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Web Conference 2022.08.23 Curb

Michael Schnuerle edited this page Aug 30, 2022 · 17 revisions

Web Conference - Curb Working Group

  • Every other week Tuesday call at 9am PT, 12pm ET, 5/6pm CET

Conference Call Info

Meeting ID: 898 5980 7668 - Passcode 320307

One tap mobile: +13126266799,,89859807668#,,,,*320307# US (New York)

Dial by phone: +1 929 436 2866 (US) (Find your local number)


Main Topics

  1. Welcome (5 mins) - Marisa Mangan, SANDAG
  2. Google and Aspen Curb Presentation (20 mins) - Doneliza Joaquin, Google
  3. CDS Announcements (20 mins) - Michael Schnuerle, OMF
  4. 2 min Project Updates (15 mins) - all working group members
    • Project updates furthering CDS
    • What are you doing for CDS today? What can you do tomorrow for CDS? Issues with CDS?
    • CDS Pitch session, get in front of a larger audience:
      1. Presenter 1: Univers
      2. Presenter 2: CurbIQ
      3. Presenter 3: Populus
      4. Presenter 4: Omaha
      5. Presenter 5: TBD


  • Hosts: Marisa Mangan, SANDAG
  • Note Taker: Brian Hamlin, SDOT
  • Facilitator: Michael Schnuerle, OMF
  • Outreach: Michael Schnuerle, OMF



Action Items

  1. CDS and equity ideas - survey with cities, OMF Strategy Committee possible project


Introduction (Jacob Larson, Omaha)

  • Jacob kicked things off with an overview of CDS and summarized its goals and objectives.
  • Links to various CDS resources were provided, and attendees were given an update of upcoming meetings and topics.

Google/Pebble Presentation on Smart Zone Curb Management (Doneliza Joaquin, Google)

  • Detailed the Smart Loading Zone pilots occurring in four cities, including Aspen
  • The Smart Zones are reserved through the Pebble Smart Zone app, there is a separate app for enforcement, and the city has access to a dashboard
  • Goals of Smart Zone program
    • Improve curb access for delivery and service vehicle drivers
    • Support brick and mortar business success in e-commerce
    • Improve coordination, safety and compliance
    • Promote downtown vitality
  • Allows drivers to find and route to safe and legal spaces
  • The system is pay per minute
  • Having access to these tools allows cities to dynamically manage and price curb space
  • CDS plays an important role in how their system is built
  • Deep dive on Aspen, CO Smart Zone pilot
    • Expanded to 14 zones in the spring of 2021
    • 8,100 Smart Zone sessions have occurred
    • 46 fleets have participated
    • Data collection has been valuable to improving the program, city has added zones where there is higher morning activity
    • 4 key elements to making a program successful
      • Strong partners with city and enforcement
      • Charging authority – need to charge for loading
      • Access to popular loading zones
      • Outreach
  • Questions
    • Michael Schnuerle (MS) – Is most of the heavy lifting being done using the app, is the app required to use curb space?
      • DJ- Must use app or third party can book for you
      • Can book right there and then
      • Can book on their way to the space (within ½ mile) will hold the zone, you will have 5 to 10 minutes
        • The app will show that the zone is not available - no one else can use
      • MS – CDS supports this type of system, CDS’s framework works well
    • Henry Espinosa (HE) - When reserving the space, how do you do it? What prevents someone from using the space?
      • DJ – App shows availability but no physical deterrent, only signage saying to use app. City enforcement staff is required to ensure compliance
    • Brian Hamlin (BH) - Are there plans to integrate Google’s routing and booking software into delivery companies' software/ecosystem?
      • Willa Ng (WN) - more of a question of proving something is there, so much investment is necessary to adopt. Would love to do integration but someone is needed on the other end to catch the football

CDS Announcements (Michael Schnuerle, OMF)

  • OMF will be at NACTO in person and hosting two sessions
    • Designing Digital Infrastructure to meet Policy Goals
    • The New Curb Management
    • Andrew Glass Hastings - moderating a panel of public agencies to discuss procurement and pilots
  • APDS * New document OMF will soon publish that explains how to understand relationship between CDS and APDS specs
    • Will likely be turned into a webpage or blog
  • OpenAPI

CDS Poll (Michael Schnuerle, OMF)

  • Michael led a rousing conversation on hard hitting questions related to challenges, barriers, and opportunities to using CDS
  • Interestingly, a majority of respondents to poll plan to implement both the Curbs and Metrics APIs within the next 6 months
    • Henry Espinosa – how can CDS improve equity – the policies published could improve equity
    • Elias Khoury – equity is problematic with the model, drivers who do not have access to internet will not be able to access services
    • AGH – the data we receive can expose inequities
    • Regina Clewlow – it seems like the access to technology issue is a challenge with a reservation system. More compliance is coming from mom and pops using meters to pay for loading, big companies don’t pay

2 Minute Project Updates (Working Group Members)

  • Alfred – Univrses
    • Stockholm Sweden
    • Created platform called 3d AI City
    • Regular vehicles equipped with smart phones to provide
      • All cars, all processing is done on edge (on phone), cars are equipped with phones
      • Can provide parking availability, can provide actual real-time data
      • Need common way to communicate data that they are providing and receiving
      • Just released a few weeks ago
  • Jacon Malleau - CurbIQ
    • SaaS solution, data collection module, visualize and manage, curb API – to deciminate
    • Used to use CurbLR, now using CDS
    • CDS for supply
    • Now pulling in demand data – working with many different companies, created conversion apis that convert to CDS, now telling companies that they “should” provide CI data in CDS format
  • Eliot Mueting - Populus
    • Build tools to manage 2-way communication, got started with MDS
    • Now leveraging CDS – curb manager tools, manage inventory supply over time and communicate that out – can instantly analyze how well load ones are being used
    • Helping cities ask companies for CDS events
  • Jacob Larson – Omaha
    • Curbs DB loaded – tied to ESRI layer
    • Full curbs API endpoint will be published in the next couple of weeks. Will tie into a couple pilots they have coming up
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