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Start from scratch

Jakob Vogelsang edited this page Sep 26, 2021 · 3 revisions

In this section you are guided through the process to create ONE valid LNodeType. We will concentrate on the logical node class CSWI.

But before going into details let make a small experiment:

  1. Open OpenSCD
  2. Create new Edition 2.1 project
  3. Navigate to Template editor
  4. Add a DataTypeTemplate
  5. Click on Add LNodeType
  6. Click on Value
  7. Select empty logical node class e.g. CSWI as lnClass
  8. Click on Next...
  9. Click on Save


The wizard does not let you to save it. Well the reason is that you have not defined the minimum required data objects. Those are highlighted red. When you try to add something here your are disappointed again, as the list is empty. The reason is that OpenSCD tries to find a DOType that fits the definition of the DO but cannot find any as there are no DOTypes yet in the project.

In this case for example you need to have one DOType of the type ENS. In addition to that the data object Pos is required - DPC.

Lets start with Beh first. This is of the common data class (CDC) ENS. And if you look into the IEC 61850 7-3 and look for the ENS table, you will see that you need at least stVal, q and t. So let's create the DOType first.

  1. Click on Add DOType
  2. Leave value empty
  3. Type BehENS into the id field

OpenSCD does add this DOType but the validator tells you this is not valid, so don't stop here. Let's add the DAs q and t first.

  1. Click on BehENS

  2. Click on Add Data Attribute

  3. Type in q into the name field

  4. Select is Quality in the bType field

  5. Type in ST in the fc field (functional constraint)

  6. Click Save

  7. Click on BehENS again

  8. Click on Add Data Attribute

  9. Type in t into the name field

  10. Select is Timestamp in the bType field

  11. Type in ST in the fc field (functional constraint)

  12. Click Save

Where do I get this information you might ask: you have to look into the IEC 61850 7-3 table for ENS.

The next attribute stVal is a bit more tricky. If you look into the same table you will see that the bType attribute is Enum and is also defined in the 7-3. This Enum is called BehaviorModeKind. Here you can decide to either create it from scratch again. But with Enums we do not recommend it as all Enums are clearly defined and are part of the templates. So take the one from the templates:

  1. Click on Add EnumType
  2. Select BehaviorModeKind as Value
  3. Type in OpenSCD_BehaviorModeKind into id field
  4. Click Save

Now we can proceed to add the data attribute stVal.

  1. Click in BehENS once again
  2. Click Add Data Attribute `
  3. Type in stVal into name field
  4. Select Enum in the bType field
  5. The type is enabled and show all EnumTypes in the project.
  6. Select OpenSCD_BehaviorModeKind in type field
  7. Click Save

Still the validator will complain. The cdc attribute is empty but required within our DOType.

  1. Click on BehENS as last time
  2. Type in ENS into the cdc field
  3. Click Save

Nearly done. Now we need to define a DOType which must be a DPC common data class. To reduce complexity you can a status-only DPC type. For the full experience create a sbo-with-enhanced-security DPC

Finally we are in a stage to create the LNodeType with lnClass CSWI.

  1. Click on Add LNodeType
  2. Select empty logical node class e.g. CSWI as lnClass
  3. Don't forget the id field
  4. Click on Next...
  5. For the required data objects Beh and Pos. The wizard suggests the two DOType you just create and...

...tada you have made it. This procedure is basically always the same but with different kind of common data classes that you need to create before being able to create a LNodeType.

NOTE: In the Select Data Objects wizard OpenSCD suggests DOTypes based in their cdc definition. It does not check if the DOType has the correct structure.

1. About OpenSCD

4.2 XML editor - pro mode

6.1 Report


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