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Mobility Data Specification: Data Types

This MDS data types page catalogs the objects (fields, types, requirements, descriptions) used across MDS, particularly with the unified Provider and Agency endpoints.

Table of Contents


A vehicle record is as follows:

Field Type Required/Optional Comments
device_id UUID Required A unique device ID in UUID format, should match this device in Provider
provider_id UUID Required A UUID for the Provider, unique within MDS. See MDS provider list.
data_provider_id UUID Optional If different than provider_id, a UUID for the data solution provider managing the data feed in this endpoint. See MDS provider list which includes both service operators and data solution providers.
vehicle_id String Required A unique vehicle identifier (visible code, license plate, etc), visible on the vehicle itself
vehicle_type Enum Required The vehicle type
vehicle_attributes Array Optional Mode Specific. Vehicle attributes given as mode-specific unordered key-value pairs
propulsion_types Enum[] Required Array of propulsion types; allows multiple values
accessibility_options Enum[] Required Mode Specific. Accessibility options given as an array of enumerated values. List of any accessibility options available on the vehicle.
battery_capacity Integer Required if Available Capacity of battery expressed as milliamp hours (mAh)
fuel_capacity Integer Required if Available Capacity of fuel tank (liquid, solid, gaseous) expressed in liters
maximum_speed Integer Required if Available Maximum speed (kph) possible with vehicle under normal, flat incline, smooth surface conditions. Applicable if the device has a built-in or intelligent speed limiter/governor.


Vehicle Types

The list of allowed vehicle_type values in MDS.

vehicle_type Description
bicycle A two-wheeled mobility device intended for personal transportation that can be operated via pedals, with or without a motorized assist (includes e-bikes, recumbents, and tandems)
bus A vehicle larger than a car or small truck capable of transporting multiple passengers at once
cargo_bicycle A two- or three-wheeled bicycle intended for transporting larger, heavier cargo than a standard bicycle (such as goods or passengers), with or without motorized assist (includes bakfiets/front-loaders, cargo trikes, and long-tails)
car A passenger car or similar light-duty vehicle
delivery_robot A robot or remote-operated device intended for transporting goods
moped A seated fully-motorized mobility device capable of travel at moderate or high speeds and suited for operation in general urban traffic
motorcycle A seated fully-motorized mobility device capable of travel at high speeds and suited for operation in general urban traffic and highways
scooter_standing A standing fully-motorized mobility device without a seat intended for one rider, capable of travel at low or moderate speeds, and suited for operation in infrastructure shared with motorized bicycles
scooter_seated A fully-motorized mobility device with a seat intended for one rider, capable of travel at low or moderate speeds, and suited for operation in infrastructure shared with motorized bicycles
truck A truck or vehicle larger than a car or similar heavy-duty vehicle
other A device that does not fit in the other categories

Values based off of form_factor in GBFS vehicle_types, with some additional to support MDS modes.


Propulsion Types

The list of allowed propulsion_type values in MDS.

propulsion Description
human Pedal or foot propulsion
electric_assist Provides electric motor assist only in combination with human propulsion - no throttle mode
electric Powered by battery-powered electric motor with throttle mode
combustion Powered by gasoline combustion engine
combustion_diesel Powered by diesel combustion engine
hybrid Powered by combined combustion engine and battery-powered motor
hydrogen_fuel_cell Powered by hydrogen fuel cell powered electric motor
plug_in_hybrid Powered by combined combustion engine and battery-powered motor with plug-in charging

A vehicle may have one or more values from the propulsion, depending on the number of modes of operation. For example, a scooter that can be powered by foot or by electric motor would have the propulsion represented by the array ['human', 'electric']. A bicycle with pedal-assist would have the propulsion represented by the array ['human', 'electric_assist'] if it can also be operated as a traditional bicycle.

Values based off of propulsion_type in GBFS vehicle_types.


Vehicle Status

A vehicle status record represents the current or last-known event and telemetry from a vehicle, defined as follows:

Field Type Required/Optional Comments
device_id UUID Required A unique device ID in UUID format, should match this device in Provider
provider_id UUID Required A UUID for the Provider, unique within MDS. See MDS provider list.
data_provider_id UUID Optional If different than provider_id, a UUID for the data solution provider managing the data feed in this endpoint. See MDS provider list which includes both service operators and data solution providers.
last_event Event Required Most recent Event for this device based on timestamp
last_telemetry Telemetry Required Most recent Telemetry for this device based on timestamp



Events represent changes in vehicle status.

Field Type Required/Optional Comments
device_id UUID Required A unique device ID in UUID format
provider_id UUID Required A UUID for the Provider, unique within MDS. See MDS provider list.
data_provider_id UUID Optional If different than provider_id, a UUID for the data solution provider managing the data feed in this endpoint. See MDS provider list which includes both service operators and data solution providers.
event_id UUID Required A unique event ID
vehicle_state Enum Required See vehicle state table
event_types Enum[] Required Vehicle event types for state change, with allowable values determined by vehicle_state
timestamp Timestamp Required Date/time that event occurred at. See Event Times
publication_time Timestamp Optional Date/time that event became available through the status changes endpoint
location GPS Required See also Stop-based Geographic Data.
event_geographies UUID[] Optional Beta feature: Yes (as of 2.0.0). Array of Geography UUIDs consisting of every Geography that contains the location of the status change. See Geography Driven Events. Required if location is not present.
battery_percent Integer Required if Applicable Percent battery charge of vehicle, expressed between 0 and 100
fuel_percent Integer Required if Applicable Percent fuel in vehicle, expressed between 0 and 100
trip_ids[] UUID[] Required if Applicable Trip UUIDs (foreign key to /trips endpoint), required if event_types contains trip_start, trip_end, trip_cancel, trip_enter_jurisdiction, or trip_leave_jurisdiction
journey_id UUID Optional Journey UUID
associated_ticket String Optional Identifier for an associated ticket inside an Agency-maintained 311 or CRM system

Event Times

Because of the unreliability of device clocks, the provider is unlikely to know with total confidence what time an event occurred at. However, providers are responsible for constructing as accurate a timeline as possible. Most importantly, the order of the timestamps for a particular device's events must reflect the provider's best understanding of the order in which those events occurred.



A standard point of vehicle telemetry. References to latitude and longitude imply coordinates encoded in the WGS 84 (EPSG:4326) standard GPS or GNSS projection expressed as Decimal Degrees.

Field Type Required/Optional Field Description
device_id UUID Required A unique device ID in UUID format
provider_id UUID Required A UUID for the Provider, unique within MDS. See MDS provider list.
data_provider_id UUID Optional If different than provider_id, a UUID for the data solution provider managing the data feed in this endpoint. See MDS provider list which includes both service operators and data solution providers.
telemetry_id UUID Required ID used for uniquely-identifying a Telemetry entry
timestamp Timestamp Required Date/time that event occurred. Based on GPS or GNSS clock
trip_ids UUID[] Required If telemetry occurred during a trip, the ID of the trip(s). If not in a trip, null.
journey_id UUID Required If telemetry occurred during a trip, the ID of the journey. If not in a trip, null.
stop_id UUID Required if Applicable Stop that the vehicle is currently located at. See Stops
location GPS Required Telemetry position data
location_type Enum Required if Known If detectable and known, what type of location the device is on or in. One of street, sidewalk, crosswalk, garage, bike_lane.
battery_percent Integer Required if Applicable Percent battery charge of vehicle, expressed between 0 and 100
fuel_percent Integer Required if Applicable Percent fuel in vehicle, expressed between 0 and 100
tipped_over Boolean Required if Known If detectable and known, is the device tipped over or not? Default is 'false'.

GPS Data

Field Type Required/Optional Field Description
lat Double Required Latitude of the location
lng Double Required Longitude of the location
altitude Double Required if Available Altitude above mean sea level in meters
heading Double Required if Available Degrees - clockwise starting at 0 degrees at true North
speed Float Required if Available Estimated speed in meters / sec as reported by the GPS chipset
horizontal_accuracy Float Required if Available Horizontal accuracy, in meters
vertical_accuracy Float Required if Available Vertical accuracy, in meters
satellites Integer Required if Available Number of GPS or GNSS satellites



Stops describe vehicle trip start and end locations in a pre-designated physical place. They can vary from docking stations with or without charging, corrals with lock-to railings, or suggested parking areas marked with spray paint. Stops are used in both Provider and Agency telemetry data.

Field Type Required/Optional Description
stop_id UUID Required Unique ID for stop
name String Required Name of stop
last_reported Timestamp Required Date/Time that the stop was last updated
location GPS Required Simple centerpoint location of the Stop. The use of the optional geography_id is recommended to provide more detail.
status Stop Status Required Object representing the status of the Stop. See Stop Status.
capacity {vehicle_type: number} Required Number of total places per vehicle_type
num_vehicles_available {vehicle_type: number} Required How many vehicles are available per vehicle_type at this stop?
num_vehicles_disabled {vehicle_type: number} Required How many vehicles are unavailable/reserved per vehicle_type at this stop?
provider_id UUID Optional UUID for the Provider managing this stop. Null/undefined if managed by an Agency. See MDS provider list.
data_provider_id UUID Optional UUID for the data provider managing the data coming from this stop. Null/undefined if managed by an agency or a provider. See MDS provider list.
geography_id UUID Optional Pointer to the Geography that represents the Stop geospatially via Polygon or MultiPolygon.
region_id string Optional ID of the region where station is located, see GBFS Station Information
short_name String Optional Abbreviated stop name
address String Optional Postal address (useful for directions)
post_code String Optional Postal code (e.g. 10036)
rental_methods Enum[] Optional List of payment methods accepted at stop, see GBFS Rental Methods
cross_street String Optional Cross street of where the station is located.
num_places_available {vehicle_type: number} Optional How many places are free to be populated with vehicles at this stop?
num_places_disabled {vehicle_type: number} Optional How many places are disabled and unable to accept vehicles at this stop?
parent_stop UUID Optional Describe a basic hierarchy of stops (e.g.a stop inside of a greater stop)
devices UUID[] Optional List of device_ids for vehicles which are currently at this stop
image_url URL Optional Link to an image, photo, or diagram of the stop. Could be used by providers to help riders find or use the stop.


Stop Status

Stop Status returns information about the current status of a Stop.

Field Type Required/Optional Description
is_installed Boolean Required See GBFS station_status.json
is_renting Boolean Required See GBFS station_status.json
is_returning Boolean Required See GBFS station_status.json

Example of the Stop Status object with properties listed:

  "is_installed": true,
  "is_renting": false,
  "is_returning": true



A Trip is defined by the following structure:

Field Type Required/Optional Comments
provider_id UUID Required A UUID for the Provider, unique within MDS. See MDS provider list.
data_provider_id UUID Optional If different than provider_id, a UUID for the data solution provider managing this data endpoint. See MDS provider list which includes both service operators and data solution providers.
device_id UUID Required A unique device ID in UUID format. Cross reference with /vehicles for more device details.
journey_id UUID Optional A unique journey ID for associating collections of trips for its mode
journey_attributes Map Optional Mode Specific. Journey attributes given as unordered key-value pairs
trip_id UUID Required A unique ID for each trip
trip_type Enum Optional Mode Specific. The trip type describing the purpose of a trip segment
trip_attributes Map Optional Mode Specific. Trip attributes given as unordered key-value pairs
fare_attributes Map Optional Mode Specific. Fare attributes given as unordered key-value pairs
start_time Timestamp Required Start of the passenger/driver trip
end_time Timestamp Required End of the passenger/driver trip
start_location GPS Required Location of the start of the trip.
end_location GPS Required Location of the end of the trip.
duration Integer Required Time, in Seconds
distance Integer Required Trip Distance, in Meters
publication_time Timestamp Optional Date/time that trip became available through the trips endpoint
accessibility_options Enum[] Required Mode Specific. Accessibility options given as an array of enumerated values. List of any accessibility options used during the trip.
parking_verification_url URL Optional A URL to a photo (or other evidence) of proper vehicle parking at the end of a trip, provided by customer or operator.
parking_category Enum Optional The type of parking location detected or provided and the end of a trip. One of corral, curb, rack, other_valid, invalid. Note that other_valid covers any other allowed parking location beyond what is enumerated, and invalid is any improper parking based on agency parking rules.
standard_cost Integer Optional The cost, in the currency defined in currency, to perform that trip in the standard operation of the System (see Costs & Currencies)
actual_cost Integer Optional The actual cost, in the currency defined in currency, paid by the customer of the mobility as a service provider (see Costs & Currencies)
currency String Optional, USD cents is implied if null. An ISO 4217 Alphabetic Currency Code representing the currency of the payee (see Costs & Currencies)



A Report is defined by the following structure:

Column Name Type Comments
provider_id UUID A UUID for the Provider, unique within MDS. See MDS provider_id in provider list.
start_date date Start date of trip the data row, ISO 8601 date format, i.e. YYYY-MM-DD
duration string Value is always P1M for monthly. Based on ISO 8601 duration
special_group_type Special Group Type Type that applies to this row
geography_id Geography ID that applies to this row. Includes all IDs in /geography. When there is no /geography then return null for this value and return counts based on the entire operating area.
vehicle_type Vehicle Type Type that applies to this row
trip_count integer Count of trips taken for this row
rider_count integer Count of unique riders for this row


Data Notes

Report contents include every combination of special group types, geography IDs, and vehicle types in operation for each month since the provider began operations in the jurisdiction. New files are added monthly in addition to the previous monthly historic files.

Counts are calculated based the agency's local time zone. Trips are counted based on their start time, i.e. if a trip starts in month A but ends in month B, it will be counted only as part of the report for month A. Similarly, trips are counted based on their start geography, i.e. if a trip starts in geography A and ends in geography B, it will appear in the counts for geography A and not for geography B.

All geography IDs included in the city published Geography API endpoint are included in the report results. In lieu of serving an API, this can alternately be a flat file created by the city and sent to the provider via link. If there is no /geography available, then counts are for the entire agency operating area, and null is returned for each Geography ID.


Data Redaction

Some combinations of parameters may return a small count of trips, which could increase a privacy risk of re-identification. To correct for that, Reports does not return data below a certain count of results. This data redaction is called k-anonymity, and the threshold is set at a k-value of 10. For more explanation of this methodology, see our Data Redaction Guidance document.

If the query returns fewer than 10 trips in a count, then that row's count value is returned as "-1". Note "0" values are also returned as "-1" since the goal is to group both low and no count values for privacy.

This value may be adjusted in future releases and/or may become dynamic to account for specific categories of use cases and users. To improve the specification and to inform future guidance, users are encouraged to share their feedback and questions about k-values on this discussion thread.

Using k-anonymity will reduce, but not necessarily eliminate the risk that an individual could be re-identified in a dataset, and this data should still be treated as sensitive. This is just one part of good privacy protection practices, which you can read more about in our MDS Privacy Guide for Cities.


Special Group Type

Here are the possible values for the special_group_type dimension field:

Name Description
low_income Trips where a low income discount is applied by the provider, e.g., a discount from a qualified provider equity plan.
adaptive_scooter Trips taken on a scooter with features to improve accessibility for people with disabilities, e.g., scooter with a seat or wider base
all_riders All riders from any group

Other special group types may be added in future MDS releases as relevant agency and provider use cases are identified. When additional special group types or metrics are proposed, a thorough review of utility and relevance in program oversight, evaluation, and policy development should be done by OMF Working Groups, as well as any privacy implications by the OMF Privacy Committee.
