+_File conversion_: The conversion for PET data stored in DICOM format to NIfTI is performed using the dcm2niix4pet functions, which are wrappers around dcm2niix [@rorden_dcm2nii; @li_first_2016]. Those functions can extend the image sidecar JSON file generated by dcm2niix with user-provided metadata, making them BIDS-compliant. The conversion of PET data stored in ECAT format is performed using the dedicated ecat2nii functions. The Matlab code relies on the readECAT7.m function written by B.T. Christian (1998) and revised by R.F. Muzic (2002) to read the data while writing Nifti files relies on nii_tool [@Li_2016]. The Python code was developed to mirror the Matlab code, further testing data reading (i.e., which file bits are read according to the PET data frames) and writing, relying here on Nibabel [@brett_nipynibabel_2023]. For both Matlab and Python, the data conversion and writing are thoroughly tested (see [ecat validation](https://github.com/openneuropet/PET2BIDS/tree/main/ecat_validation)). Mirroring the DICOM conversion, the ecat2nii functions generate JSON sidecar files from image data, and users must provide additional metadata to make files BIDS-compliant. Note that the Python tools are command line tools, i.e. they can be called directly from a terminal.
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