the input x.
  • The command section is able to access all input and private declarations.
    • The command section is not able to reference output declarations.
  • z is an output declaration - it cannot be accessed except by the other declaration in the output section.
  • z_plus_one is another output declaration.

Workflow Scope

A workflow scope consists of all of the:

  • Declarations in the workflow input section.
  • Declarations in the body of the workflow.
  • Calls in the workflow.
  • Declarations and call outputs that are exported from nested scopes within the workflow (i.e. scatter and if blocks).

Just like in the task scope, all declarations in the workflow scope can reference each other, and the output section is a nested scope that has access to - but cannot be accessed from - the workflow scope.

Example: this workflow calls the my_task task from the previous example.

workflow my_workflow {
  input {
    File file
    Int x = 2

  call my_task { 
      x = x,
      f = file

  output {
    Int z = my_task.z
  • file and x are input declarations that will be evaluated when the workflow is invoked.
  • The call block provides inputs for the task values x and f. Note that x is used twice in the line x = x:
    • First: to name the value in the task being provided. This must reference an input declaration in the namespace of the called task.
    • Second: as part of the input expression. This expression may reference any values in the current workflow scope.
  • z is an output declaration that depends on the output from the call to my_task. It is not accessible from elsewhere outside the output section.

Workflows can have block constructs - scatters and conditionals - that define nested scopes. A nested scope can have declarations, calls, and block constructs (which create another level of nested scope). The declarations and calls in a nested scope are visible within that scope and within any sub-scopes, recursively.

Every nested scope implicitly "exports" all of its declarations and call outputs in the following manner:

  • A scatter scope exports its declarations and calls with the same names they have inside the scope, but with their types modified, such that the exported types are all Array[X], where X is the type of the declaration within the scope.
    • A scatter scope does not export its scatter variable. For example, if a block is defined as scatter (x in array), x is not accessible outside of the scatter scope - it is only accessible from within the scatter scope and any nested scopes.
  • A conditional scope exports its declarations and calls with the same names they have inside the scope, but with their types modified, such that the exported types are all X?, where X is the type of the declaration within the scope.

Example: this workflow scatters over the my_task task from the previous examples.

workflow my_workflow {
  input {
    File file
    Array[Int] xs = [1, 2, 3]

  scatter (x in xs) {
    call my_task { input:
      x = x,
      f = file

    Int z = my_task.z

  output {
    Array[Int] zs = z
  • The expression for Int z = ... accesses my_task.z from within the same scatter.
  • The output zs references z even though it was declared in a sub-section. However, because z is declared within a scatter block, the type of zs is Array[Int] outside of that scatter block.

The concept of a single name within a workflow having different types depending on where it appears can be confusing at first, and it helps to think of these as two different variables. When the user makes a declaration within a nested scope, they are essentially reserving that name in all of the higher-level scopes so that it cannot be reused. For example, the following workflow is invalid:

workflow invalid {
  Boolean b = true
  scatter {
    String x = "hello"
  # the scatter block exports x to the top-level scope - 
  # there is an implicit declaration here that is 
  # reserved to hold the exported value and cannot be 
  # used by any other declaration in this scope
  # Array[String] x
  if (b) {
    # error! x is already reserved in the top-level
    # scope to hold the exported value of x from the
    # scatter block, so we cannot reserve it here
    Float x = 1.0

  # error! x is already reserved
  Int x = 5

Cyclic References

In addition to following the scoping rules, all references to declarations must be acyclic. In other words, if each declarations in a scope were placed as a node in a graph with directed edges to all of the declarations referenced in its initializer expression, then the WDL would only be valid if there were no cycles in that graph.

For example, this is an example of an invalid workflow due to cyclic references:

task mytask {
  input {
    Int inp
  command <<< >>>
  output {
    Int out = inp * 2

workflow cyclic {
  input {
    Int i = j + 1

  Int j = mytask.out - 2

  call mytask { input: inp = i }

Here, i references j in its initializer expression; j references the output of mytask in its initializer expression; and the call to mytask requires the value of i. The graph would be cyclic:

i -> j -> mytask
^            |

Since i cannot be evaluated until j is evaluated, and j cannot be evaluated until the call to mytask completes, and the call to mytask cannot be invoked until the value of i is available, trying to execute this workflow would result in a deadlock.

Cycles can be tricky to detect, for example when they occur between declarations in different blocks of a workflow. For example, here is a workflow with one block that references a declaration that originates in another block:

workflow my_workflow {
  input {
    Array[Int] as
    Array[Int] bs

  scatter (a in as) {
    Int x_a = a

  scatter (b in bs) {
    Array[Int] x_b = x_a

  output {
    Array[Array[Int]] xs_output = x_b
  • The declaration for x_b is able to access the value for x_a even though the declaration is in another sub-section of the workflow.
  • Because the declaration for x_b is outside the scatter in which x_a was declared, the type is Array[Int]

The following change introduces a cyclic dependency between the scatter blocks:

workflow my_workflow {
  input {
    Array[Int] as
    Array[Int] bs

  scatter (a in as) {
    Int x_a = a
    Array[Int] y_a = y_b

  scatter (b in bs) {
    Array[Int] x_b = x_a
    Int x_b = b

  output {
    Array[Array[Int]] xs_output = x_b
    Array[Array[Int]] ys_output = y_a

The dependency graph now has to criss-cross between the scatter (a in as) block and the scatter (b in bs) block. This is not allowed. To avoid this criss-crossing between sub-sections, scatters may be split into separate scatter blocks over the same input array:

workflow my_workflow {
  input {
    Array[Int] as
    Array[Int] bs

  scatter (a in as) {
    Int x_a = a

  scatter (b in bs) {
    Array[Int] x_b = x_a
    Int x_b = b
  scatter (a2 in as) {
    Array[Int] y_a = y_b

  output {
    Array[Array[Int]] xs_output = x_b
    Array[Array[Int]] ys_output = y_a

Namespaces without Scope

Elements such as structs and task runtime sections are namespaces, but they lack scope because their members cannot reference each other. For example, one member of a struct cannot reference another member in that struct, nor can a runtime attribute reference another attribute.

Evaluation Order

A key concept in WDL is: the order in which statements are evaluated depends on the availability of their dependencies, not on the order of the statements in the document.

All values in tasks and workflows can be evaluated as soon as - but not before - their expression inputs are available; beyond this, it is up to the WDL implementation to determine when to evaluate each value.

Remember that, in tasks, the command section implicitly depends on all the input and private declarations in the task, and the output section implicitly depends on the command section, i.e. the command section cannot be instantiated until all input and private declarations are evaluated, and the output section cannot be evaluated until the command successfully completes execution. This is true even for private declarations that follow the command block positionally in the file.

A "forward reference" occurs when an expression refers to a declaration that occurs at a later position in the WDL file. Given the above cardinal rule of evaluation order, forward references are allowed, so long as all declarations can ultimately be processed as an acyclic graph. For example:

workflow my_workflow {
  input {
    File file
    Int x = 2
    String s = my_task.out2

  call my_task {
      x = x_modified,
      f = file

  Int x_modified = x

  output {
    Array[String] out = [my_task.out1, s]

The dependencies are:

* x_modified -> x
* my_task -> (x_modified, f)
* s -> my_task
* out -> (my_task, s)

There are no cycles in this dependency graph; thus, this workflow is valid, although perhaps not as readable as it could be with better organization.